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- Los Angeles, CA, USA


Please help me find a way out of a scam.

Unable to return two bunnies back to the Bunny World Foundation. My foster agreement ended on March 30. 2023.

They don't have any physical location where I could take the bunnies to.

Date and place for their "Private" Adoption events are kept discreet, and only emailed to people they want to attend. Otherwise, I would have taken the bunnies there to return.

I'm not allowed to give them to anyone as they remain the property of BWF.

I'm not allowed to place them under the care of another Rescue.

I'm not allowed to take them to a shelter nor release them to the wild (which is unfavorable, anyways).

Yet, BWF wants me to be financially responsible for them, and pay any potential veterinary bill, let alone costly grooming, that needs to be done every 6-8 wks.

What's the difference between fostering and full adoption then?

I'm not well neither physically, nor mentally to take care of them this long. I'm on several prescription medications trying to manage my condition. I've been living on a very limited budget, with maxed out credit cards, and have 3 cats and a dog of my own.

According to the email from BWF at the beginning of this month, I was instructed to take these innocent bunnies to the East Valley Shelter. I notified both, BWF & the shelter, in advance, that on tuesday, 6/6/2023, I would be taking them there. When I called the shelter, and spoke with Mrs H., she sounded surprised that bunnies from BWF would be going to them. She took my phone number, and said that would give this info to her supervisor.

On Tuesday, 06.06.2023, as I, together w my neighbor R., got to the East Valley shelter, we was greeted by M., kennel supervisor. He took my driver's license and the expired agreement to make copies. Once back, he looked at me and stated "if you leave bunnies there, then BWF will sue you." He repeated the phrase three times, and, based on his non-verbal communication, I realized that I was not the first one, nor the last one trapped in the BWF's scam.

From the very beginning, I have made BWF aware of the difficulties and my physical limitations, yet each time, either over the phone, via email, as well as in person, my pleas were dismissed.

Conditions at my place are not that great for the bunnies. I keep them in my storage room, without natural light. I turn the lamp on to imitate sunlight. I'm in constant fear of "what if something happens" to these innocent sisters since I'm a novice. The only reason I took them in was to save Dotty, poor injured bunny that had found herself at SEAACA, along with other three cats, hours away from being euthanized. (I still don't know if hse made it)

BWF contacted me, and offered to take in two healthy bunnies instead, while Dotty needed to be hospitalized, and then recover at a "bunny-savvy foster". So I agreed as I had never before dealt with rabbits. That very agreement ended on March 30, 2023.

And lastly,

Recently, my neighbor W. expressed his willingness to take the bunnies from me. He’s got better conditions than mine, and would provide great care to them. Furthermore, I’ll be able to visit them, and check on them. However, when he contacted BWF, and spoke w L., during their phone conversation, on several occasions, she tried to convince him to “look at other bunnies” they have, and take “other, younger bunnies” instead.

Please help me find a way out of this scam.

Thank you.

"If you can no longer provide proper care for foster rabbit (s) for any reason whatsoever, you will do the following: obtain approval from BWF to transfer rabbit (w) to a relative or friend. If this occurs, the new foster must FILL OUT THE FOSTER APPLICATION, PASS THE HOME INSPECTION, join the BWF Warren, and SIGN a NEW BWF Foster Agreement. Under no circumstance can you give your foster rabbit (s) to ANYONE without the BWF consent. If we cannot find the eligible foster, you will bring your foster rabbit (s) to BWF weekly adoption events and work with BWF Volunteers to secure a permanent foster home for him/her. In the event of a material breach of this clause by the fostering party, it is understood and agreed upon by the parties that the liquidated damages for the $30.00 boarding fee/day per rabbit (until the rabbit is adopted) will be immediately due and payable to BWF. The return of the foster rabbit (s) is ONLY on Sundays at the BWF adoption event af PETCO Pasadena unless another drop-off location/time is approved by BWF in advance" - I am stuck with 7 bunnies from this organization. They are asking for $12,600+ for two months to take them back

"If medical problems occur, such as illnesses, injuries, or any other medical concerns develop with your foster rabbit(s), you MUST contact BWF immediately to discuss the problem, and when approved in advance, BWF will cover medical fees. In case of emergency, and if the foster bunny doesn't take the treat test, please do ALL THREE: e-mail BWF, post on the BWF Warren, call BWF and leave a VM. If you do NOT hear from anyone, please drop off bunnies at Northwood Animal Hospital between 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday - Friday or 8:00 AM - 4 PM on Saturday, and BWF will take it from there. If the emergency happens during the hours Northwood Animal Hospital is closed, or Dr. Gayle Roberts is not available, you are expected to utilize the BWF approved 1emergency vet (Irvine Valley Veterinary Hospital, VCA West Los Angeles, or Conejo Valley in Thousand Oaks),

cover the initial bill, and seek BWF's assistance to fundraising the reimbursement" For those volunteers who take sick bunnies and something happens. They are responsible for paying the bill and no secure reimbursement is made.

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