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Anish Majumdar Executive Career Coach

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Anish Majumdar Executive Career Coach Reports & Reviews (2)

- Los Angeles, CA, USA

Anish presents himself as an Executive Career Coach. I encountered him through webinars he was giving through, Ivy Exec. One of the webinars can be found here: During one of the webinars Anish offered complementary 1 hour "Breakthrough Sessions." I waited a month for my scheduled session on April 16, 2020. Prior to the session, I received an email that someone else works with Anish named Alessa might join us on the call. Alessa turned out to be the only one on the call- Anish did not join. My first red flag was when Alessa would not provide her last name and said that she doesn't use LinkedIn which is a primary resource that Anish claims to be utilizing and he is very present on the platform. Alessa and I proceeded to have a discussion where I shared some information regarding professional hurdles and goals. Alessa then offered to sign me up for Anish's 6-week program, which she stated is usually $9,000 but I could get for $6,000 which somehow turned into $5,000 if I would pay immediately during the phone call. I was unable to get any written documentation of the services included and when I asked to possibly speak with a reference I was told Anish likes to maintain his client's confidentiality but that Alessa would see if this was possible and get back to me. I was also told at the beginning of the phone call that Anish would provide recommendations for other services if his wasn't a good fit. After not paying during the phone call and expressing my concern about the aggressive tactics, I waited for the follow-up information Alessa had agreed to provide. I never heard back. I started to wonder if this was a scam (which I should have questioned much earlier but was blind-sided by having viewed him giving presentations and Anish's claims to be very effective in helping people make high-level career transitions). I reached out to Anish via LinkedIn to find out if Alessa did indeed work with him (as I thought maybe someone had been impersonating his business) and received a response that Alessa was one of two employees. I received no further communication or follow-up.

I can provide copies of emails confirming my appointment if this is helpful.


Hey Anish Majumdar here. To be clear, you were never a client of ours, but it sounds like you booked a free consult call with us. Yes, we have a team here, and because of how many people I am serving to get them out of the job search trap and into a better place in their careers, I can't personally jump on each and every call. I apologize if you had a different impression about that. I can assure you that the reason we HAVE a team here is because we want to help everyone we possibly can. If you received details about a program of ours, it's because we thought you'd be a good fit for it.

We've been in business for over 10 years, and have a solid footprint online. Here are the big ones explaining who I am and what we do:

Wishing you much success in your journey, and be well. -Anish

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Anish Majumdar Executive Career Coach Contacts

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18 Beaufort Place, East Rochester, NY 14445


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