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Alter Boys Moving and Storage

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Alter Boys Moving and Storage Reports & Reviews (2)

Look for another company.
The estimate they gave was way off, it ultimately charge double the estimate (around 6k from a in state move and a one bedroom apartment) .
The charge by the cubic feet.
They didn't arrive the date they said ( I lost plane tickets and hotel reservation money I could not get back )
They broke a TV and tried to hide the fact. They did not pay back.

- Mission Hills, CA, USA

Altar Boys Moving Company is a huge CON job. I contacted this company to provide moving services from Los Angeles to Dallas. I was given a quote of $2300 total for the move. I was asked to pay $600 as a deposit, which I did. The movers arrived to my home and informed me the move would cost an additional $1000. I said I have an estimate which details all items I’ll need moved. The person told me take it or leave it. I of course escorted him out of my home. I then contacted the representative at altar boys moving (Raymond), who didn’t pick up my calls or emails until 6 hours after the movers had left. He stated I could not receive a refund on the $600. I said there was no service rendered and you think you’re going to keep my $600? I called my bank reported the scam and thankfully received my money back. I would like to let everyone know. Altar Boys moving is a HUGE scam involving many different moving companies, and brokers. Everyone gets a cut if the scam is pulled off. I’m just glad I got away from it before they had a chance to get more from me.

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