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Baker Law Firm

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Baker Law Firm Reports & Reviews (49)

• May 17, 2024

I keep getting these nasty emails trying to say I owe money and of I don't pay I will have a warrant for my arrest

• Apr 05, 2024

I contacted everyone I needed to
Filed reports.
[email protected]

James Jordan Bakerlaw

I don't owe anything to this company
Pay services.
I don't know who they are

CASE FILE #: 20/CV/0912

Settlement Amount: $850.00 by Today or two payments of $425.00 from Today.

You are going to be legally prosecuted in the Court House within a couple of days. Your SSN is put on hold by the US Government, so before something goes wrong we would like to notify you about this matter. It seems apparent that you have

chosen to ignore all our efforts to contact you in order to resolve your debt with Payday Services. At this point, you have made your intentions clear and leave us no choice but to protect our interest in this matter.

Your line of credit is over 60 days past due, but it is not too late to restore your good standing!

We want to serve as your trusted financial resource in the future, but to do that; we’ll need to come to an agreement on the past-due balance.

If you believe you are unable to afford the payment options we have offered, contact us right away through email and we will do our best to accommodate an amount you can commit


If you don’t want to confess, I just want to update you that based on the information that I shared with you the state court of Texas has decided to get your existing social security number suspended on an immediate basis. And we have got 2 serious allegations charged against you for the felony which is money laundering & Federal banking regulation

Now, this means a few things for you. If you are under any state probation or payroll we need you to inform your superior or manager what you have done in the past and what would be the consequences once the case has been downloaded

and executed in your name. If we do not hear from you within 48 hours of the date of this letter, we will be compelled to seek legal representation from our in-house attorney. We reserve the right to commence litigation for intent

to commit wire fraud under the pretense of refusing to repay a debt committed to, by use of the internet. In addition, we reserve the right to seek recovery for the balance due, as well as legal fees and any court costs incurred.


And once you are found guilty in the courthouse then you have to bear the entire cost for this lawsuit $4271.15 which is excluding the loan amount, attorney's fees, and the interest charges. You have the right to hire an attorney. If you

don't have one or if you can't afford then one will be appointed to you. We believe that this was not your intent and that these steps are unnecessary. We merely require you to contact our recovery asset location department through Email between 9:30 to 6:30 (EST).

I'm not happy
I'm not happy

• Aug 10, 2023

No contact information just steadily emailing me daily and sometimes multiple times daily

• Jul 22, 2023

Is this a scam or real email ? Please help scared because I don't want to get arrested..or doesn't seem to mention where the debt is coming from or what company...? I think I've only received one email but I think maybe more because it's started with again but don't recall receiving anymore emails from them...,.
Baker law firm email scam


I have been getting emails for months I have 35 of them. I believe all threatening me with court saying I owe money from a payday loan place that’s not even available in my state. They emailed me two or three times every week. These are three of the emails I have sent.
James Jordan Barker law firm
James Jordan Barker law firm
James Jordan Barker law firm


Hi, I had gotten this earlier in the week and I posted pictures too. I feel like an attorney wouldn't be sending something like that in an email let alone demanding money over an American express card. I haven't took out a loan and never got anything in the mail.

Jamesjordan bakerLaw firm
Jamesjordan bakerLaw firm
Case File: CA/55A/95-28651

Balance Amount: $850.27

Subject: Last notification before WAGE GARNISHMENT

Having checked your Social Security Number through our National Checking Database System, and finding out that you have never been charged for fraud activity, ACE – Ace loan online has decided to give you a chance to take care of this issue outside of the Court without you having a report on your Credit History and SSN. In order to avoid a lawsuit of $1223.00 against you, we request you to kindly pay the Court Restitution Amount, which is $850.27. If you settle this matter today, you may be entitled to get some percentage of deduction on the restitution amount. You will have to send us a promissory note in order to hold your case file from being sent to the courthouse. On a case-to-case basis, you may be given the solution to pay the pending amount in the same month & a 30 days extension to settle the rest of the settlement amount with an agreement.

This is ACE – Ace loan online, it is a parent company which owns and operates more than 350 parental payday loan websites, CASH NET USA, CASH AMERICA & 500 CASH ADVANCE PAYDAY MAX, 2-MINUTE PAYDAY LOANS etc. you applied from one of our websites and you never bothered to pay this debt, so the creditor wants to know your intention about this matter of yours that what would you like to do. And now with the late fees and tax, Rate of Interest the initial amount of $300.00 goes up to $850.27.

As we made prior attempts to notify you for your unpaid debts you didn't revert us back. So, we are sending you again this final notification through email for one last time to clear the matter out of court or else we have to precede this matter for garnishment. This legal matter will require your cooperation, so kindly get in touch with the department to make a payment and freeze down this case.

