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Canadian business phone book

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Canadian business phone book Reports & Reviews (39)

• Dec 06, 2023

Worst customer service ever! You know they have many complaints when they record your conversations and have them ready to play back whenever they have contact with you. I'm like most of you and have now fallen victim to them as well. I was definitely confused when they called and offered these services. I feel like such an [censored], but I assumed that when they said they'd send info and an invoice that I'd be able to go over the info and then choose whether or not to move forward. An honest mistake in my opinion. :( Googled their address and it showed a pharmacy, so then I became very suspicious and concerned. Let them know that I wouldn't be paying anything until I could verify that they truly exist and and are legitimate. Let them know that if their address was indeed fake that I'd be calling my local RCMP detachment as well as the one in their area. And their legal department called me and yelled at me. All the while telling me I needed to be professional and pay them. yelled at me, your customer and I'm unprofessional. Their legal department even admitted that they can't assure all of their staff are doing exactly what they're supposed to, but I'm still on the hook for this bill. You'd think they'd try a tactic like "hey I'm sorry there was some confusion, let's see what we can do to come to an agreement". Instead they prefer to yell at you on the phone and threaten to send to collections. These tactics are not okay.

Received a call stating that we owed them $750 on an outstanding invoice. I had no recollection of hearing of this company or what services they had provided. They aggressively threatened to send me to collections if I didn't pay immediately. I told them I would check my email and I had never received anything from them. At that time, they sent me the invoice, which went directly to spam. When I opened the invoice, I had no idea what the company was or what service they had provided to me and that I had agreed to. We asked them to provide us with evidence that we had agreed to this service, and they played a recording of a phone call with me. At no point in the phone call did they tell me they were recording me. A summary of the conversation follows:

Caller states they are calling to update our online business listing. Confirms address, phone, industry, all correct. They state they will send over the listing and invoice for authorization, I agree, with the intent of reviewing the company and seeing what the services actually are. They then state they are transferring me to quality assurance and the recording ends.

After reviewing all the data, I stated over email multiple times that I had not agreed to this service in email, had received no email to authorize the work as per their recording, and asked that they send me the recording so I could review with my lawyer to determine if it was in fact a legal verbal contract (knowing that it was not). They refused to send the recording, stating various excuses such as "it would be illegal" (just going to repeat here that I was recorded without my knowledge), "they couldn't get it off the system", and the best one, "you might doctor it so we can't send it".

They continued to attempt to phone us and emailed us a copy of the listings, which are 3 listings on their own website. I reiterated that I did not authorize the work, did not want it, and would not be paying the invoice, and that I was reporting them to the anti-fraud agency.


Contacted by direct message from friends account. Talk about government grants that he applied for and received. Referred me to contact an individual on Facebook account and fill out the application. After giving the individual my personal information, he then asked that I send him money for a processing fee and asked me to keep the transaction secret from third parties. That raise my suspicion causing me to contact my friend by phone, who informed me that it was not him that contacted me.


Canadian Business Phone Book is a SCAM! 844 940-3134, Mr Adams ext 271. He called, misrepresented the company saying it was advertising for yellowpages, now calling to collect for their "services" (no idea what that is) and quickly jump to name calling when we said we weren't paying for something we didn't approved, require or want. They claim they recorded a conversation and have proof of our verbal commitment but refuse to allow us to listen to that "recording". A quick google search shows this is a SCAM.


Watch out, warn, stay away from these scammers. They will call you over and over again and beg you to hear them offer their service. If you were nice and accepted, they would ask you some information about yourself and describe their great service. And it's only five minutes of quick, incomprehensible talk, they will ask you for a subscription bill for two years, you would pay for two years ?? One is not enough. Encourage them and they will ask you for hundreds of dollars a year. You will sit for a year and two years without a customer calling or hearing about your company. Someone stay away my friend. These are a group of thieves.


Typical scam where they call to confirm all the info they already know, send invoice and then follow up to harass for payment. And play back the recorded phone conversation where “ an agreement was made for the purchase “.

