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Cash Advance USA

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Cash Advance USA Reports & Reviews (53)

- Montville, NJ, USA

I received an email from a cash advance company stating that I owe them $845.67, and I have 7 days to pay or they will take legal action against me. I have never used a cash advance service, so I know that I don't owe them any money. I just want to bring awareness to this scam. Here is a copy of the email I received:

Dear Customer,

Regarding your delinquent account in the amount of $845.67, we have requested payment on this account several times without success.


Please be advised that unless we receive payment in full on this account within seven (7) days of the date of this letter, we will immediately turn this account over to our attorneys for collection proceedings and legal actions against you without further notice.

These proceedings will include claims for pre-judgment interest on your account and all legal and court related costs in connection with collection of this past due account and will substantially increase the amount that you owe us. Collection proceedings may also have an adverse effect on your credit rating.

We regret the necessity for this action and urge you to clear up this account delinquency immediately.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this serious matter.

Very truly,


Billing & Accounts

Cash Advance USA

- Yucca Valley, CA, USA

I received an email claiming that I had an overdue debt. There was no mention of what the debt was for or any other information to identify me, the date of the debt or what it was for. They highlighted in red that if I didn't respond by about a week later it would be turned over to a collections service. Other than the email address given as the sender there was no contact information. No phone, address or legitimate looking business name. In very tiny print at the bottom they made a claim that: "If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or retain it. If received in error please immediately notify us by return email and delete the emails". I replied by saying that if I did not receive a recognition email of mine to them that I don't owe anyone any money, that I would report theirs to the BBB.

- Kennewick, WA, USA

I received the following email.

We have extended every courtesy possible and have been amenable to discussing re-payment options, again without success. With no meaningful cooperation from your side, we have no choice but to demand full payment of the entire balance.

If complete payment is not received by February 13, 2018, we will seek remedy through a collection agency and/or the courts at our discretion.

Once the account is forwarded out of this office, we can have no further contact with you. Therefore, we urge you to take immediate steps to rectify this problem.

With regard to this collection matter whenever appropriate, we will also notify the industry credit associations to which we belong as well as the independent credit reporting agencies. This will likely impair your credit rating.

Very truly yours,


Billing & Accounts

Cash Advance USA

Red flag!!! didn't give a good report. I am online on a government or what appeared to be a government site looking for a loan with my "BAD CREDIT "! THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE "LENDER APPROVED ME. BUT BECAUSE I USE A PRE-PAID CARD THEY COULD NOT GIVE ME THE LOAN. I CAN'T OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW. I AM TRYING TO CLEAN UP MY CREDIT. Which is why I was inquiring about the loan. I would tell them how much I needed and they would try and push more on me. And seemed shocked and upset when I asked why they were trying to give me more than I asked for. Please investigate this. I believe they are posers and they're working with the people in NEW YORK. I HAVE REPORTED THE TO ALL OF THEM! KICKING PEOPLE WHEN THEY ARE ALREADY DOWN. I AM TRYING TO DO RIGHT.

I received a phone call stated that I can get a loan to help out to pay off some bills or for the holidays. Once I gave them my information they stated that they would call me back in about 30 minutes and I never received a call back. Please be aware of these kind of businesses. The phone number that called me was out of Georgia, but the lady stated she was in Chicago.

- Tuscola, IL, USA

Different phones numbers would call first saying they are IRS or I owe some kind of debt and if I don't pay it would involve heavy consequences. I don't remember debt that has been that bad. I blocked calls. Now today I received this long email of court costs and possible prison time. I don't have a loan fast cash/payday loan out there. I sent them email, asking for proof, along with phone number and address. If you can help that would be great. This is scary...

- Ruston, LA, USA

Just been scam through numerous ITunes cards in amount of $750. They talk you right into it saying you will be refunded for verification of I tune cards. Name was Eric Johnson cash advance Usa. I got sucked right in. Did not get deposit or refunds for cards. I wish I would’ve look at consumer report before I got ....ed. I hope with all info they get these scammers. I have email traffic of discussions for transaction.