As you are a defaulter on this credit, the following counts are likely to be represented against you at local County Courthouse:




Once the court action is initiated and a Judgment / Decree against you to recover the balance amount with the cost of lawsuit is received, we may need to ask the court to give one of the following orders, should the debt remain unpaid: -

Attachment of Earnings base (Earnings Arrestment). Deduction from your wage by your employer or arrestment of part of your salary to satisfy the debt. Warrant of Execution (Exceptional Attachment Order). Seizure and sale of movable non-essential assets / property by a County Court Bailiff /Sheriff Officer.

If we do not hear from you within 48 hours of the date on this letter, we will be compelled to seek legal representation. We reserve the right to begin litigation for intent to commit wire fraud under the pretense of refusing to repay a debt committed to, by the use of the Internet and your SSN. In addition, we reserve the right to seek recovery for the balance due, as well as legal fees and any court costs incurred.



Yours sincerely,

Investigation Officer.

Settlement Department

this is what i been getting never had a loan ect ect

He's trying to make me pay a loan I didnt apply for. He keep on threatening me with court laws.

Someone is trying to get me to pay on a personal loan that I don't have

Received this letter, very fishy!

CASE FILE #: 20CV001912

One Time Settlement Amount: $934.27

Dear Debtor,

This is in reference to your Case File Number 20CV001912 with us in order to notify you that after sending several emails and making calls to you on your phone number, we were not able to get hold of you. So the IC3

(Internet Crime Complaint Center) has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and press charges against you. According to our records, your outstanding balance has been increased to $1385.00

It may be possible that you may have some financial hardship with you.

So, we are just giving you the last chance that if you just make a payment by today then we will close this account as paid in full with zero balance.

We do hope that you will work out with this offer.

Or, else we won't be able to help you out.

Do revert back if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and want to make payments within the next 48 hours or else the case will be downloaded against you.

The opportunity to take care of this volunteer is quickly coming to an end. We would hate for you to lose the option of resolving this before it goes to the next step, which is a Lawsuit against you, but to do so you must take

immediate action.

You can avoid this by taking care of this now.

It is quick and easy: Do reply to us right now and provide us the date on which you can make the payment.

If you do not take immediate action: We will be forced to download this case against you and once it is downloaded the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer regarding this and if you are found guilty under the bench of the jury then you have to bear a lawsuit which will be amounting to $4515.85 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your bail charges, your attorney charges and the due amount pending on your name $934.27. Top of this once the case is downloaded one of the deputies from the SHERIFF Department will be contacting you and will be serving you with the legal case file and the court subpoena and legal warrant of arrest.

Thanks for being our customer,

Do revert ASAP!

Alex Wilson

Senior Attorney


Threatening to take me to court if I do not pay. They could not provide any proof of the debt they were claiming I had. The bank they said the money was deposited into was not even my bank. I want this scam stopped. The amount came down each day received an email from them, from $1085 to $100 today. That alone tells me this a scam and I called them on the carpet for it. I have blocked the email address that was sending this fraudulent information.

When I responded and asked for details ... none provided,,, now they want me to phone them. This is SPAM and PHISHING... when I do internet research... it is identified as SPAM.
Very soon the case file will be downloaded against your name and social. After giving several notifications we did not get any response from your side.

We will consider that you are ignoring this matter. This is your last and final chance to settle this case. If you don't take it seriously, we will surely take hard steps against you. And you will be the person who will be only responsible for the legal consequences. Your credit score will be affected.

If we did not receive any response from your side within 48 Hrs. We will proceed further with legal charges against your name and social security number without any notification.

Do update us with your good intention that you want to resolve this case or you want to dispute.

Once again, if we did not receive any response from your side within 48hrs. We will download the case file and you have to appear on that date.

If you have any questions about this debt, please contact us through email immediately.

Thank You, Stay Safe
Best Wishes.

+1(817)-393-2773[Extension number is 800]

These scammers make me laugh so much, first I don't have a bank account, 2 I don't have a social security number and 3 they don't have coverage where I live and if they keep sending me those messages, I'll file a police report.
look I read supposed business and it does not operate where I live hahahahahaha


I received an email from Bakerlaw Firm on January 31, 2023. Docket # 4780. Said that $980.00 is owed. They have not sent me any kind of proof of this debt. They say they will proceed with legal action against my name and SSN. They also say if I ignore this email and fail to take care of this debt then my bank accounts will be seized. My cooperation is appreciated. I've received these kind of emails almost everyday since January 31, 2023.

