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Akermon Rossenfelds

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Akermon Rossenfelds Reports & Reviews (28)

• Jul 11, 2024

Called 3 weeks ago, said we owed for a PayDay loan taken out in 2013. When I asked them to send proof of the debit, they said they would when I either agreed to pay 600.00 now or if I did not agree 2000.00 later. I said I won't agree to anything without proof of this debit (we've never used a pay day loan). What freaked me out was they had my husband's SSN, DOB, and bank we had used for a car loan. I kept asking for for them to send proof and she eventually hung up and said they would put on our credit report. Because they had this information about my husband I called back and spoke to someone else. When I said isn't this past the statue of limitations she said it was from 2018 and it was a personal loan. She eventually hung up on me too. A week later when they called I said I'm still waiting for proof of debit, she said they didn't have it because they didn't have enough space in their building. She gave me the name if the payday loan (because this time it is a payday loan from 2013, but they reinstated it in 2018), I can't find that this company exists. She eventually said it's 5:01 we are closing, I will email you your validation letter, but didn't ask for our email address. They called again today and this time I answered, it was recording asking me to call them back. I did call them back to ask them to "Please cease and desist all calls and contact with me, immediately." unless they are willing to send proof of debit, but they hung up before I could spit it all out.

• May 07, 2024

Started back in Feb 2024 Claimed to be a hospital bill, paid 540$ "settlement" come to find out was a scam called them back they said they would be issuing a refund changed their story that it was a personal loan from many years ago "also false" again said they would be refunding the money waited a week never received it now can't even call cause they chaged their answering system, contacted my bank they filed a charge back still haven't received anything, of course because it's a scam and they won't give me my money back
Scam/ fake debt collector

• May 03, 2024

You know how debt calls be, right? Annoying as hell. But these dudes? Surprisingly, not that bad. They asked me to drop a review, and I was like, “nah. “ Then they throw in some discount talk, and I'm like, “sure, why not? “

What's cool 'bout 'em is how they handle stuff. Even when they're blowin' up my phone during work hours, they stay chill. I'm all mad, and they're all polite. Go figure.

So, if you're knee-deep in debt and need someone who ain't a total pain in the butt, give these guys a shot.

• May 02, 2024

As a reputable and US-based collection agency, we are deeply committed to upholding ethical standards and ensuring transparency in all our operations. Our primary objective is to facilitate the resolution of outstanding debts while safeguarding the rights of both creditors and debtors. This commitment extends to strict compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which governs our industry's practices.

It's crucial to emphasize that this communication is an attempt to collect a debt. We understand that individuals may have concerns or questions regarding their accounts, and we are here to provide clarity and assistance. While we encourage open communication, it's important to note that disputing a debt or alleging fraud/scam does not exempt individuals from their financial obligations. However, we are committed to addressing concerns and providing necessary clarifications in a fair and respectful manner.

All our calls are monitored and recorded for quality assurance purposes. This ensures that our team adheres to the highest standards of professionalism and compliance with regulatory guidelines. Additionally, it's essential to highlight that individuals have the right to request validation of debt for their accounts. This process allows individuals to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of the debt being pursued.

We encourage individuals to reach out with any inquiries or concerns regarding their accounts. Our dedicated team handles all interactions with professionalism and respect, ensuring that each communication is conducted in a fair and courteous manner.

Moreover, it's important to note that the phone number associated with this communication belongs to us, the collection agency. We are available to provide assistance and guidance throughout the debt resolution process, and we remain committed to supporting individuals in resolving their outstanding debts in a fair and transparent manner.

In conclusion, we appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We are steadfast in our commitment to providing clarity, assistance, and support to all individuals involved in the debt collection process. Thank you for entrusting us with your concerns, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you require further assistance.

• Apr 30, 2024

Dealing with debt calls can be a real hassle, but I have to admit, these guys surprised me. They reached out and asked for a review, and I was hesitant at first. However, they sweetened the deal with a promise of a discount, so I thought, why not? I must say, they were surprisingly polite on the phone, even when I was a bit annoyed at being interrupted during work. Overall, not a bad experience at all

• Mar 26, 2024

Debt calls are the world, but honestly, these guys ain't half bad. They asked me to leave a review, and I wasn't going to at first, but after they promised a discount, I figured why not. Polite over the phone, even when I was a little p[censored] off at them for being called during work.

• Feb 22, 2024

They are BOGUS, their address in UTAH is a parking lot. All these reviews above are ridiculous, they probably used ChatGpT to write and post them. Not one person negotiated a smaller amount and yet reported it as a SCAM..Unbelievable, I reported them to the FTC.

• Feb 12, 2024

I reached out to Akermon Rossenfeld Collection Agency to address an overdue bill from several years ago. While their agents maintained a layer of politeness and professionalism, it quickly became evident that their willingness to assist was surpassed by their inflexibility regarding settlement offers. Even when I offered a huge sum of $600 towards the $1500 debt, they remained adamant in their stand, leaving me with no option but to unwillingly settle for the entire amount.

