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(909) 904-6061

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(909) 904-6061 Reports & Reviews (1)

This started on Friday night around 8:40pm(not to mention he has 2 phone numbers), I was in the urge to fix my car since Saturday morning I had plans to celebrate a birthday party at New Port Beach and from there leave to my mothers since she became sick. So I started searching on google maps a mechanic place that might be open and I visited "Mailo's Auto and Towing" Company which I didn't know it was just the towing part he was open for 24 hours(I checked his reviews and it was just women who would comment which lead his review rate to a 5 star) since I was very satisfied, his website look very trust able that his company was a great company because of the reviews and the rate he had. I gave him a call, he picked up and I said " Hey I just have a question how much will it be to fix the axles because my car has been feeling weird, like the brake gets super stiff and my when I press on the gas the car stops moving, basically get stranded, I'm not sure what it can be but I did my little research and it said it might be the axles", he said "oh ok for that for each axle it'll come out to $89-$90 each" I said "oh ok" he said "in total it will come out to $460 for everything but if anything you can bring your car and I'll fix it by the end of tonight" (while I was in the phone, the background noise sounded like he was at home, with people talking, children yelling, T.V. in the background, etc., that kinda made me feel off but never thought of it too much" and obviously I said yes because I really needed to go to LA, I took my car to his mechanic shop, the shop was closed the fence was already down, I gave him call thinking he probably left so I letting him know "Hey, I'm here already", he said "Oh OK no worries I'll be there in 2 minutes", so I'm like great, he arrived I was with my mother in law and basically he tried the car out driving it in the little driveway they have there and then he comes up to me and tells me "yea you car is actually dragging and the pedal is super stiff, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna check your car out, to make sure it isn't the brakes, then my mother in law told him "ok can you please give her a call before you do anything to the car" he said "yea of course, I'll do just that then from there I'm gonna let you know what's the actual problem and how much it's gonna come out to depending what's causing this" so I said ok great I'll be waiting for your call and I left, I went with my mother in law to pick my girlfriend up from work then I kept having this bad feeling of leaving my car, I was thinking of asking him to please take a pictures of the things are wrong with it but I was hesitating to ask him, just so he won't feel offended, so half an hour pass and he calls me back, tells me that supposedly he checked the car he said, "OK so I checked your car, what I did is I took out the 4 wheels off and I seen that whoever did your car brakes messed them up and because of that the calipers might have been causing the problem" so I'm like "oh wow, oh OK " of how shocked I was I told my mother in law who was next to me what was the problem, at this point I had him on speaker, as he continued he said OK for this it sin't gonna be the $460 I mentioned to you, it's going to be $300" so I'm like "OK great, yea I can do that" I didn't ask what he was going to do because I trusted him he was going to fix my car, then I remembered that I got paid Friday but my full check doesn't come until Saturday morning so I gave him a call back and told him "hey since I got paid today, my full amount will be within tomorrow morning so if you don't trust me I can leave my car there overnight", he said "oh ok yea for sure no worries" I continue the conversation with "so what time does your shop open tomorrow he said I open at 8am but for you I can be there at 7am and I responded with "yea for sure that'll be great, cause I have to leave early, can you also take pictures of before and after so I can see what you're fixing?", so he said 'yes" we came to terms and didn't have any sort of communication at all after that. Saturday morning comes I wake up at 7:36am, I panicked and I started calling the mechanic "Mark" from 7:39am to 8:03am I stopped calling and I got worried so I grabbed my girlfriend's phone number and dialed the number and an elderly guy picked up so I mentioned "Yes I want to pick up my car, wanted to know if it was ready?" he said "what? what car, there's no white Honda Civic here?" so I'm like "yea I spoke to mark last night and he said that he was fixing my car so I'm calling to pick it up cause he said it was going to be ready this morning but he doesn't answer", he said "ohhhh yes, that' my son, let me give him a call, probably he'll answer me" sure enough he did within the 5 minutes, "he's like I'm sorry I woke up late, I've been very tired