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Amanda Leigh and Timothy Beal

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Amanda Leigh and Timothy Beal? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Amanda Leigh and Timothy Beal Reports & Reviews (82)

Report complaints to Corporal Fulst at the Belmont Sheriff's Office #740-695-7933. Also, Report the complaints to: [email protected] (to report all complaints)


I paid for a reading end of 2020 and she never delivered. She’s a scammer. She muted me on her page for no reason so I couldn’t comment and then never delivered the reading.
Scammer beware


Same here, I paid around December 2020. She is an accomplished liar. Very convincing. I did get a bit suspicious when the excuses started getting very elaborate but I always try to see the best in people. I actually said this to her. ' I want to thank you for teaching me a very important lesson, never trust a stranger on the internet no matter how genuine they may seem.' That is what I have taken from this particularly cruel scam.

I’ve posted my complaint back in April but I’m just curious if anyone has made any headway with this scam and getting your money back? If you’d rather not post on here you can email me at [email protected]
Thank you and God bless all of us and our grieving hearts and souls. ❤️??


I’ve received readings from Amanda and I too were disappointed when I saw that she was closing the group. I go back and forth wondering if she was hacked and that the hacker was the one threatening to close the group and the hacker was the one who deactivated her account. Then again she took soooooo long (over a year) to get back to many people with their readings and would present many excuses which seemed like a pattern. So I’m really not sure how to feel. My mouth dropped when I saw that her page was deactivated. I don’t think she single handily blocked everyone. While I’m upset that I didn’t get my last reading, I’m thankful for the ones I did get. I still believe she was a genuine person and not a scammer the whole time. Part of me wants to believe she was hacked. Part of me wants to believe she was tired. Part of me wants to believe she had to make a tough decision between work and her family. I pray we all get answers soon. No other way to say it than to say we’ve all been wronged. I have screenshots of my successful readings and of the messages regarding the reading I never received. No need to post them when most of us share similar stories. It’s unfortunate this has happened because she really does have a gift that most of us was able to witness. Then this happened…. Smh

You should look her court records!
Listed under Amanda Beal

Friend of mine recommended Amanda saying she got her reading right away and was very impressed, so I thought I would give her a try. Paid $250 for a reading back in December (which I thought was very over priced, I've had other readings before and never paid that much) and still have yet to receive my reading was told 3 times I would get it the next day she just had to finish typing it up and was also offered a few free card readings and never got those either. When I would politely ask about it she was rude and would have some excuse as to why I hadn't received it yet. Why my friend mine got her reading from her so quickly we just don't understand. It just makes me sick that I fell for her scam. I hope we all get our money back but unfortunately that's probably not going to happen from the looks of things. This is just sad. Wondering if this was the website she told me about that she was trying to get up and running after I was removed from her fb page.??


Ive reported her


Who on here has actually turned her into the police?

(740) 635-9999
Bridgeport Police Department
Wire Fraud


They're absolutely still taking reports!

I have. What good it will do remains to be seen

I have

Hi, is the police department still taking complaints? I have filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission a few weeks ago!
Thank you

Hi , are they still taking complaints? I filed a report with the Federal Trade Commission!

She's just a common thief. I feel so gullible but then I suppose it's one of life lessons that scammers wouldn't get any victims of they didn't put on a clever act to fool people.
Just an interesting side note, her admin/ friend Jaime Byrant is Amanda herself. This proves Amanda has some sort of mental illness going on. I suppose I should feel a bit sorry for her but she has caused an immense amount of hurt for myself and others


Jazzy b or Jamie. I find it strange you always take her side in your response on Facebook. I only got a response after about 4 messages you answered defending her as usual then blocked me! And that's not suspicious!?

Jamie Byrant will defend her with such ferocity it makes me think it's Amanda herself. She ignored my messages until I got annoyed with her. AND she takes money on Amanda's behalf which is really suspicious.

How did you figure that out about “Jamie Bryant?”