12:15 PM (53 minutes ago)
to me

Dear Belinda,

Amount Outstanding: $1285.32 (higher than actual amount owed)

Settlement Amount: $900.00 for Today or 6 payments of $150.00 from Today.

As we have not yet received your payment after repeated follow up, we are going to file this case today at your district courthouse. You will be served with a notice to appear at your district courthouse in the next 4 business days.

We would also send a letter to the company/agency that you are working for so that they could get you fired until we are through with our investigations because a suspect is not supposed to be working for the government or any private organization.

You can resolve the issue by paying out of Court Restitution Amount/ Settlement Amount as decided by the Court House.

You have to give us a flat answer without any excuse.

If you want to resolve this matter then email us immediately during working hours. (Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5 pm EST) reply back to this email.

We still trust court actions will not be necessary and are looking forward to receiving payment by return.

Legal notice will be sent after this email confirmation at your address.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Jason K Walker

I received the following email on Friday, January 27, 2023 from "Baker Law Firm," at the email noted above (

We have tried several times to work with you but as you are not cooperating with us then, unfortunately, we have to proceed further with legal actions against your name and SSN in order to dispute this matter into the courthouse.

This is confirming completely that you do not want to cooperate with us. We have already told you that if you have any financial hardship or something else, you can update us. We will try our best to help you out. As you are receiving our notification and not responding to us back.



Do Revert ASAP!

Thanks & Regards

Debt Settlement Division Inc.

Dear Debtor,

Docket File : 20-9-803077-CA

Total Amount Due: $1,846.18 (Unpaid Loan)
Mode Of Payment: Online
Pay Off Today: $1000.00


Despite several attempts to secure payment of the above noted Debt , you have failed to make good on your contractual obligations .Your protracted failure to pay this debt has led us to file a petition in court and recover this money through Court.

Our Job is to help you to deal with this problem , or in the event that you fail to deal with this serious matter , to ensure that this debt is recovered by taking legal action against you or to collect it by any other lawful means .

How can you be so irresponsible with your bills, you left no choice for us now, you have 2 hours to submit your balance in full or in payments.

If we do not receive any response from your side by today, then this case file will be downloaded automatically against your name and social. After that, we are unable to help you in this case.

We regret that if we do not receive your response, we shall have no alternative, but to take action through your local County Court to recover the amount due together with court charges and legal fees which might cost you approximately $4796.00

Payment Plan:10 installments of $100.00 Every Two Weeks

To settle this case outside of court today, reply ASAP.

Best Regards,

David Parker | Paralegal/Case Manager
Cash Advance Law Center

The information contained in this e-mail message may be privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the named individual or entity(es) above. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply by email and destroy all copies of the original message. Receipt by anyone other than the intended recipient is not intended as a waiver of any attorney-client or work product privilege.
I received this email. Like what’s the validation , where is my name , I don’t have a payday loan
Threatening email
Threatening email

I have been receiving emails non-stop from this firm about a loan I never took out! Now I am also a computer geek so not only did I look up the law firm but I also looked up the "case" number given to me and there was absolutely nothing under my name or under the many different "case" numbers given seeing I have had apparently multiple loans with multiple companies from online that use the same law firm. Pfft. Here is a few emails I have received as everyone else no information on phone number. Also any law firm will not use gmail as their email provider. They all have websites that their emails will be connected to so if it was the real law firm the email will look like this [email protected] and if your case file number looks like the one I received then it is definitely not a real case number. Civil case numbers have the date and then CV followed by more numbers. Now I have also received one email that looks pretty legit but it is not seeing 1 I didn't get a quick payday loan ever, 2 the email is an aol which yeah no it wouldn't have been sent from an aol account, and 3 the email name isn't even remotely close to the senders name.

Nov 3, 2022, 10:51 AM
to ROBERT, bcc: me

CASE FILE #: OM/27A/98-36471

Deadline to resolve this matter: November 26th, 2022

Settlement Amount: $850.00

Dear Debtor,

This letter is to notify you that we have received a Summons of Garnishment on your wages. This means that someone you owe money to has been awarded a judgment by the court for payment of the debt. The court has ordered us your employer to deduct 25% percent of your disposable earnings and make payment to the court on your behalf. The following applies to you:

Before you are arrested

If you pay in full, or make a part-payment before you are arrested, the warrant will be recalled and amended. However, it will be immediately re-issued if the debt is not paid in full.

After you are arrested

Once the warrant has been served, your only options are to serve the time in prison or pay the debt (plus costs) in full at the courthouse.

If you want to stop the garnishment deductions from your paycheck, you must obtain a release or pay the entire amount you owe, which you can pay with the help of Debit in order to close this account.