Guy ask me to buy 950 dollars worth iTunes them send them the code to fix my credit he didn't it twice then put the loan money in and next morning said I had to do another 1900 dollars worth iTunes then i looked up the web site they said it was a scam and it was to late to do anything

A foreign man called me and was asking if I had inquired about loan/grants I informed that I had for school purposes and he provided me with all of my personal information and said that I was approved for $5000 loan and that he would send me an email with all the information and then hung up the phone. He sent me and email with all the information but the terms and conditions seemed fishy so I researched and found it to be a scam so I replied back to the email and just said that I wasn't interested at which time the same gentleman called me and asked why I wasn't interested and I just said that I wasn't and he asked me if I was playing games and I informed him that I wasn't just wasn't interested due to it didn't seem legit. They guy kept calling me at work and was threatening me saying that he had all my information and that he could call me a 1,000 times a day.

- Jacksonville, FL, USA

received a text from 1-845-977-7553, Kevin Anderson. In the text consumer was advised he was approved for a loan and to call Frank White at 817-400-1035 for further information. When he called the number he was told in order to get the $2000 transferred into his account he would first have to pay $240 to which he responded if he had that much he wouldn't need a loan. He was then offered a 2nd option where the would deposit $500 into his account and he could send them the money the next day and then they would deposit the $2000 into his account.

Luckily his wife was nearby and heard the was going to deposit money into his account and stopped him from going further with the call however he had in the meantime received an email Approval Letter from Jack Brown ([email protected]) explaining the's involvement in the transaction.

- Gloucester, MA, USA

This individual "Shane Parker" emailed me stating that I owed a debt to Cash Advance USA, and that when they attempted to receive payment for this debt via my bank, it was denied.

Here is a copy of the email. I cannot take an image on my computer.


Shane Parker


Mon 5/1, 11:43 AM

Shane Parker ([email protected])

Dear Debtor,

This is the last and final notification from our side in regards of unpaid loan account of yours. We tried everything to contact you, sent several notifications through mail which went undelivered and phone calls went unanswered. So, now we have no option left than filing a legal case against you.

At the time of your need the Company helped you out by lending money but at the time of repayment all the EFT's were declined by your bank and you never responded to any of our notifications.

We are going to report to IRS about this fraudulent activity, so that total outstanding balance gets declared as “additional income” for you. We will use IRS Form 1099-C and prove that the total outstanding balance became income for you and bad debt for the Company.

Also, your employer will be notified regarding this fraudulent activity as their name was mentioned too while taking the loan.

A notification will be sent to the major credit bureau's which could severely damage your credit rating.

You can still avoid all these unnecessary actions by immediately getting in touch with us.

We are still ready to work with you and willing to provide a onetime settlement or payment arrangement as per your convenience.

If we do not receive any response your side then the case will be filed against you by Friday, May 5th 2017.

For any queries or concern feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist you.

Thank you.

Cash Advance USA

Copyright © 2013 Cash Advance USA| Terms of use

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Confidentiality Statement & Notice: This email is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521 and intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any review, re transmission, dissemination to unauthorized persons or other use of the original message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you received this electronic transmission in error, please reply to the above-referenced sender about the error and permanently delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation.

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My Report:

I have never taken out a loan with Cash Advance USA.

I think they have been trying to reach me by cell phone, 6 or 7 calls a day. I finally blocked the caller - I never pick-up on people or businesses I do not know.

I notice that there is no contact address or phone number on the email. Before thinking, I did respond via email and told this scam artist that I planned on reporting them to the FBI - which I did. Probably not a good idea, in retrospect.

- Hornsby, TN, USA

This is the first email I ever received from the person or known company. The letter said that I had a cash advance loan with an outstanding balance of $991.87 and they have tried several times to contact me. The email stated that

if I didn't at least sent them $500 then they were be forced to take action against me. What's funny, they don't have my address, phone number or any other way of contacting me but wanted me to reply back with all that information. How did they get my email address?

- Jacksonville, FL, USA

Advise me that they were filing suit, and could inform my employer and garnishee my wages. ( Both not legal) I have never done business with these people.

