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cali unlimited distributors

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cali unlimited distributors Reports & Reviews (1)

win on an online gaming website but for real winnings. it’s a freaking scam! i deserve what i won!

on march 27th

i added to cee zee gaming, as usual, i do more than once a day , and played.

i won. alot.

1st win $100

the. i won $350

but because for some reason

i gotta wait 24 hrs from last redeem even tho i been added over $21 at this point

so she tells me she’s leaving a remainder. i can either play it. and that’ll be my 24hr deposit to play or i can cash out.

i played

i had $57 on my game . the rules are if you have $21 or more , you get $1000 or more. in 24 hrs.

if you only have $11 you get $400 redeem

if you add $10 you get $100 redeem.

i had added another $21

i win almost $1000

i won $903.70

the. when i wanted to cash out. she only gave me $400 the next day. and told me that the rest gone. i only had $400 redeem

that’s not fair i won that and i payed out more than enough

i then tried to speak to cee zee and not a cashapp clerk assistant. and when i finally did talk to her she was rude and blocked me on social media. she owes me. that’s bull i should have gotten what i put in

i want my account deleted and i want all the money i’ve wasted on that website. it’s a scam it’s been false advertisement and it should be shut down i i just want my money back

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