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Cash Advance

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Cash Advance? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Cash Advance Reports & Reviews (114)

• Jan 10, 2024

Scammers email [email protected]

Email said
Arrest warrant ID: - SK-84495285 which will be out by 5 PM today.

AttentionThis is the last and final chance for you.

This Legal Proceedings issued on your Docket Number EVR-38924 with one of the Cash Advance Inc. companies in order to notify you that after making several calls to you on your phone number we were not able to get hold of you. So the account department of Cash Advance has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and have decided to press legal charges against you.

CASE NO: PJ-OL - 818877

Amount Outstanding $550.67

• Oct 09, 2023

emailing me threating garnishment of wages saying they don't have paper work I said prove I owe this debt which I don't no reply I replied scam.

Kayla Harris

This Legal Proceedings issued on your Docket Number EVR-38924 with one of the Cash Advance Inc. companies in order to notify you that after making several calls to you on your phone number we were not able to get hold of you. So the account department of Cash Advance has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and have decided to press legal charges against you.

CASE NO: PJ-OL - 88590467

Amount Outstanding $550.67

We have already sent you this warning/notification about legal proceedings on March 8, 2019 but you failed to respond on time. Now if you failed to respond in next 4 HOURS, we will register this case in court. Consider this as a final warning. We will be emailing/faxing this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict action against you. Your salary/wages will be garnished.

Do revert back if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make a payment arrangement today or else we would be proceeding legally against you. We apologize that this notification will also be sent to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntary is quickly coming to an end. You are going to lose the option to resolve this before it goes to the next step which is a Lawsuit against you. So you must take an immediate action.

You can Email back to get the payment mode too.

We will be forced to proceed legally against you and once it is processed the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $6300.00 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges. If you can take care of this out of court then we will release the clearance certificate from the court and we will make sure that no one contacts you in future.

Please let us know what your intention is by today itself so we can hold the case or else we will submit the paperwork to your local county sheriff department and you will be served by court summons at your door step.

Note : This notice is provided to you on behalf of Cash Advance Inc. and its parent company , and their respective family of companies including Cash Advance, its parent company, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Cash Advance Related Companies,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). The Cash Advance Related Companies include, but are not limited to: Cash Advance, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, including those that operate under the trade names Cash Advance, 100 Day Loan, Net loan USA, Fax free Cash, Payday one, Sonic Cash, Money tree, Egg loans, Check cash Loan, Quick Payday, Personal Cash Advance, Rapid Cash, Sonic Payday, Speedy Cash, My Cash Now, National Payday, Paycheck Today, Payday OK, Cash Central Loans, Cash Net 500,Cash Net USA, Allied Cash, Super Pawn, Check into Cash, Check Smart, Ez Money Cash America Net, Cash America, Cash America Pawn, Cash land, Super Pawn, Cash America Payday Advance, or any company-owned Mr. Payroll locations. “You” or “Your” means you as a participant in or as a user of the products and/or services offered by a Cash Advance Related Company.


By electronically signing this Loan Agreement by clicking the "I AGREE" button below, you are confirming that you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Consent and that you have downloaded or printed a copy of this Consent for your records.

Note: To make the payment you need to contact our email address [email protected]

Office Deena Kennedy
Financial Crime Enforcement Network,
300 South Spring Street,
Los Angeles,
CA 90013-1230

• Oct 30, 2023

So is a scam to get money from me . Because I have the exact same thing and when I email this person says the email doesn't exist. And now 79.99 have been taking out of my check for over 2 months now


Attention, Debtor



LOAN SETTLEMENT AMOUNT- $681 (Today Settlement Amount)


Contact AT: - mailto:[email protected]

After multiple attempts to reach you, we haven't received any positive feedback from your side. As you are not paying your seriousness on this account suggesting that you are ignoring the situation and repeating the same activity which you did before with the loan company. We are trying to best help you on this matter but you are taking this matter lightly.

You will be represented @ 700 Stewart Street, Seattle, WA - 98101


"Docket Number: #DNE-3876531 has been declared as a "GUILTY" by Authorized Law Enforcement Department, Seizure Warrant has been activated."

Unless delayed notice is authorized below, you must give a copy of the warrant and a receipt for the property taken to the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken, or leave the copy and receipt at the place where the property was taken.

The officer executing this warrant, or an officer present during the execution of the warrant, must prepare as required by law and promptly return this warrant. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3103a (b), I find that immediate notification may have an adverse result listed in 18 U.S.C. 2705 (except for delay of trial), and authorize the officer executing this warrant to delay notice to the person who, or whose property, will be searched or seized.