Amanda and I aren't even close to remotely being the same person. I would have never done what she has! I too have given her money, I've sent gift's for her children as well as her office space, I've donated money because she claimed to have been in such a bad way. In return for all I had done she promised readings which were never given! She knew that I too had been in a domestic violence situation, only I had gotten out without the help of preying on other's. She knew I longer for answers as to why my Father took his life, what my only brother's last moments were like, did he know how much I loved him? Amanda met me at a dark place in my life and made many promises just like she had done to many. I have screenshot of me calling her out when she was threatening to close the group over 400 dollars! I'm in the same boat as everyone else. Call me what you want, that's fine but don't compare me to someone as evil as she is! I would never have the heart. I've spoken to many members, I've provided as much info as I possibly can. Amanda blocked me too after taking quite a bit of money from me. I feel extremely bad that I ever believed in her and that other's did as well.

I paid Amanda back in March 2021 never got my reading, I even donated to her a couple because I felt sorry for what she was going through. What a fool I was. I have 1 word for Amanda KARMA!


Well guess the thing that makes me the most upset is the lies. Are they really divorced? Now I wonder. Yes I sent money for her Christmas list off Amazon and more. I'm sure I was owed readings. I did receive the " Golden Ticket". But never cashed in on any of it. Was though still waiting for a reading from a picture I sent in. So long ago I can't really remember. Was I really one of your favorite people from the members? Or did I just happen to send money at your becken call? I feel sad for you if this is the case. Can you really make up to all these people, or do even care.


Of all people, Amanda knows the power of Karma and bad intentions. I am sad to see so many taken advantage of by Amanda. I was so encouraging of her and her situation. I helped her when she was sick with a healing modality I use, and usually charge for, but did it free for her. I am owed 2 readings. I also gave money on occasion when she needed it, a little here and she could take her son to lunch, or bought raffle tickets. This is just sick and wrong to do people like this when they have done so much to help you. You blocked people without warning, took our money without providing a service, took advantage of friendships, and flat out lied...not sure you really have a website, not even sure if your sonb stories were true or if they were lies. I will also say that Amanda could get really defensive and snarky when you inquire about how close she is to your reading. I paid for two readings on Novemeber 14th of 2021! It has been more than a year and a half! Wish we could do more than complain on this site. I pray the Universe takes care of it for us since we cannot.


Amanda Leigh Beal
in Bridgeport, OH (Ohio)
Age 41

Current Address
55970 W 2nd St
Bridgeport OH 43912
Belmont County
Since April 2005

Phone Numbers
for Amanda Beal in Bridgeport, OH
(740) 633-5964 (Primary Phone)

Email Addresses
for Amanda Beal in Bridgeport, OH
[email protected] (Primary)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

of Amanda Beal in Bridgeport, OH
Timothy Beal

Is Amanda Beal Currently Married?
Free public records suggest that Amanda Beal is likely married to Timothy L Beal


If Amanda is really going through all these terrible things that she claimed, we were all very compassionate and understanding. All she had to do is refund us or keep the lines of communication open.

Now, She has cut us off, leaving us to assume (in a world full of scammers) that she was one of them. Scammers always claim personal traumas as a reason to steal money from others. That’s their MO. Compassionate people fall for this.

Timothy L Beal Bridgeport (3-10-1977) age 44, 55970 West 2nd Strt, Bridgeport, OH 43912-1202
(740) 296-9197   Cellphone by
(740) 633-5964   Landline phone

Persons Associated
Amanda Leigh Beal Age 41
(740) 633-5964

(740) 635-9999
Bridgeport Police Department
Wire Fraud


Her phone numbers have been disconnected
The telephone number for Police department is correct. They're currently taking reports for fraud

Agreed. I did not feel like a total fool who was taken advantage of by another scammer, until she removed me from the group. Then she said she had to move one person at a time to the new Webpage, but I was still on the list. Then suddenly I was blocked from her and blocked from sending any messages. I paid for a reading a year ago June. I requested a refund thru cash app but of course the scammer refused. I wish I could report her somehow. BTW. Her cash app response to me was from a Joan Kay.

I agree, She could come on here and explain herself instead of using silly fake personas.

I'm so sad to see that so many of us were taken advantage of during the saddest time in our lives. Thankful for a sweet soul reached out to me yesterday to discuss what we can do to prevent her from hurting others. If you can reach out to others and let them know about this site and other scam sites, it will be a good start on being able to stop her internationally. I've seen reports for years of scammer mediums and psychics, but had no idea I would fall victim to one.
I feel terrible that I fell for her stories of being always being a victim, always a crisis, one right after another. Stories of an abusive husband, divorce, custody battles, using her child to get us to open our wallets. So many of us purchased items for her son, for her, for her daughter in college, help with summer camp tuition, attorney fees the endless requests. she would create lists on Amazon for office supplies, gifts for the family, she posted cut off notices for utilities. Looking back, we were all so vulnerable.
My only wish is to stop her from taking advantage of others.