“ It’s not like buying a sweater from Walmart, you can’t return the advertising provided by us” Cindy pointed out to me. I told her I was not paying the invoice, she was not happy and hung up on me.


Ad for phone book was to send info and was sent a invoice for $682.49. No mention of this price. No Canadian Business Phone Book.


Horrible they call you get to agree to put your buisness in yellow page then send you invoice mislead you because you don't speack the language.. then make you pay 700 plus dollars for the year instead of 2 result in what they do ...then threatened to send you to collection to screw your record.. not impress called consumer protection they won't get onvolve I don't know what else to do!


Sent us a bill for a service we did not request. They claimed they were doing search engine optimization for us, yet we don't have a website.

Pretended they were From Yellow Pages. No one ever returned my calls after I received an invoice. They claim they have a recording of one of the staff on the phone approving the service, however they have not been able to produce such recording. They are billing us $787.49 and threatening third party collection action. Not once has any representative shown us the 'work' done on our behalf. Complete and total scam. Be very careful with these scammers.


Very much the same as the other claims. English it’s not my first lenguaje, I didn’t understood from the beginning was this was about. I had just made a google ad account and she was saying she would update my info for my business so I said yes and gave my info to her and she said an invoice would come. 2 weeks later I got an invoice from a company called the Canadian Business Phone Book claiming I purchased an online marketing bundle from them for $734.49.
I was agree to pay that amount. One year later I got I call from a lady telling me that my contract was for 2 years so I own theme 749 fa for the second year
. I ask them to cancel and suspend the service (that they did not do any social media for me) Literally I let them stole my money. I would not be paying as I figured it was a scam. I have contacted the Canadian Antifraud centre with all of their information so hopefully we can stop them Anyways, hopefully all of these posts from people help those in the future and this company is caught.


Biggest scam ! They called my husband and I threatening us to pay them. No contract nothing was signed it was a phone call that my husband got right away they sent us a direct deposit form so they can receive our banking information!

Very rude and was yelled at by John Adams !


We are a small, family owned and operated company. Canadian Business Phone Book contacted one of our owners in February (the invoice date was Feb 17.21 - I could not find the date of the initial phone call) while he was on a job, had him confirm his status in the company, and proceed to tell him about their "services", asking if it was something we would be interested in. He indicated that it was, as we are a new start up, and were in the process of deciding where and how to advertise.

I was never told about this call, and we never heard a thing about it again until April 19.21 when he was contacted for payment. He indicated that he does not handle those matters and directed her to call me. I was occupied and she left a voicemail. In reviewing it, I immediately smelled a rat, so before calling back I looked up the company, which has been reported several times for this scam. The address that they list is a strip mall full of fast-food restaurants, as viewed on street view with Google Maps.

I called back and expressed that we did not sign up for this service, and that we would not be paying the invoice, which by this point, we had yet to receive. I was rather forceful about it. She said she had a recording of him agreeing to the service and said she would be calling him back. I said, you do that. I informed the owners of this interaction, stating that I believed it was fraudulent. When she called back, he did not pick up, but on his voicemail is another phone number to call in case of emergency, so she called it and ended up speaking with the other owner of the company.

She told him that I was very rude to her and played him the recording. He gave her an email address to send the invoice to - total of $682.49 for an Online Marketing Bundle, priced at $649.99. In that email, she states:

"We would like to mention that this service was indeed authorized by (name omitted) and you have listened to his verbal authorization. This invoice is not a solicitation and cannot be cancelled as it was approved over 60 days ago. If you feel that this is not a service that you need we can cancel your future renewals, however this invoice will need to be paid before we can close your account. We understand that you said (name omitted) was not authorized, however when he was asked he said he was owner of the Company and authorized to purchase on behalf of (the company). Nothing was done in bad faith on our part and we do not force anyone to list. We kindly ask for you to make your payment to avoid late fees and collection recourse."

This has since been handed back to me to deal with, and I have reported the company to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, and here with the BBB. I will be reporting them to Consumer Affairs and Prevention and am in the process of inquiring about the GST number stated on the invoice, which is 798 719 910. Here is my question: when has a legitimate company EVER had a recording on standby to prove that you agreed to something that you don't think you agreed to?