What is garnishment?

Garnishment is a legal process that allows a creditor to remove funds from your [bank]/ [credit union] account to satisfy a debt that you have not paid. In other words, if you owe money to a person or company, they can obtain a court order directing your bank to take money out of your account to pay off your debt. If this happens, you cannot use that money in your account.

Why am I receiving this notice?

On November 2nd, 2022 we received a garnishment order from a court to [freeze/remove] funds in your account. The amount of the garnishment order was for $1385.65. We are sending you this notice to let you know what we have done in response to the garnishment order. You can contact your creditor for a settlement amount.

If you have any questions about the garnishment, you should contact the persons named on the included Summons of Garnishment by email.


Robert Hill
Sr. Officer

Working Hours: 10.00 A.M to 6.00 P.M CST (Mon-Fri)

10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M CST (Sat)

Here is the other email received!

USA Legal Services
3:28 PM (5 hours ago)
to me

Why is this message in spam? It is similar to messages that were identified as spam in the past.
Report not spam
Affiliations: Judicial Circuit of United States of America

Date: November 18th, 2022

Name : Christina Ziesmer

Plaintiff: Quick Payday

Reference#: MS5874521

Description of Information:

The case is to be registered in the court by November 21st, 2022 3:30 p.m. and will be executed in the court after five days.

Our client Quick Payday is a Finance Company claiming outstanding dues of a Pay Day Loan provided to their Client, with Social Security Number: by administrative offset of account payable by the Government under section 9, chapter 19.Providing us American Legal Processing Division a DIVISION OF FEDERAL CRIMES BUREAU, the legal representatives are pursuing to hold you in regards to six serious allegations, which are under the presumption of civil charges:

Violation of Federal Banking Regulation Act 1956
Collateral check fraud
Breach of contract
Internet fraud
Theft by deception
Violation of EFT that is Electronic Fund Transfer Act 1989
Now, these allegations were produced from the fact that you were being monitored online as well as tracked down by the Internet Prevention and Detection Department Internet Legal Research Group (I.L.R.G.]), using your email address to solicit funds from a website owned and operated by Quick Payday. As per the records of A.L.P.D, this site is working under QUICK PAYDAY.

The funds were successfully transferred into your bank account utilizing an interstate E.F.T. that stands for Electronic Fund Transfer, but when Quick Payday tried to extract the funds back as repayment, there were 6 E.F.T was returned, constituting a worthless electronic check and after several reminders, you did not bother to reply back. Therefore, instead of chasing you for money, Quick Payday has decided to write off this money as the loss and deemed it to be stolen as well as press charges against you for Financial Fraud and Theft by deception. Henceforth, under Section-9, Chapter-19 they have filed the legal lawsuit against you.

Under Section 31 U.S.C. 3716 the company can collect the funds before seven years of the contract as per the federal government's right to collect the debt first accrued, except as otherwise provided by law. For you this means three things:

If you are in any state supervised probation on parole, you need to contact the officers and make them aware.
If you have any prior convictions including but not limited to worthless checks, grand theft, or money laundering, please know, your case will be treated as a habitual offender because your state is a zero-tolerance state.
You do have a right to hire an attorney to take this matter inside the courthouse with the legal procedures. If you do not have one or you cannot afford one than one might be appointed to you if you lose this case in the court than the legal charges will be levied upon you that will $ 7,984.81. These exclude your bail fees, your attorney fees, and the outstanding and principal amount you owe to the client.

According to State Bar Association, your trial attorney's charges will be nothing less than $ 255 to $ 520 an hour. Also, the court fee charges, legal affidavit cost, bail fees, stamp duty, and the outstanding amount that approximately comes around $ 17000 to $ 18000, which you have to bear. So, make sure that you do not lose the case.

IRS Reporting:

Kindly find a 1099-C and W-9 and fill out required information along with your TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). The IRS under Internal Revenue Code 6331(H) will monitor your matter to make sure that you report the amount of income.

Even if you don't get a Form 1099-C from Quick Payday, the Quick Payday may very well have submitted one to the IRS. If you haven't listed the income on your tax return and the Quick Payday has provided the information to the IRS, you could get a tax bill or, worse, an audit notice. It could end up costing you more (in IRS interest and penalties) in the long run.

If you have any existing payment plan with the IRS, then it will be terminated under the section 30 AFIR code.

Foreclosures and property repossessions: This rule applies even to debts you owe after a house foreclosure or property repossession, the IRS have each right to mark liens on your assets which includes your bank account, house, automobiles, shares, certificates or any private government bond will be totally ceased. All your public bank accounts will get frozen and confiscated, state id, debit cards, and credit cards, etc. and detained by the department of treasury.