Note: You will be contacted by your local county authorities. National Debt Recovery Department is closing this account and declaring as a GUILTY. If we will not receive any feedback from your side within next few hours, then you will be the only person who will be responsible for any consequences.

We will be forced to download this case against you and once it is downloaded the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $3285.64 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges and the due amount pending on your name.

We have settlement amount for you with easy bi-weekly and a one-time settlement amount option below, kindly reply soon with your final intention regarding this case.

1. You will have to submit $681 today and close this case outside of court with the onetime case settlement plans.


3. You will have to submit an amount which is acceptable of $189.02 today to put this case on hold outside of the courthouse and the rest payment with $189.00 bi-weekly instalments till the loan amount $756.02 paid in full.

Get back to us ASAP before the charges have been pressed against you into the court of law.



Att. Amee Frodle

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------... />
Confidentiality Statement & Notice: This email is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521 and intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any review, re transmission, dissemination to unauthorized persons or other use of the original message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you received this electronic transmission in error, please reply to the above-referenced sender about the error and permanently delete this message. Thank you for your co-operation.


They have been emailing me from different emails and since June and it’s really really really annoying. I am getting sick and tired of these emails and they need to be stopped.

I have been having a bunch of phone calls and emails saying that I have been approved for a loan and I had just spoke to a man and he said that he was through the better business bureau and everything. I believe it's a scam because he wants me to load 150.00 on a Walmart card and says that he isn't going to take my money I will have to complete the verification process in order to receive the loan. I believe it's a scam I've never had to send money to get any kind of loan

This is the last and final chance for you.

This Legal Proceedings issued on your Docket Number EVR-38924 with one of the Cash Advance Inc. companies in order to notify you that after making several calls to you on your phone number we were not able to get hold of you. So the account department of Cash Advance has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and have decided to press legal charges against you.

CASE NO: PJ-OL - 818877

Amount Outstanding $550.67

We have already sent you this warning/notification about legal proceedings on March 8, 2019 but you failed to respond on time. Now if you failed to respond in next 4 HOURS, we will register this case in court. Consider this as a final warning. We will be emailing/faxing this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict action against you. Your salary/wages will be garnished.

Do revert back if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make a payment arrangement today or else we would be proceeding legally against you. We apologize that this notification will also be sent to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntary is quickly coming to an end. You are going to lose the option to resolve this before it goes to the next step which is a Lawsuit against you. So you must take an immediate action.

You can Email back to get the payment mode too.

We will be forced to proceed legally against you and once it is processed the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $6300.00 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges. If you can take care of this out of court then we will release the clearance certificate from the court and we will make sure that no one contacts you in future.

Please let us know what your intention is by today itself so we can hold the case or else we will submit the paperwork to your local county sheriff department and you will be served by court summons at your door step.

Note : This notice is provided to you on behalf of Cash Advance Inc. and its parent company , and their respective family of companies including Cash Advance, its parent company, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Cash Advance Related Companies,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). The Cash Advance Related Companies include, but are not limited to: Cash Advance, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, including those that operate under the trade names Cash Advance, 100 Day Loan, Net loan USA, Fax free Cash, Payday one, Sonic Cash, Money tree, Egg loans, Check cash Loan, Quick Payday, Personal Cash Advance, Rapid Cash, Sonic Payday, Speedy Cash, My Cash Now, National Payday, Paycheck Today, Payday OK, Cash Central Loans, Cash Net 500,Cash Net USA, Allied Cash, Super Pawn, Check into Cash, Check Smart, Ez Money Cash America Net, Cash America, Cash America Pawn, Cash land, Super Pawn, Cash America Payday Advance, or any company-owned Mr. Payroll locations. “You” or “Your” means you as a participant in or as a user of the products and/or services offered by a Cash Advance Related Company.


By electronically signing this Loan Agreement by clicking the "I AGREE" button below, you are confirming that you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Consent and that you have downloaded or printed a copy of this Consent for your records.

Leena Cooper
Financial Crime Enforcement Network,
300 South Spring Street,
Los Angeles,
CA 90013-1230

I received a text message from this number stating nothing but "as there is no response from your side we need to close your loan file" exactly as I have written so grammar is bad. when I asked for their website they gave me this email address. When I said no that's email not website this is a a scam they said " don't worry its legit company" again bad grammar. I told them I was reporting them.