• Feb 09, 2024

Dealing with Akermon Rossenfeld Collection Agency was a frustrating and disheartening experience. Despite my attempts to communicate my financial difficulties and negotiate a settlement, they remained firm in their demand for full payment. Don't expect any flexibility or understanding when it comes to resolving your debt—they seem more focused on collecting the full amount than finding a mutually beneficial solution. If you're looking for a collection agency that prioritizes customer satisfaction and offers flexibility in debt resolution, look elsewhere.

• Feb 08, 2024

If you're hoping to negotiate a settlement with Akermon Rossenfeld Collection Agency, prepare to be disappointed. Despite their claims of professionalism, their rigid stance on payment options leaves little room for negotiation. Don't expect any flexibility or understanding when it comes to resolving your debt—they seem more focused on collecting the full amount than finding a mutually beneficial solution.

• Feb 08, 2024

I had to settle my payment and due to tight schedules during weekdays I was unable to contact Akermon Rossenfeld Collection Agency. Their unavailability over the weekends has raised significant concerns about their commitment to client support. Apart from that they had no room for negotiation which is truly unprofessionalism. As a result I had to pay full amount which was very disappointing for me.

• Feb 07, 2024

Akermon Rossenfeld Collection Agency's agents displayed commendable professionalism in their communication. However, this positive aspect couldn't overshadow the disappointment I felt when attempting to negotiate a settlement. Despite proposing a settlement for my $800 debt, they were unwilling to budge. If you value professionalism but hope for negotiation flexibility, be prepared for potential disappointment.

• Feb 02, 2024

I recently dealt with Akermon Rossenfeld Collection Agency to settle an overdue bill. While their agents were polite and maintained professionalism throughout our interactions, I was disappointed by their rigid negotiation attitude. Despite my best efforts, they were unwilling to accept my reasonable settlement offer of $800 for a $2100 debt. It felt like there was no room for compromise, and in the end, I had no choice but to settle for the full amount.

• Jan 27, 2024

I received a call from Alermon Rossenfield in regards to a DEBT from 2016 with Personal Cash USA. I talked to a Michelle TP231127 who stated that I took out a loan for 600 on Dec 3, 2016 and made a payment of 150 on feb 3, 2017. I stated that I don't recall ever using any loan company for that amount. She had my SS#, date of birth, email. Old employer, contacts, drivers license number and ect. I DID NOT give her any information. She knew it all. She stated that if I pay the 450 that I owed than they would not pursue a lien on my account. She stated that it would go on my credit and I would have 60 to dispute it. I have good credit so I did pay the money. I recieved 4 emails confirming that I paid and the information about original creditor. However, I began looking the information up for fraud because I could not shake the feeling that I may have been scammed. After I read that other had a similar experience, I have decided to call my bank and explain the situation to them and have this disputed. I hope this helps because the lady I talked to was so convincing but my gut later made me rethink my hasty decision.

• Apr 02, 2024

I got this exact call today. Only differences being February as the month instead of December and $500 loan amount vs the $600 you were told. I talked with Drew Curry. However as he asked me which option I wanted to take to pay them back I had the following dialogue:

Me: Before I choose what was the name of your company again?

Him: Akermon Rossenfield

Me: Spell that for me

He spelled it.

Me: And your name is? First and last please

Him: Drew Curry

Me: And who is it again saying I owe them?

He began telling me and then it got weird

Him: I can tell you but it’s 5:00pm and I am on EST. What zone are you in? Oh Colorado (which I’m not)
I can give you my number if you want to give me a call back tomorrow

Me: why is it on me to call you back if you are collecting the debt? I called to get info on that debt. If you didn’t have time to talk, why did you just call me and answer as I called right back?

Him: It’s your credit have a nice day

Then he hung up…

He had all my info and threatened my credit as well.

• Jan 30, 2024

UPDATE: I called the lady back I talked to and asked for an address of her company and all pertinent. I began to research. She gave me an address in Alanta Georgia. I googled the name and a address with the company did pop up but the address was number was different but the street was correct. I then called the company and explained what happened to them. I gaave the name of the michelle and her number. I gave them details of the emails and ect. Aftet everything was xomplete, they informed me that none of the information was correct and the names I gave her were not associated with thier company. She told me that I was scammed and should call bank. I called my bank right away and canceled debit called and initiated a dispute. My banker also informed me that it sounded most definitely like a scam. She stated that the scammers are getting better at thier game. Be careful!

• Dec 07, 2023

This company is shady. They are calling me illegally on a debt discharged in bankruptcy over 10 years ago.

Even if it wasn’t discharged at this point it’s past the statute of limitations to take any action- so they are lying about being able to take legal action.

This place is a complete scam trying to scare people for old debts that can’t hurt them anymore. Shame on them.

• Dec 06, 2023

I was called from Akermon Rossenfeld saying I owed money for a loan I took out in 2016 from Cashnet USA. They said it was a $600 loan, I owed over $2000 and there had been a payment made. The payment had been $150 and so I could pay the amount due of $450 plus fees - or dispute and go to court. They had the last 2 of my social, my DL number, my address and obviously my phone number.