Unfortunately reporting them to consumer affairs did not work for us, and they only cater to consumer/business, NOT business/business affairs. BBB isnt much help either as what they do to provide "proof" of the service, is send in this altered call to BBB and its marked as "answered''. What worked with me, was threatening the with the police. I called in and told them i am aware of their scam, and that they alter the phone call to make it seem like we agreed to their service, and that i have filed a report with the Toronto Police, and the Montreal Police (which are the 2 cities that they claim to operate out of). This made them VERY angry, but they agreed to cancel my invoice, and i had them send me an email confirming this in writing. Good Luck!

We are a small, family owned and operated company. Canadian Business Phone Book contacted one of our owners in February (the invoice date was Feb 17.21 - I could not find the date of the initial phone call) while he was on a job, had him confirm his status in the company, and proceed to tell him about their "services", asking if it was something we would be interested in. He indicated that it was, as we are a new start up, and were in the process of deciding where and how to advertise.

I was never told about this call, and we never heard a thing about it again until April 19.21 when he was contacted for payment. He indicated that he does not handle those matters and directed her to call me. I was occupied and she left a voicemail. In reviewing it, I immediately smelled a rat, so before calling back I looked up the company, which has been reported several times for this scam. The address that they list is a strip mall full of fast-food restaurants, as viewed on street view with Google Maps.

I called back and expressed that we did not sign up for this service, and that we would not be paying the invoice, which by this point, we had yet to receive. I was rather forceful about it. She said she had a recording of him agreeing to the service and said she would be calling him back. I said, you do that. I informed the owners of this interaction, stating that I believed it was fraudulent. When she called back, he did not pick up, but on his voicemail is another phone number to call in case of emergency, so she called it and ended up speaking with the other owner of the company.

She told him that I was very rude to her and played him the recording. He gave her an email address to send the invoice to - total of $682.49 for an Online Marketing Bundle, priced at $649.99. In that email, she states:

"We would like to mention that this service was indeed authorized by (name omitted) and you have listened to his verbal authorization. This invoice is not a solicitation and cannot be cancelled as it was approved over 60 days ago. If you feel that this is not a service that you need we can cancel your future renewals, however this invoice will need to be paid before we can close your account. We understand that you said (name omitted) was not authorized, however when he was asked he said he was owner of the Company and authorized to purchase on behalf of (the company). Nothing was done in bad faith on our part and we do not force anyone to list. We kindly ask for you to make your payment to avoid late fees and collection recourse."

This has since been handed back to me to deal with, and I have reported the company to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, and here with the BBB. I will be reporting them to Consumer Affairs and Prevention and am in the process of inquiring about the GST number stated on the invoice, which is 798 719 910. Here is my question: when has a legitimate company EVER had a recording on standby to prove that you agreed to something that you don't think you agreed to?


Exact same story as so many above. These guys have a formula & if you have had a similar experience, dont think twice. Its BS


Same story as all the above. They obviously have a formula & I hope they dont scam too many more people though I dont know who would or how they can be held responsible. Total BS though for sure. Dont pay


I was busy working on a job and a random number called me so I answered and it was a woman who spoke poor english. I had just made a google ad account and she was saying she would update my info for my business so I said yes and gave my info to her and she said an invoice would come. 2 weeks later I got an invoice from a company called the Canadian Business Phone Book claiming I purchased an online marketing bundle from them for $734.49. I quickly emailed them saying I never asked for this and to cancel the order and invoice and that I would not be paying as I figured it was a scam. Since then they have called me several times a day from different numbers and argue with me over payment. I told one of them that I saw reviews that they were a scam company and she said she was reporting me to her supervisor and that they would be calling me soon. No phone call happened but they emailed me saying they have a recorded call of me authorizing the work and that they have emailed me proof of the work. The so-called work they are referring to is a blog on their fake website, a post on their twitter account which has 30 followers and that is about it. Not to mention they stole the photos from my instagram account. I have contacted the Canadian Antifraud centre with all of their information so hopefully we can stop them from operating and hurting business owners. It makes me so mad that people exist like this and actually speak to you on the phone as if they have done nothing wrong. Anyways, hopefully all of these posts from people help those in the future and this company is caught.


