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Bank of America

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Bank of America Reports & Reviews (112)

- Nampa, ID, USA

We received an official looking letter from Bank of America that stated they needed "Critical information about our account status." It said that they were missing or had incomplete information on our account. The letter included an official looking IRS form W-9 which requested a Social Security Number and a signature. About a week after receiving this letter there was a follow up phone call from a very aggressive woman demanding the information. We did not give any information thinking it a bit peculiar that the IRS would use a bank to collect information from us.

We contacted Bank of America who said they had not sent any letter to us and they were sure it was a scam. The letter including the three pages of IRS forms all looked very official and correct, down to the four ways to get in touch with them to confirm and provide information to them. One of them was to contact the nearest financial center (the nearest one is over 200 miles away.) One of the "Red Flags" was that the name they used was my husbands shortened name instead of his longer given name.

- Springfield, MO, USA

I received an email this morning from Bank of America, telling me that my payment has been received. And if I wanted details to click on the link. I didn't click on it. I am not even a Bank of America customer.

I received a scam call this morning on my home phone. Caller claimed to be with Bank of America. Callers name was Harris Stokes. He gave me phone number 980-209-2304. He told me to call Bank of America at this number. I called the phone bank. He said the President of the bank told him to call me. I won $2.5 million. Because I pay all my bills on time. This is a global international sweepstakes. I asked where are you calling from. He could not pronounce Charlotte NC. He said I will receive a $50,000 bonus today. I asked how much do I have to pay. He said I don't pay any money upfront. I will need to pay the IRS. He asked my birth date. I did not answer. He wanted to know the name of my bank. I did not answer. He started to get irate because I was asking too many questions.I hung up on him.

- Amarillo, TX, USA

I received a call and it said press one and a man answered and wanted to verify my account and SSN and I told him he called me and if he was from the bank he should have my account there. He kept asking me for the numbers and I refused to give them to him over the phone unless I was the one who made the call and he got mad and said if you don't give them to me I am going to cancel your card. I hung up on him and he called back but didn't answer. I called Bank of America fraud unit and told her what happened and she told me that if the bank were going to lower my interest rate they would just do it and send me a letter. Who wouldn't want their interest rate lowered.

- Valencia, PA, USA

Someone emailed claiming they are from "Bank of America" and that victim has fraudulent charges on their account.  "Company" asked for victims Social Security # & Bank of America Card #.  Victim new her account had been closed and didn't fall for it. 

I did not bite. But, the email has a very legit appearance. It does, though, have several spelling and grammatical errors. It does not take you to a secured "https://" Bank of America website.

Scammer indicated there were multiple attempts to log on to my BOA account and I needed to click on link to update my security information with them. Link does not lead to Bank of America.

- Fresno, CA, USA

I received the following email from "Bank of America" which is an absolute FRAUD. I copied and pasted the email below, but only the from-to and subject copied. I was able to copy and paste on my pages and then attached that copy of the body of the email.

It stated:

Attention ! Your Bank of America account Has Suspended !

Your are receiving this message due to errors encountered in our regular verification of Online Banking records

This might be due to one of the following reasons:

Your Billing information records are out of date

Either your information has been changed or incomplete

To restore your account, Sign on by: Clicking Here

Your account will work as normal after the verification processed

Thank you for choosing Bank of America

,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,

©2018 Bank of America Corporation.All rights reserved

I forwarded the entire email to [email protected], [email protected], abuse, [email protected] with my statement: THE FOLLOWING IS A FRAUD ATTEMPT, SPAM, PHISH, CRAP RECEIVED. PLEASE INVESTIGATE, PROSECUTE THEN PUBLICLY EXECUTE THE OFFENDER(S)!!!

---------- Original Message ----------

From: Bank of America

To: Undisclosed-Recipients:;

Date: January 5, 2018 at 11:38 AM

Subject: Important Notification From Security Center


Received the same email three times this month. It has the BofA logo on top. Here is what the first part reads:

"You have received this email for security reasons. We have detected an action that seems to be unauthorized by the account holder. It seems that one or more unauthorized devices was connected to your account. We have not fully restricted your account but you must confirm your identity in order to avoid any deviations.

Then it has a "click here to verify your account"

Since I saw it came from Germany, I knew it was a phishing email. It will be forwarded to [email protected]

I received an e-mail from the above scammer, stating " We're letting you know that we've detected some unusual activity on your Bank of America account on 12/18/2017 5:01:23." I looked up Bank of America and called them this morning, they of course, have no record of my name or anything about me. I did send a notice to [email protected]. as requested by the agent. I had a card many years ago, probably over 20+years. I thought you would like to know about this.

call from 876 816 0019 claiming we are to receive $20 million from bank of america, ask to call 805 310 4642 option 3 get confirmation #; which I did and rec'd a conf# 6290019 with info of 1% or $2k would be reported to IRS; then caller was to call back; rec'd call but did not answer, this is a credit card scam?

- Boaz, AL, USA

Phone call telling me I have won over $100,000 and a new truck. Has called 5 times since I hung up on him. Tells me he is calling Bank of America and that I am to press option 1. Call says Kingston JM

- Grain Valley, MO, USA

Recieved email. Redirected to fake Bank of America website asking for personal information

- Ashland, WI, USA

I was contacted by phone saying I won $450,000 dollars in a USA Today sweepstakes. They gave me a claim number to call and then I received another call from someone saying he was from bank of america and wanted me to send $750 . Being suspicious I did nothing. Wanted to see if it was a scam

Claim online bank access will be suspended if target does not provide account info.

I was told that because of my on-time payments I was eligible for lower interest rates on all my cards that were in good standing. I verified information about my cards and after feeling nervous about the call I called my credit card company and they didn't call. I had to replace my cards.

- Santa Ana, CA, USA

The following msg was sent to my inbox:

You have received a payment of USD $361.16.

Bank of America has recently discovered that this funds were unclaimed or this was a fraudulent transaction.

To avoid any illegal actions on your account we had to put a temporary hold. Simply login to our officialwebsite (hyperlink) and verify your account information to restore your account and funds access.***

Failure to verify your information within 24 hours may result in permanent account suspension.

Bank of America is ensuring daily that your funds are secure and we are promoting every month different methods to prevent fraud.

- Redford, MI, USA

A person called claiming to be from Bank of America. They stated that they had sent a letter (of which I never received) and that they needed to verify some personal information. I called the number, 877-488-7842, and they told me they needed to speak with my wife. I am the account holder. My wife is only my beneficiary. My wife called the number and they stated they wanted to verify her identity.

The scammer left the following message: She was from the Bank of America and was calling for (she gave my daughter's correct full name). She said a replacement card for our daughter's credit card ending in (she gave the correct last 4 digits of the card) had been compromised. She said our daughter should activate the replacement card as soon as she got it because her present card would be closed on June 29, 2017. If our daughter had any questions she should call 1-800-793-5755. This compromise happened through Emergent. Our daughter called Bank of

America using the phone number on the back of her credit card and found out this was a fraud. She ordered a new card. We don't know how the scammers got her correct full name or the last 4 digits of her card. I haven't heard of this scam before and wanted to report it.

- Holland, OH, USA

I received an email that appeared to be from Bank of America. Poor grammar raised one flag. The fact that I don't have an account with them raised another.

Check fields!

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