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Kimmy’s handbags

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Kimmy’s handbags Reports & Reviews (1)

- Woodway, TX, USA

Kimmy’s Handbags is a online handbag boutique that sells replica bags and wallets on Facebook and a Shopify site. Both sites are public on the internet. Pictures of replica items look legitimate, but buyers never get their product once payment is sent to the seller. She is only interested in stealing money from hard working people. She scams them by getting payment and never answering back and blocking people who ask about status items and returns. Items are posted on the site, and Tiffany sends DMs to those interested in buying. She request cashapp payments and states pre order items take 4-6 weeks to be order from the vendor then a shipping label will be made. Months after placing orders people request refunds and get the run around that refunds take 1-2 weeks to process. The main person managing the site Tiffany will ask for payment before shipping anything. There are so many reviews of how this scam affected women who never got their product or refund. She will end up blocking people who speak negatively on the Facebook reviews.

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