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Amerifed Doc Prep

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Amerifed Doc Prep Reports & Reviews (42)

- Halethorpe, MD, USA

received a letter in the mail about "Student Loan Consolidation & Payment Reduction Program". They claim that their "records indicate that your federal student loans may be eligible for a consolidation with the US Department of Education". They knew how much student debt I carried and provided a website which I now notice redirects you to With the .gov address, it appeared legit. I contacted their Student Loan Assistance Department at 866-210-1598 and was directed to James Vista. He told me I was eligible for a student loan forgiveness program on my federal loans. He told me I would have a payment of $39/month for 10 years and then the rest of my student loan would be cancelled. Otherwise, my student loans would be $300+/month. He then emailed me documents to sign and send back, along my SSN#, bank account, routing # and last 2 paystubs. Furthermore, he then stated that they would begin the process of placing an administrative hold on my student loans which I need to begin repaying in January and told me not to make any payments yet. He said the process of getting everything switched over would take 2-4 months. He went on to say that I would need to pay them some interest in the amount of $1116, but then said because I worked for a non-profit, I would qualify to only pay 2 payments of $399.50 two weeks apart and that would allow their company to close out my current loans through my current loan servicer and then consolidate them through the US Dept of Ed. This all happened on 11/11/2020. Today, 11/13/2020, I received a phone call checking in to see if I had sent back the documents, but it was a woman this time and not James, who I originally spoke with. She referenced my conversation with James two days prior but this time said she was with Amerifed, not the US Department of Education, like James had claimed. I told her I was sending 2/3 of the requested documents, but what she said didn't sit right with me, so I did some googling to find out that other people said this was a scam. They did not have time to take any money from me and I have since changed my accounts information. But I believe they would have tried.

I received a letter in the mail stating that I qualify for student loan forgiveness. I called the number and they said that the Department of Education would pay my federal student loan servicer the entire amount for my loans and then I would pay them $39 a month for 240 months and then I wouldn't owe anything after that. I would be completely student loan free. There was a $799 processing fee. I was supposed to mail in forms to finalize the process and I never mailed them in, yet I was still charged $799 for the processing fee.

Hi guys,
I unfortunately felt for this one too. I need help because I already gave them my bank information and they haven't charged the money since I told them they can withdraw the money from my account after the 30th of November. I already signed the papers so I don't know how would this affect my credit. Any advise would be appreciated on what to do next. Thank you.

- Newville, PA, USA


I unfortunately also fell victim to this scam. Something he said did not sit right with me about if we missed a payment the loan would be voided and none of the money we had paid towards this would apply to the loans and we would still owe the government even though he said they would pay off all 8 loans and consolidate it to one loan and that is what I would be paying from here out. I called my bank but had to wait for them to take the first payment before I could stop it and block them from taking any more money. Not sure what other steps I can take from here to make sure they don't do this to more people.


I got a document in the mail stating that the company could help me obtain student loan forgiveness. I didn't pay it any mind at first, but after struggling to pay my loan I decided to give them a call. It was during the begining of COVID-19 outbreak, so money was really tight. The representive told me that after 10 years with their company my student loan will be forgiven. I was with Nelnet and did not have that option unless I got a new job. I'm the first in my family to go to college, so I had no one to help me navigate student loan scams. They told me I had to pay two payments of about $800 to buy out of my old contract, so I could move into my new contract with them. That didn't sit right with me, but the representive was so convincing. I paid the money on my credit card and waited for new student loan contract to come in the mail. When I got a packet from Navient, I was confused. Long story short, Amerifed switched my loans from Nelnet to Navient with no student loan forgiveness. However, to this day Amerifed is still taking out $39.00 a month. I called them to ask what is going on and why does Amerifed keep taking money out. No one answered the phone, so I left a voicemail. A new representative female named Cassedy (I think it's a fake name) answered the phone and said she had no clue. She just said it will stop when it stops. I called both student loan companies and a representive from Navient told me I fell for the Amerifed student loan scam and to call my bank. I called my bank the same day, but my bank could not stop the transactions because it was being taken out by electronic checks. I started a whole new bank account, but I have to keep the old one open until the investigation is done. I work three jobs, so it's hard to make time to go to my bank and make calls to deal with this matter. This company has not only robbed me of money, but time. The only thing good is it's a reminder that being scammed can really happen to anybody if your not on your toes. I made a new rule to not make any and I mean ANY transactions over the phone. I felt so stupid for falling for a scam knowing some of the signs to look out for.