I then said I wanted to call my banker and she informed me I had to make the payment of $450 right then or legal action would be taken.

I panicked and I paid the amount with my VISA Debit Caed.

The person who called was very pleasant and calm. Identified herself as Machell with an ID #TP2311127

I did receive a document to esign. But no proof of the original debt. I then also received a PIF document.


• Nov 10, 2023

I was called from Akermon Rossenfeld saying I owed money for a loan I took out in 2017 from Cashnet USA. They said it was a $700 loan, I owed over $2000 and there had been a payment made. They had the last 2 of my social, my DL number, my address and obviously my phone number.
I asked them if a payment had been made, what was the name of the bank? She gave me the name of a bank I banked at 20+ years ago. Then said “oh yeah that was a previous bank”
I then said I wanted to call my banker and she informed me I had to make the payment of $450 right then or legal action would be taken. Then I asked why it wasn’t on my credit report and she said it wouldn’t be unless I didn’t pay them. I argued and said “no, it would show as money owed”. She said no it wouldn’t. I told them I wanted to see the documents via email to see my signature and she said she wouldn’t send them unless I made a payment and it was an online signature so it wouldn’t match. I told her I wouldn’t give her my bank information and I wouldn’t make a payment and she hung up.

• Dec 06, 2023

SO WAS I - the woman said her name was Machell and her ID number was TP2311127. She said I owed $450 from 2016? She said she would send proof of the debt to my email. I panicked and paid it via my Debit Card. Now I do not know what to do?

• Aug 15, 2023

I received a call from Drew Sova saying he is contacting me on a debit i own from 2015, (1) i never took out a loan and (2) why was i never contacted before this about payment and 8 years later I'm being contacted. About a debit I have no knowledge of, also. i contacted the creditor JP Morgan chase and they have no knowledge of this loan. i dont know if this company is legit or not.

• Oct 27, 2023

I hope this message finds you well. I represent Akermon Rossenfelds, a reputable debt collection agency. I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us regarding the recent call you received from Drew Sova. I understand your concerns, and I'd like to provide some clarity on the matter.

Firstly, I apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Our intention is to handle debt collection in a responsible and transparent manner, and we take your feedback seriously.

Regarding the debt you mentioned, we will investigate this matter further to ensure its accuracy. It is important to us that any potential errors or discrepancies are addressed promptly. Please be assured that we will conduct a thorough review of the information provided to us and take the necessary steps to validate the debt.

In the meantime, we recommend verifying the authenticity of the call you received. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of our company, we encourage you to contact us directly at [Contact Information] to discuss the matter further. We will be happy to provide you with any documentation or information you may require.

Additionally, it's a good practice to reach out to the creditor, JP Morgan Chase, as you mentioned, to obtain further clarity on the debt in question. It's possible that there may have been misunderstandings or inaccuracies that need to be addressed.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion you may have experienced. We are committed to resolving this matter promptly and ensuring that you receive accurate information about the debt in question.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience so we can assist you further.

Got a call from a lady named Tracey Jordan at AkermonRossenfelds. She told me there was a loan taken out from CashNet USA in 2018. I needed to pay $439.99 to settle the loan and to keep it from going on my credit report. I never took out a loan myself but thought maybe someone did this using my name (another scam). I went on their website while talking to her and initially it all seemed legit. I tried to call back, and of course, no one answered. Then I felt something was really wrong! I immediately called my bank and cancelled my debit card because they could use that information and hit me again! I don’t know if this firm is legit or not. I’m very skeptical!

• Jun 26, 2024

Do NOT trust these positive reviews nor the "polite" response from this "company!" Apparently they've been scamming people for 21 years. Be smart, stay aware! It does not matter how many positive reviews there are, I hate to say, but those people were taken advantage of.

• Nov 10, 2023

I had the same call and said I owed from the same company. It was a scam.

I would like very much to amend my first report about I was completely wrong! My comment was really based on my PAST experiences of getting scammed (for real). I let this situation come over me after I got off the phone with Mrs. Jordan. She WAS very pleasant with me and did explain why they were calling. We did have a nice conversation! She was patient with me for all the questions I was asking, because I was leery. I would like to apologize to Mrs. Jordan and to AkermonRossenfelds for not knowing that they are very reputable company. I was the ignorant one. Again, my apologies.

Person stated named "Todd Robinson" that I have a debt from a pay day loan in 2018. Never applied and never received loan amount.

• Oct 27, 2023

Thank you for reaching out and bringing this matter to our attention. We take all claims of potential discrepancies seriously and understand the importance of addressing them promptly and transparently.

We have thoroughly reviewed our records and found no evidence of any outstanding debts associated with your name in our system. I want to assure you that we are committed to operating within the confines of the law and upholding the highest standards of ethical business practices.

If there has been any confusion or miscommunication regarding the alleged debt from a payday loan in 2018, I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. It is possible that there has been a mistake or an error in the information provided.

Should you have any further questions or require additional clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We are here to assist you and provide any necessary information to help resolve this matter swiftly and amicably.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We value your feedback and appreciate the opportunity to address any concerns you may have.

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