Arrest warrant ID: - SAI 754863288 which will be out by today 5 PM.


This is the last and final chance for you.

This Legal Proceedings issued on your Docket Number EVR-38924 with one of the Cash Advance Inc. companies in order to notify you that after making several calls to you on your phone number we were not able to get hold of you. So the account department of Cash Advance has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and have decided to press legal charges against you.

CASE NO: PJ-OL - 818877

Amount Outstanding $550.67

We have already sent you this warning/notification about legal proceedings on March 8, 2019 but you failed to respond on time. Now if you failed to respond in next 4 HOURS, we will register this case in court. Consider this as a final warning. We will be emailing/faxing this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict action against you. Your salary/wages will be garnished.

Do revert back if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make a payment arrangement today or else we would be proceeding legally against you. We apologize that this notification will also be sent to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntary is quickly coming to an end. You are going to lose the option to resolve this before it goes to the next step which is a Lawsuit against you. So you must take an immediate action.

You can Email back to get the payment mode too.

We will be forced to proceed legally against you and once it is processed the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $6300.00 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges. If you can take care of this out of court then we will release the clearance certificate from the court and we will make sure that no one contacts you in future.

Please let us know what your intention is by today itself so we can hold the case or else we will submit the paperwork to your local county sheriff department and you will be served by court summons at your door step.

Note : This notice is provided to you on behalf of Cash Advance Inc. and its parent company , and their respective family of companies including Cash Advance, its parent company, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Cash Advance Related Companies,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). The Cash Advance Related Companies include, but are not limited to: Cash Advance, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, including those that operate under the trade names Cash Advance, 100 Day Loan, Net loan USA, Fax free Cash, Payday one, Sonic Cash, Money tree, Egg loans, Check cash Loan, Quick Payday, Personal Cash Advance, Rapid Cash, Sonic Payday, Speedy Cash, My Cash Now, National Payday, Paycheck Today, Payday OK, Cash Central Loans, Cash Net 500,Cash Net USA, Allied Cash, Super Pawn, Check into Cash, Check Smart, Ez Money Cash America Net, Cash America, Cash America Pawn, Cash land, Super Pawn, Cash America Payday Advance, or any company-owned Mr. Payroll locations. “You” or “Your” means you as a participant in or as a user of the products and/or services offered by a Cash Advance Related Company.


By electronically signing this Loan Agreement by clicking the "I AGREE" button below, you are confirming that you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Consent and that you have downloaded or printed a copy of this Consent for your records.

Note: To make the payment you need to contact our email address
[email protected]

Office Deena Kennedy
Financial Crime Enforcement Network,
300 South Spring Street,
Los Angeles,
CA 90013-1230

Dear Debtor,

Kindly find the attachment.

Our company has authorized us to recover the full amount due.

As we put your Social Security Number into our National Checking Database System we found that you have been never charged for a fraud activity & that is the reason Court House has decided to give you a chance to take care of this issue outside the Court without having a report on your Credit History and Social Security Number.

We regret that if we do not receive your response within the next 48 hours,We shall have no alternative to take action to your local County Court to recover the amount due together with court costs and legal fees.

Thank You for Cooperation.


Mark Harper

Sr. Investigation Officer

(Department - Law & Enforcement)

I had gotten an email from a sarah johnson a while back about a 3000$^ debt that I had supposedly owed and she had asked me to make a payment and I diddnt. She has now threatened me with possible jail time and all of this on a "debt" I do not recall owing.


This caller identified them selfs as a collection agency for Cash Advance that was delinquent since 2018. they had all of my information to include my banks name. I have not used Cash Advance, but other businesses with similar names.

Sent me a letter stating I'm being sued over a bill ...

[email protected]


October 6th, 2021


Dear Julia Graham,

Due Amount- $1585.32

Settlement Amount - $950.27 for Today or two payments of $475.00 from Today.

Hereby we inform that you are obliged to come as a defendant to the District Court of Appeals on October 14th, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. for the hearing of your case of defaulting on a LOAN, CASE #PU/78A/98-364.

Last Date to File Lawsuit- October 14th, 2021.

Cost of the Lawsuit-$3590.00

Legal Charges-Section 19(A), Clause 21(US).

Case Format- Fair Debt Collection(FC/SC)

NO CONTACT PH# OR physical address or where to contact court's to follow up or what state this is supposedly filed .

I went on the computer to get a loan and this cash advance web site came up so I applied for the loan.Good thing I checked it out,because yes it was a scam!