I also got the mail and called them. But I can tell it was a scam after the person answered the phone. He sound like an indian to me, but he introduced himself as Robert Speilgenser (white name) which in my opinion is suspicious. I know about a another scam similiar to this. An Indian call you pretending to be John Smith working for the IRS and ask you to pay your tax with gift card. But sadly, many people lost money to them.
Anyway, this scam is way scarier, because they do get your SSN and bank info. They are so heartless for scamming even during this pandemic.

I got a mail from them about student loan forgiveness. So I called them and when the person answer the phone, I can tell from his accent that he is an indian. However, he introduced himself as Robert Spellberg which to me sound like a white person name. From here I can tell that it is a scam because I have watched a youtube video that exposed all type of scammers from India. They usually pretend to be the IRS then say that you need to pay tax and ask for gift card as payment (many old people are victim of this). But this time they use a different approach to scam and it is scarier, because they get both your bank info and social security number.

Anyway, I feel bad for all of you that lost money to them. They are are heartless to scam money from us during this pandemic.


I was contacted by mail and was given the impression the business was calling in behalf of the department of education. I did not realize until the very end that it was a scam when they were trying to charge me 800 dollars to consolidate my loans. It caught me by surprise and I would not have moved forward had I known it was an illegitimate business charging for services that are available for free. They already had my bank account information at that point.

I called the number back that was on a letter that seemed to be legit regarding loan forgiveness. I did have loads of student loan debt so this sounded promising. I was offered a chance to only have to pay $39 a month for 20yrs AFTER I finished paying the "processing fee"! I was half asleep due to my 12hr shift prior to the call. However, it was the last day to respond, according to the notice. I then gave my bank details and hesitated to give my ss#. He, Geraldo Ramirez, insisted so I told him that I'd give him the last 4. He insisted that the full 9 digits were needed for processing. Then he emailed forms that looked to be legit and asked me to e-sign them. I did. He then sent me a text with his number and ext and asked me to call if and questions arise. Something didn't sit well with me after the call so I called My daughter afterwards and told her abt it. She immediately looked up the company which lead me to this page! Boy do I wish I had that "something didn't feel right" feeling at the beginning of our conversation. Now I have called my bank and put them on notice and I must call the credit companies and put them on notice as well as the proper authorities.


I'm under the same situation. Not sure what to do now that they have all my information. I just joined the Navy and want to get into a repayment program. I believe I have been scammed. Similar situation above.

- Paul Mulka

Third party scamming people with student debts. Presenting themselves as FedLoans. Charging a fee for a free service that can be done online.

- Placentia, CA, USA

Says They work with Department of Education to Consolidate your student loan and put you in a loan forgiveness program. Require you to pay a fee to start you off in the program. It doesn’t cost any money to go into a repayment program through the government and they will not ask for your personal information don’t give it them. Lies...Scammers....Beware

- Madison, WI, USA

I received a letter in the mail that appeared to be from the U.S. Department of Education for student loan consolidation promising interest rate reduction, lower monthly payments, and loan forgiveness. I called the number listed and gave them all of my information, including access to my FSA ID account on They gave me a slightly lower rate per month, but then added $800 in document fees that I had to pay up front in installment plans plus an extra $39 a month fee before any payments would be made on the actual loans, which did not make sense to me, but I stupidly gave them my routing and checking numbers. After they sent me documents to sign and mail back, I noticed the address for the loan servicer was Navient. After doing more digging, I found out the number I was calling was for Amerifed Doc Prep LLC. These are malicious companies! There are reports about Amerifed Doc Prep LLC taking money from accounts even after people tried to cancel. I had to close my checking and savings accounts right away and call a credit bureau to issue a fraud alert on my social security number. Now they have all my data, including information about two of my relatives.


What credit bureau did you contact? They have my social security number and I don’t want to make the mistake of giving it out again

The same thing happenned to me, maybe i still have time to stop it. OMG, I was told that my 169.000.000 was forgiven and I only have 9650 left to pay at 39 a month for 204 months. omg I cant believe its a scam. the guy sounded so convincing, I gave them my bank account and stuff, thank you , i still have time to stop it.