Over two years ago the Canadian Business phone book roped us into the scam that many people have posted about on this scam tracker. After a year of being harrassed by them, and them constantly phoning us, threatening collections, etc, it went quiet when I said to the caller, "that is enough, I have told you to leave us alone, I'm calling the police" to which they hung up quick and we never heard from them. We had an entire year of being left alone. Today they called my husbands' cell ( the first point of contact) and a Mitchell Rawlings, phone number 1-844-940-3134 extention 274, representing a company Alliance CCM, told him he was a lawyer and that this outstanding account had now been passed to him. He posed as being supportive and understanding, stating how it was "sneaky" how the Canadian Business PHone book had operated, but that we needed to make a deal and get things looked after and then he could make it so they would never contact us again. OF course he said the deal had to be made right then, but definately by tomorrow at 3pm if he couldn't do it now, but it would be better if he would just agree to a deal or payment now. Of course they didn't disclose who they were until my husband pushed and made him identify himself. I did make a call to the and they encouraged me to put it on the scam tracker as they have not heard specifically about Alliance CCM, but there are other companies similar to this scam really ramping things up since January. Cheers to you BBB, people who have been scammed by Canadian Business Phonebook, and everyone else out there in the working world who are making an honest living.


Well, I read the reviews here AFTER making business with these guys. I was shocked I thought I lost my money ($749.99). I called them back and asked to refund me back. I gave the reason that I read the reviews and those are terrible and that's making me worried and not to trust on you. A lady convinced me to trust them for just 4 weeks and they will give me the results and she proved me and these reviews wrong. My listing has came on the first page of google and that also in first 3 results.


Clearly is the scammer, as the emails I received come from a Martha Macdonald... Maybe get a bit more creative with your fake names.

Looks like you either "work" for them, or you are gullible. This is 100% a scam. DO NOT TRUST THIS REVIEW


In December 2019 I received a phone call from a person I could not understand who did not speak good english. Basically they had found my business online and what I got out of that conversation was that they had internet advertising to offer and that I was going to look over the package and see if I wanted to proceed. Our business had started up a few months before so I looking into various advertising options which is why I agreed to look into their offer

I sooner received another phone call confirming my address and where to send the info, still from a person who english is not their first language. I am from UK where we get a lot of phone calls similar from foreign call centers and that is why I was ok with them sending me the info to look at.

Fast forward to January 3rd when my lawyers office sent me the invoice this company had sent from my phone call with them for almost $700. I emailed the company straight away and told them I was not interested and to cancel what ever they had done, which was basic info of my business (just address and contact number.) I received a call straight way stating I had to pay the invoice so once off the call i researched the company further to find a number of people had been dupped into this scam as well. I emailed them again explaining I had not signed anything or had been made aware of anything before this invoice and that I was not paying.

After that email I never received any further correspondence or phone call until 21 July 2020 stating the invoice is still unpaid. The lady then called me again on 23 July playing me back the last telephone conversation I had confirming my details. I reitterated that this is a scam and that I would not be paying. They have blamed Covid 19 for the delay in getting back to me which is a lie as Covid did not affect Canada back in early January. Apparently now she is passing my "case" onto her supervisor.

I have threatened legal action as well with them but I want to lodge a formal complaint about this company. They are not legit and there are numerous complaints online about how they go about business and harass people for money.

This is a known phone book scam and these people need to be made accountable. I also want this harassment to stop. I will not be paying them anything.


Initial phone call said the company had been doing advertising for us for the past year and our invoice was due. We did not sign anything for them to advertise for us. When asked to pay over the phone we requested they send an invoice over email and in the mail. Both invoices had different names and addresses.

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Canadian business phone book associated photos:


3347 Boulevard Des Sources, Centennial Plaza Montreal, QC H9B 3J2, Canada



This website was reported to be associated with Canadian business phone book.


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