Robbed out of 500 dollars first 100 dollars

- Los Angeles, CA, USA

Hi I was contacted by this person/s about them being a cashapp agent who could legitimately flip my money. They made themselves seem so authentic. I ended up sending them a total of $450. I started to get skeptical when this person asked for an additional $450 in order to get my money back. When I told them I would be reporting this to BBB, FBI, local police they blocked me on instagram. Still to this day they refuse to refund me my money. They took from my babies as well. This image is only 1 transaction. The other is for $200. These types of scams must stop.

I went online in search of a loan. After filling out one application, i received many responses. Then the text started, good credit bad credit all credit types excepted. One I responded to was **** *******. They qualified me, approved for 5,000 dollar loan. In order to process your loan, you need to pay 100 dollars in a Google play gift card. Don't worry about the cost it will be refunded back to you. You will receive your loan of 5,000 and your 100 dollar gift card purchase, total 5,100. When you purchase the card take a picture of the card and receipt send to this number **********. Your money will be deposited in to your account within 2 hours. 2 hours later no deposit. Call them, oh your account is turned over to our agent Austin Spencer **********. He informs me that due to low credit score, it needs to be boosted. For 500 dollar gift card, purchase 2 - 200$ google play and one 100$ card. Do the same, dont worry this will boost your credit score so that the FDIC will approve and this is also refundable to you with your loan amount. This went on many times, processing fees, western union fees, Federal Trade Commission. Then they handed off my account to Cash Advance. Same thing more gift cards more fees, and always that money will be refunded to you. A lot of last time, final payment.

- Fresno, CA, USA

They call you up tell you you're approved for a loan ask you to go get a Walmart gift card of $200 and send it to them saying that they will send you $4,000 back and then when you try to get ahold of them to ask you to send another $200 so you can get your money through Western Union because the bank transfer didn't go on to go through so they are scamming people for money I don't know if they're pulling out zones in the people's names in money but I'm pretty sure they are I'm pretty sure they got me for $4,200

Entered by Employee - Pacific Southwest on behalf of victim. Email received from victim in regards to the following email. Predatory debt-collections:

Rise prime payday Loan

The Cash Advance Group

Attorney Emma Wilson

Houston TX.

Contact at: mailto:[email protected]

Case Number # 738300


We are hereby to inform you that you are going to be legally prosecuted in the Court House within a couple of days. So, before something goes wrong, we would like to notify you about this matter. It seems apparent that you had chosen to ignore all our efforts to contact you in order to resolve your debt with your Payday Services. At this point, you had made your intentions clear and leave us no choice but to protect our interest in this matter.






If we do not hear from you within 24 hours of the date of this letter, we will be compelled to seek legal representation from our in-house attorney. We reserve the right to commence litigation for intent to commit wire fraud under the pretense of refusing to repay a debt committed to, by use of the internet. In addition, we reserve the right to seek recovery for the balance due, as well as legal fees and any court costs incurred.


We will be forced to download this case against you and once it is downloaded the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $2674.67 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges and the due amount pending on your name.

We have settlement amount for you with easy Biweekly and a one-time settlement amount option below, kindly reply soon with your final intention regarding this case.

You will have to submit $575.60 today and close this case outside of court with the onetime case settlement plans

You will have to submit an amount which is acceptable is $185.15 today to put this case on hold outside of the courthouse and the rest payment with $185.15 biweekly installments till the loan amount $740.60 paid in full. Get back to us ASAP before the charges have been pressed against you into the court of law.

Do provide us with the date on which you can pay so that we can update your account at mailto:[email protected]

Kindly let us know are you willing to resolve this matter out of the courthouse or we should proceed further with the legal charges against you. Once this case will be downloaded against you then we won’t be able to help you out.

Note: This is your last and final chance to settle this case.

Else we are going to transfer your file to the legal department to download the case against you and you will receive the court summons at your doorstep within 2 working days. Kindly hire an attorney.


Kindly let us know what type of payment arrangement; you are looking for mailto:[email protected]


ACE Legal Group of Attorneys.

Copyright © 2018 Cash Advance Group of Attorneys | Privacy | Terms of use | Carrier

- Newport, KY, USA

They texted me after I applied for a$3,000 loan. I was told that due to opening a new account after my husband's death for myself alone that they needed to verify that my bank could receive and send funds. I didn't know that I shouldn't have given my account id and password. The check they deposited was fake. I didn't know this until I returned the funds via gift cards. They scammed me out of $1,975 + $36 return check fee for a total of $2,011.

Check fields!

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