- Muscle Shoals, AL, USA

I received this email demanding money. I do not owe this company money, I do not have any outstanding loans with any company.

Dear Customer,

Regrettably, we are forced to send our collection team at your billing address, due to your failure to pay the $991.67.

On March 24, 2017, representatives of our company will arrive at your home at 11 A.M. to collect the overdue payment.

We had hoped to avoid this extreme action by offering you flexible credit options to lessen the difficulty you face making payments. However, your unwillingness to cooperate with our billing department has left us no choice.

If you wish to avoid this situation then kindly get back to us to discuss onetime settlement or payment arrangement as per your convenience.

If no response is received within 48 hours then we will be forced to send our collection team at your door step.



Collections Department

Cash Advance USA

- Rossville, GA, USA

I received a text saying I was approved for up to 15000 loan when I called they wanted my bank info and my account user ID and password to deposit $500 and then I needed to return it and then tomorrow I would have the rest of the loan I told them I wasn't comfortable with giving out the Information he said he newsboy for verification that I had a good standing account I said that was OK and I didn't need the loan he had a thick Indian accent his name was Tony Marcus

- Bealeton, VA, USA

Email for a company that I have paid several times:

ATTN : Customer,

The case will be downloaded on Wednesday (January 11th 2017) and you will be soon served with the court papers due to non-payment after so many reminders. If you want to avoid these legal consequences we merely require you to get back to us with the payment, you can e-mail us back.

If you want to resolve this case out of the court house you can E-mail us back

Thank You.


They emailed me today talking about I owe them $973.75 for a loan, but it can be settle for $300 by today. I've took out pay day loans before but not from this company. I want them to stop emailing me and calling me. If I get a call from them and don't recognize the number I don't answer no way. I figure if it's urgent enough you will leave a message but they never do. I am going to copy and paste what they sent me in my email today:Dear Customer,



We belong to Cash Advance USA.


The total pay off balance is $973.75, however we do have a Settlement offer available for you, if you can come up with onetime payment of $300.00 by today October 14th 2016, this account will be marked as paid in full.


Please confirm if you accept the Settlement offer, so that we can suggest you the mode of payment accordingly.


NOTE: The settlement offer is valid till today October 14th 2016.


However once you mark this account as paid in full by making payments on behalf of this loan account, the company will provide you with the Full & Final receipt along with the Loan Clearance Certificate. So that you can have it as a proof to make sure no one contacts you in future for the same loan.


Kindly get back with us and let us know whether you want to take care of this legal case outside of the court house or not so that we can proceed further and update your case file accordingly.




Best Regards



On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:02 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Who is this? I've never TOOK a loan from advance cash usa. Send me some proof that I did. This is the first time you ever sent me any notice.

-----Original Message-----

From: Shane Williams

To: Shane Williams

Sent: Fri, Oct 14, 2016 10:29 am




This is the final notification to let you know that the option to settle the legal case outside of the court house is going to end by today.

If we don’t hear from you by the end of the day today, the legal case will be downloaded by Tuesday (October 18th 2016).

The creditor has full rights to inform your employer about this fraud along with your given references and they will also inform the 3 major credit bureaus about it so that this fraudulent activity could be mentioned into your credit report.

This loan was for your short term financial needs however you refused to pay the money back to company.

Get back with us right away or the burden will be on your shoulders.

Also this is to inform you that we are not threatening you, we are just want to let you know about the consequences.

Our officers can be reached at the following number to provide all possible assistance to you. Helpline number:(972)-499 5082, Timing: 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM CST, Monday to Friday.

Yours faithfully,



+1 (972) 499 5082.

They told me i was approved for $5000 and all i had to do was load $65 on a apple itune card for verification and $287 to pay for the wire transfer fee and that the $5000 was gone be deposited into my account and it never was.

Says I owe $300 and with that $300 and interest of $973 and if I don't pay it I'm going to be sued.

"James Anderson" is claiming to be Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and is threatening to jail me saying I took a loan out for 500.00 and now I owe just under 1300.00. I have responded saying I know they are scamming me and the emails get nastier and nastier. Telling me they will be at my door in 2 hours to arrest me.

Check fields!

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