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Cardholder Services

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Cardholder Services Reports & Reviews (105)

I'm a homeowner and about 2 weeks ago at separate times, I received cards in other people's names. I don't hold an account with this bank so my parents just returned them to the post office. Today, 11/3 I have received a total of 8 envelopes, for 8 different people with my address. I was told that these are all unemployment cards? I guess they use US Bank service for payment. Great! I get transferred no answer. Now what?


My family business address has been receiving these Reliacard Visa debt cards for many people that we don't know and have never heard of. We still get these cards in the mail every week. Some days we get 2 or 3. These have been coming to our business all summer and just received one more yesterday, Christmas Eve. I was told the cards are issued to people for their unemployment money. I hope people are not starving because US Bank, Reliacard, Cardholder Services, P O Box 421849, Indianapolis , IN 46242 can not figure out how to mail the card to the intended recipient. I have Googled many of the unique names and I believe this is some sort of scam. I am guessing some names are not real applicants, deceased or victims of identity theft.

My wife and I received two letters today here in Michigan from the PA treasury UC/SWIF Materials addressed to two people who we know never have lived at our address because we just built our home and moved in December of 2019. We searched these individuals and they have a rap sheet that are a mile long. Home invasions, possession of drugs, etc... These letters make no sense.

I am a homeowner and recently received 2 mailers from this company with addressee names for 2 different individuals who have no association now or in the past with my home address. Seems very fishy. Called number had on record for this PO Box address and the first rep nor the supervisor had any interest in recording or taking any action on what certainly seems like fraudulent activity. I wanted them to flag my address to not allow any other odd activity between their company and my home address but they seemed to limited to dealing with my only if I had an account with them which I don’t & didn’t care if my stated next course of action was filing a complaint. We are returning to sender but concerned.


This is interesting and concerning as I received 8, yep, 8 cards all different names to my address. I've received them in the past, and my parents just told me they were returning them to the office and didn't see a concern—today, 8. I'm waiting for someone to answer on their end now.

i also received a letter from the above address my name is deborah harris the above information is the same as the letter i received, i also do not have a card and did not make any address change


I received a letter today from cardholder services saying thank you for contacting cardholder about my address changed. This dont sound right and its from Jacksonville ,Florida and i want answers now for real.


I received the same letter in the mail and was able to track down that someone has used my information to file for unemployment in Pennsylvania. I recommend going to and checking through each of the states.


I have recently received a letter stating that I have changed my address on a card that I didn't even make. It tells me to contact them on the back of the card, and the problem with that is I don't even possess a card. I have search them up and tried to contact them, however they say I must put in a 16 digit number, but the card id on letter is a 10 digit number, so there is no way that I can contact them. Furthermore, with me not even making a card it wouldn't even be possible to change the address, so I'm wondering as to what card they are talking about. In addition, It states my name and my address information so the only possible thing this can be is identity theft or fraud, either that or this is a scam.

Card ID stated - 3918510193


I received a letter stating a recent address change on my card. If I did not change my address, I was to contact them for more information. Yet, they do not provide any contact information in the letter, very vague, I had to google the name. I think this is a little fishy and sad at these times. I found a phone number and will make a phone call, but surely, they will just call me several times throughout the days coming. :-(
Keep an eye on your accounts! I have been through identity theft and it sucks. Takes along time to recover!

I just got a letter today on 8-14-20. The letter is dated 8-7-20. I don't have any card other than my unemployment card or my ATM card. I never heard of this company before now and I'm questioning what is going on? Would you please look into this? Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Kirsten Lambert


I believe it’s a scam , somebody acting as US Bank giving out loans scammed me for over $500 i never received my “loan” and now I see this letter through my USPS portal out for delivery today ...

Received the same letter many other people here have received. It states that I contacted Cardholder Services to change my address. Obviously it is some sort of scam, but I don't quite understand what the scammers are getting out of it. Either way, I do not have a card with the number listed and I have never applied for unemployment, as many who have gotten this letter have. I'll be keeping an eye on my credit report and my future mailings.