and I honestly overslept" and I said "no worries it's totally fine but I'm going to be on my way soon since I live 2 minutes away from it", he said "ok I'll be there", I arrive,right before I arrive my girlfriend notice beer cans everywhere which I didn't notice because I was focused on getting my car and we didn't took pictures of that, so I walk in his mechanic shop and I see his brother who didn't even greet me, he didn't say a word he just took out the car and said "it's going to be "$300" so I told him "do I give the money to you or to him?" he said if you'll like give him a call so "Mark" answered and I asked "ok what was it again that you fixed" he said "ok what I did was I took all the four wheels off, cause the brakes and calipers were all messed up, I got the calipers, I disarmed the calipers, put a new silicone bandage on it and put everything back together, so your car should be perfectly fine and should be able to feel smoothly, I drove it last night for 10 minutes straight around the neighborhood and it felt perfect" so I'm like "ok great, sounds good but who do I send the money to, to you or your brother", with no hesitation he said "No! send the money to me, with this phone number", "so I'm like "yea for sure no worries, i'll do just that and send you the money, Thank you very much for your help Mark, I appreciate you., oh and also did you ever took pictures of the before and after" he said "oh yeah I'm going to send it to you right now" So when marked hanged up the brother asked me "What did he do to the car?" I'm like he said that all my brakes were out of place and that he also fixed the calipers", he's like " I'm just asking cause I wasn't there", so I honestly ignored what he said cause I didn't know how to respond to that comment and because it was unnecessary thing to say. So I left and sure enough not even 15 minutes my car stopped working, almost causing an accident on the road, I got home safe, and my car stopped working on the driveway of my house, so I got disappointed because I thought he fixed the car, I let my car cool down, waited there for about 20 minutes (because previously to all this my car broke down on cherry and foothill and like 2 hours later when the car was cold it started to drive) it wasn't going the car was not even moving an inch, not even on neutral, so we waited about an hour then within that hour I went to his mechanic shop, he wasn't there, then I called him "hey my car stopped working and it isn't moving at all" he said "you know what I'm going to take it back to the shop and tow your car to my mechanic shop, I'm not gonna charge your for the towing, I'll be there in a few minutes", so I waited for this guy while I was waiting for him, I tried to turn on my car and move it and it worked, I moved it to my parking spot then since my girlfriend and I waited for a long time, we decided to go inside and when he came through the second we stepped foot into our house he was outside. So I came out and he straight out explained what might be the problem, he said "So I'm pretty sure what's going to be the problem it's going to be the calipers, I tried to save them last night by just replacing the rubber band but I can see that it's really messed up, so what I'm going to do is order the parts and you're just gonna pay for the parts which is $89-$90 dollars each, you're not going to pay for labor but you're going to have to pay for the parts." so I was already questioning this guy, he straight up admitted he charged me $300 just to trick and never mentioned that in the call this morning, so I payed him $300 so he could not order new parts, knowing they were "messed up", so he just took of the pieces and put them back together hopefully that'll fix it? so my mother in law asked him "so what was that about last night then" he said "well I had to take out all four wells and fix the brakes and calipers cause they were messed up" I tried to be delusional and not think bad about this guy so I told him "ok, I don't have enough money, can we sort out any type of payments" he said "yes, we can do financing, which won't charge you interest and they give you 30 months, so if you want when we go to my mechanic shop we can start of with the application, so I agreed to it but then he said "you know what let's just wait until, I'm done with fixing your car", I agreed again, so he took my car around 11am or 12pm around there, he said my car was going to be ready within 1 or 2 hours so we waited, he never called so when I called him at 3:40pm he said that the car wasn't ready yet, he said that the reason they were taking long is because the parts they ordered took 3-4 hours to arrive and then that his mechanic went to eat he wasn't going to be back until half an hour etc. So he calls me at 5:30pm and says "oh you know what I accidentally called you but now that you're here your car will be done in 20 minutes", at this point I was over it and I was catching on to his lies, I went shopping for market, then he