How can I reach out to you

Me too been have been scammed, and I also feel terrible that I invited family members to the group Messages From Heaven, some never even got their readings, lie after lie .Well I do believe in karma so sorry for Amanda she will end up with nothing and Noone to help her.Hopefully she can start doing her readings that she owes . LIAR AND THIEF. Scammed alot of us.


I feel bad too, for inviting family and friends.

Does anyone have her address so I can pursue a claim through the courts please
My email is [email protected] I have lost a lot of money through this scam .if people would like to contact me regarding this they are most welcome


I gave this woman $240.00 for two readings through a Facebook page called “Messages from Heaven” I was supposed to receive them within 4 weeks and after I sent her a message today sending her warm thoughts and prayers she blocked me! I didn’t even mention my reads. I went to venmo and and tried to request my money back and received an error message. It was excuse after excuse with this woman. I am fuming! I am ready to contact my lawyers just on the principle of the matter and I won’t stop until my money is refunded to me! I am also a single mom just like her and my daughters father I deceased and this was for her! I am completely and utterly disgusted with this woman!


*my daughter’s father is deceased

I think Amanda is showing signs of a personality disorder such as Narcissism, She is able to fool people into feeling sorry for her and is able to come across as very humble and genuine. However when the mask slips you see the real Narcissist. Entitled and self obsessed. These people never ever think they are in the wrong and don't give a damn about the hurt they cause. Narcissists are also obsessed with money and pathological liars. The fact she called someone on here a liar is irony indeed


I agree with you! I don't know how many times she would get on her page ridicule those that were asking about their delayed reading on messenger because she closed out comments. And I quote, "If you keep sending me messages on messenger asking about your reading you will get a Sh** reading!" talk about a red flag. Who does that?! Now she has closed down her personal facebook page and messenger.
So sorry you were taken by her.

Amanda Leigh with the facebook page Messages from Heaven scammed myself and relatives out of hundreds of dollars, we believed for her to have this beautiful gift of speaking with our passed loved ones.
She took advantage of our heartbreak with promised readings that never arrived.
We sent Christmas gifts for her children at her request sent through Amazon. She played on our emotions with stories of abuse, divorce, covid, claims that she had no food, electricity turned off, water turned off anything to get people to send her money and no services ever provided. She has now shut down her facebook page and left thousands of folks very upset.
Stay far away!
While reading these reviews you can see that she is desperately trying to cover herself she is Kendall, Pollyrae and Lisaducks...pure Amanda style...when asking for money she is super sweet and when you ask her for your services she gets defensive and ugly and even the audacity to call someone a liar. Shame on you, Amanda


Timothy L Beal Bridgeport (3-10-1977) age 44, 55970 West 2nd Strt, Bridgeport, OH 43912-1202
(740) 296-9197   Cellphone by
(740) 633-5964   Landline phone

Persons Associated
Amanda Leigh Beal Age 41
(740) 633-5964

(740) 635-9999
Bridgeport Police Department

I came across Amanda like many others in the midst of my grieving loved one. I was promised a reading with one week, which turned into several months.I was naive enough to purchase another one which has been well over a year waiting. She has come up with elaborate stories, her niece committed suicide, her husband was abusing her, a divorce, custody battle, losing custody, gaining custody, needing new locks for her house, losing her house...blah blah she turned off the comments so members of her group could not communicate. At one point she claimed she had over 3,000 on her waiting list. She is a very troubled and heartless psychopath, as she comes across very sweet and then very mean. She has now taken down her facebook page Messages from heaven and left thousands of people very upset. She also got people to buy office supplies, gifts for her children from amazon. Her full name is Amanda Leigh Beal, married to Timothy Beal. They live in Grovesport, Ohio. Please stay away from them.


So sorry that you were taken by her, too! I feel terrible for all of us that believed in her . My detective found she and her husband in Bridgeport, OH . He suspects that she has taken thousands of dollars from grieving women.

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