I received notification that my social security number was used to file an unemployment claim in PA. I have never lived in PA I was born in WI and continue to live there. The letter from PA Treasury UC/ SWIF mentioned that many of these claims were connected to US BANK debit cards. I no longer work and have been on full disability since 2011. I had requested a debit card and received it shorty after US Bank closed my account and All related materials I had connected to that account including the debit card were shredded. Yesterday I received a US Bank reliaCard in the mail from PA Treasury UC/SWIF Materials P.O. Box 421849 Indianapolis, IN I no longer have any dealings with US Bank nor will I in the future. I will be filing a complaint with the attorney generals office for Social security fraud in response to this latest US Bank related fraud. If PA Treasury has any further need of information from me I can be contacted thru my email at [email protected] I do not trust contact thru phone.and only answer calls from numbers in my contact list.


Today, I received a letter from "PA Treasury UC/SWIF Materials P.O. 421849, Indianapolis, IN 46242" . There was a Debit card inside with my name on it, this is not mine. I live in Columbus Georgia, and have never lived in Pennsylvania. I would like for some to contact me at 706-536-3956 or [email protected] to discuss this issue. Thank you, Daniel R. Gibbs

I received a letter thanking me for my change of address I don't receive any cards at this address. Only unemployment information.


I didnt order a new card or change if address

I receive multiple calls from this company on my cell phone. I asked to be put on the do not call list. They continue to call. Finally I asked questions. They took my name them my credit card info an the last 4 of my social security number. After giving them a list of my credit cards of which they promised to lower the interest rate on all of them they asked for a card that had no balance. He asked if I had a card with at least $1000 available credit. He then asked for my birth date and address. When he could not hear me he told me my zip code so they already have your info. They they tried to get me to give the first 5 of my social while they checked on another of my cards. He reason was to verify my identity so they can authorize looking up the info on my card. All in all, this is a fishing scam and they want to force you to purchase a $1000 worth of service (with their charge placed on a credit card) to get you out of debt. They told me they would send my plan in the mail for my signature, Never got one. Probably because i wouldn't give the rest of my social and because i didn't have $1000 available on one of my cards..


I agree! They called acting as if they were giving out loans had ALL my information made me pay $500 for a closing fee I never received my loan it’s most definitely a scam... checked my USPS portal today & see I have one of these “letters” out for delivery hmmm fishy!

After receiving dozens of robocalls over the past 6-8 months, I today received a 'change of address' letter. There was a 10-digit "card ID" that I did not recognize. After reading the reports here I contacted Colorado UI. After much digging the last 4-digits of the number were confirmed as correct for an old UI ReliaCard, but there should have been 16-digits. USBank ReliaCard to report the card lost and have it frozen 855-282-6161. Loooong hold times.


Update - Cardholder Services is actually a subsidiary of USBank. Website USBank is handling reliacards via this subsidiary. The address format in their files has been changed and this has triggered auto-generation of the mailed notices. Literally, the system sees the format change as an address change request. The card ID# in the letter is the account number for the associated card. Card Holder Services can be contacted at 855-282-6161.
And yes, they are the same crew that has been hammering people with "interest reduction" phone calls.



So the letter that everyone has recvd and is receiving is definitely from unemployment. I contacted them directly. So everyone that has filed for uc benefits are receiving those letters automatically. Massive amounts of letters went out to those who filed. Hope this will stop everyone from being worried. There number is1-877-757-5424


I received a letter thanking me for contacting cardholder services about changing my address. It came via USPS. No letterhead, no contact info, just said "If you did not make this request on your account, please contact Cardholder Service at the phone number listed on the back of your card." I did not do so, suspecting a scam. Assuming it's linked to my UI card I received back in April which is invalid.

Victim location :80033
Type of scam: credit cards


I recieved the same letter. The letter says they are confirming my change of address has been processed. I never did a change of address nor do i have any card with that number ending in 8565. I have lived in my current house for 13 years!
No contact info. Im assuming this is a scam. Not sure what to do. I think I will file a complaint with the attorney generals office or the postal service.

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Shady, yet now dead: once upon a time this website was reported to be associated with Cardholder Services, but after several inspections we’ve come to the conclusion that this domain is no longer active.

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