calls me at 6:35pm telling me my car is done and I told him that I'm shopping for food that I'll be there in a bit, % minutes later he texts me that he's going to leave at 7pm if I can make it before that, I didn't respond I just gone done with my market arrived, as I went up to him, he didn't offer me the financing payments, he was basically kicking my girlfriend, mother in law out, he said you know what it was actually not the calipers I had to find out that it was the brake master cylinder, so I questioned myself "why didn't he call me to tell me that was going to be the problem?" then my mother in law again asked "so why did you charged her those $300 if you didn't basically changed anything?" he's like but yea I had to fix the calipers, then we were like ok but you seen that wasn't the problem so are they messed up now cause you were the last one to touched them, you basically told her you were going to fix the car and order the parts, he said "No! that's not what I said, I said that for the axles", what difference does it make if the whole point that I took the car to the guy to fix it my car and replace with whatever was wrong, now he brought the excuse that he charged me for the overnight fee, for the taxes, for checking my car and because it was already late, my heart dropped in that moment because he clearly never mentioned that Friday night all he said was he was going to fix it and have it ready for tonight, then he got fed up and raised his voice and said "if you guys feel some type of way, what I can do is take off the part of the car and you guys can leave like that!" we all looked at each other like, let's just pay and leave, he then told me it was going to be $160 for the part and labor, he was gonna charge me $260 but he'll do it for $160, when he mentioned he will not pay me for the labor at all and I did my research the part her ordered cost less that $100. We then took for a drive and my mother in law was the one driving and she felt the brakes hitting the floor and the gas pedal a bit stiff, so I asked the mechanic who was in the backseat, so you changing the master cylinder is the car going to feel different he said "uhhhhh yes" so we just got back to the mechanic shop, so i told him give me a receipt he did, he made me sign and I told him where's your signature cause I saw him sign the copy only and not the original, all he said oh yea imma sign it, then I said ok where's the one year warranty you said the part had he's like oh Imma put that their too, so I noticed the signatures weren't even the same, what he charged me wasn't the right information, he purposely wrote in scribble, I asked him does this receipt include the $300 and the $160 he said yes but I don't see $300 nowhere, I drove back home, then I felt the brake hit the floor, I couldn't brake, I texted him and said just so you know the brakes is hitting the floor, he's like maybe I didn't even bleed it enough, so I was charged highly for his mistakes, he didn't know what he was doing because at first he said it was the calipers, no it's going to be the disk, not it's the brakes, no it's the master cylinder, this is a straight out fraud, I payed him for nothing at the end I had to pay him because he got aggressive and because I trusted him, now I can't go to work, school or help out my mother, the school told me they might drop me out because I can't miss any modules since they're very important, I don't even have money to pay for my school, for my phone bill, rent, not even to send my mother something, he also PUT MY LIFE IN DANGER NOT ONLY TWICE but 4 times, he drained my pockets, I have enough evidence to get this mechanic in trouble from screenshots of the fake pictures he sent, they were google pictures, the pictures didn't even look like my car, nor had to do with anything he was "fixing" he lied to me and fraud me about charging because of fees he never mentioned in the first place and he charged me for his mistakes. He played with my life so I can keep paying him, I haven't touched my car ever since Sunday, it's not safe to drive, I had to find out my car wasn't even bled out, the master cylinder was empty, the BRAKES are out of PLACE! Are you kidding me, I cannot make this up, I have voice recordings, screenshots, pictures of everything. I want justice, I want my money back, he put my life to danger and the fact I cannot advance cause I have nobody to give me rides nor have money to give them for gas...I do not know how to insert the pics and proof through here because I'm using my school chrome computer. Please help me get justice this isn't fair to me, have mercy for me, my mother has gotten more sick, I don't know what to do, I need my money back to go see her and pay for my things. Please I beg of you! Please help me! I'm saving all the proof and I'm going to get more proof that I'm not making this up. Please Contact me back as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.......

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