By forwarding the subpoena to social security any child support, disability, unemployment or retirement benefits will be either placed on hold or will be stopped until the outcome of the case. In this situation, the law can seem especially cruel: Not only have you lost your property, but you will also have to pay income tax on the difference between what you originally owed the lender and what it was able to sell your property.

In addition, it might be possible that they also file a non-bailable arrest warrant for you for jail time.


James Clark

Legislation Department


*** If you have any doubts about the credibility of this email please refer to the Terms and conditions under the breach of the contract via the online application filled up by you. ***

________________________________________________________________________________... />
Copyright © 2015 FCI | Privacy | Terms of use

And another email. Ugh. This is tiring dealing with these scammers! These ones should learn proper english and how to form a sentence before emailing people.

Unpaid Loan Case #8742532 File Charged
Attorney Giselle Allen Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 4:03 AM
To: "[email protected]"

Attention, Debtor



LOAN SETTLEMENT AMOUNT- $562.78 (Today’s Settlement Amount, 25% waived off)


Contact AT: - mailto:[email protected]

After multiple attempts to reach you, we haven't received any positive feedback from your side. As you are not paying your seriousness on this account suggesting that you are ignoring the situation and repeating the same activity which you did before with the loan company. We are trying to best help you on this matter but you are taking this matter lightly.

You will be represented @ 700 Stewart Street, Seattle, WA - 98101


"Docket Number: #HDA-8742532 has been declared as a "GUILTY" by Authorized Law Enforcement Department, Seizure Warrant has been activated."

Unless delayed notice is authorized below, you must give a copy of the warrant and a receipt for the property taken to the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken, or leave the copy and receipt at the place where the property was taken.

The officer executing this warrant, or an officer present during the execution of the warrant, must prepare as required by law and promptly return this warrant. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3103a (b), I find that immediate notification may have an adverse result listed in 18 U.S.C. 2705 (except for delay of trial), and authorize the officer executing this warrant to delay notice to the person who, or whose property, will be searched or seized.

Note: You will be contacted by your local county authorities. National Debt Recovery Department is closing this account and declaring as a GUILTY. If we will not receive any feedback from your side within next few hours, then you will be the only person who will be responsible for any consequences.

We will be forced to download this case against you and once it is downloaded the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $2143.48 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges and the due amount pending on your name.

We have settlement amount for you with easy weekly and a one-time settlement amount option below, kindly reply soon with your final intention regarding this case.

You will have to submit $562.78 today and close this case outside of court with the onetime case settlement plans.

You will have to submit an amount which is acceptable of $189.38 today to put this case on hold outside of the courthouse and the rest payment with $187.00 bi-weekly instalments till the loan amount $750.38 paid in full.

Get back to us ASAP before the charges have been pressed against you into the court of law.



Attorney James Preston

Confidentiality Statement & Notice: This email is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521 and intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any review, re transmission, dissemination to unauthorized persons or other use of the original message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you received this electronic transmission in error, please reply to the above-referenced sender about the error and permanently delete this message. Thank you for your co-operation.

I have been receiving threatening emails from people stating that I had taken out a loan from Advance America. I have replied to them by email since there was no phone number to contact them in the email I received letting them know that I had not taken out any loan with their company. They continued to threaten me with court action in emails. Then yesterday I received an email from someone named Liam claiming to be from Advance America stating they will give me until next Friday to pay or they will file legal action. Again no phone number was listed in the emails. Then today I received an email from Baker Law Firm someone named Jordan Moreno that they will file legal action by Monday 11/14/22. Still no contact phone number even though in all emails that I have received I have always asked for phone number to contact them, with no response back. What kind of scam is this. I have never taken out a loan with this company and they are threatening legal action. All the emails have all been from gmail addresses. Does anyone know if Baker Law Firm is a real firm, and if they are how to contact them?
Threatening emails for supposed payday loan
Threatening emails for supposed payday loan
Threatening emails for supposed payday loan
Threatening emails for supposed payday loan
Threatening emails for supposed payday loan
Threatening emails for supposed payday loan
Threatening emails for supposed payday loan
Threatening emails for supposed payday loan
Threatening emails for supposed payday loan

To contact the actual firm? So I’ve gotten a few of these emails this week alone but I googled it and a legitimate law firm comes up. Guy works in cyber security etc. I wonder if he knows his name and firm info is being used to harass people? I’m gonna reach out I think. Has anyone tried?
Has anyone else thought
Has anyone else thought
Has anyone else thought
Has anyone else thought
Has anyone else thought
Has anyone else thought

Check fields!

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