Hello, I would like to start off by saying this company Amerifed doc prep is a scam. They originally mailed me a letter stating I had qualified in the student loan forgiveness program and to call this number listed to help. They claim to help me consolidate my student loans and apply for the student loan forgiveness program with a low interest rate. I had contacted the number listed on the paper mail and asked to speak to Cameron loan specialist. He was very charming and states that this company is affileated with the FedLoan complany and he will help me get all the paper work started, however in order to do so I needed to start by paying some interest of 1600 dollars and then my monlthy bill deducted from my debit card would be set for 39 dollars a month. It sounded like a lot of money but i did have a large student debit of more then 20,000 dollars. So I hesitated and Cameron reasured me that this was a good deal and that the president had made this legit for people who needed help. So I agreed. I asked for the paper work in email to see it for myself. He sent it to me while on the phone. I saw it and it look legit. I proceeded with giving him all of my info, SS#, DOB address ECT. Then my debit card info. IT was charged for the amount of 799.00 one time fee. He said the next 799.00 would come out of my account in two weeks. So being under the impression that the 1600$ would be to start the consolidation and sending money to the loan companies Nelnet and Naviet to pay off some of the interest I had acquire. Keep in mind I am keeping contact with this person named Cameron via phone on a weekly basis. He never contacted me ever since. This was me contacting him asking him why this process was taking so long because by this point we are a month into this and my credit score was docked negative 100 points due to my student loans not being paid. I was very upset but he told me that naviet was being sued due to them delaying their part for student loan forgivess paper work. I believed him and he said he would look into it and see what the hold up was. There was some important documents that I send to Nelnet and Naviet and also FedLoan servicing. Afte two months both loan companies Nelnet and Naviet received my paper work and placed me on a deferment. Both loan companies were asking for more paper work. I didnt understand I called Cameron and he told me to give it some time and it would take time for everyone to be on the same page ect. So by this point its month 3. I still have yet to received a call from loan officer Cameron from Amerifed. I call the number listed and get another person and was told nothing has been received on their behalf, so she asked my to refax all paper work and also mail. So I was upset and did. Here we are April 29 2020 and I called Fedloan servicing and spoke to a lady who then gave me her badge number. She states that she had nothing on file with my info. I proceeded to explain myself once again about this student forgiveness program and how I already paid 800$ plus 39$ fee up front. She asked me if this was through a third party agency. I said no, and told her Amerifed Doc prep. She said yes ma'am they are a third party agency who is being sued and needs to be reported because they are scamming people like you. She advised me that if I wanted to apply for a forgiveness program I would do it through student aid . gov and apply myself. It is free and you shouldnt need someone else to help you with the application. I was in disbelief, I had been scammed. So I called Cameron which he did not answer and spoke to another women who said she could help me. I gave her my account info and she pulled me up and explained to me that they were not scamming me, they are helping me and the 799.00 was to get started with their assistance and the 39.00 was a monthly fee for renewal of service each month. WHAT? So basically 39.00 times 12 months equal 480.00. Wow how could they charge for this if it should be free service. She told me that sometimes people don't know how to submit the correct paper work for loans ect and that when they come in to help? I stopped her and said cancel me immediately. She said ok but we can not refund you any money because you agreed to our services. I went back and forth with Jennifer Borquez about how they scammed me and I was going to report them. She send me an email stating my service with them had been cancelled. I wasn't satisfied. I was upset and scared. I called my bank and stopped payment from this company Amerifed Doc prep. Was charged 39$ of course more money out of my pocket but well worth. The banker states that if this company has my debit card info they can pass their self as a different name and try to charge my account. I had to take action and report them and stop all future payments. I am a single mother trying to do the right things in life like most and pay off debit. For the first time in my life I had been scammed. Please be aware if third party companies leading you to believe they work with the actual government forgiveness program. Let's bring these companies down and close their fraud of a business.


What did you do considering that now have you social security? The same thing happed to me and I changed my checking account but they still have my social

I have the exact same story as you with how they got all my information. I have reported them to the federal trade commissions as well as the NY Attorney General. It is so unfortunate that a paper which is free for us to print out they are charging $799 for.

I had the exact same experience... I ended up closing the account from which they were taking the money. They charged me $799. When I called Fedloan servicing they had nothing on file for me as well...

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