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DDS Delivery fraud

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DDS Delivery fraud Reports & Reviews (13)

12394266512 Deposited a new message:
"Hi there. This message is intended for Joscy My name is Carly and I'm calling on behalf of D DS courier and this is in regards to some legal documents that we would like to deliver to the home address we have on file on Hill Street. Um and it does look like these papers are coming from Felicia County. Um These are time sensitive, meaning we have a certain time in which to do this and in order for us to have successful delivery, um we do require a signature and photo ID. Um If we do not hear from you within 24 hours, then you can expect us to come to your home or your place of employment without consent. The number provided is 8775190947. Phone number D A 153450. Today is June 14th. Thank you."
Click here: 14699825000 to listen to full voice message.

• Jan 29, 2024

Any update on this company?

Here is the message these folks left… frauds are probably the nicest I could call them.
DDS Scam
DDS Scam

• Jan 29, 2024

Did you ever find out more?

I just got a text first claiming of an issue for me to call an 888 791 0237 to start process of resolution. I ignored it, moments later then I get a phone call from 201-395 0138 telling me that a suit had been filed in court against me etc. I told him this is a scam and he said it most definitely is not a scam. He wanted me to make clear if I was the correct person by stating my SS number etc. I said this is a scam, he said it wasn't that a law suit was brought against I said then why didn't you just serve me papers to appear? He said they verify my info before sending a person...I informed him that all legal services already have my personal information and do not call people for verification...they just show up and serve the papers! I told him he was full of crap and a scammer...then he said fine, you made my day easier and will send a person to serve the papers and he said make sure to fill out page 3 etc. then he hung up. What a load of crap! These are the numbers they were using 888-791-0237 in the text then he called me from 201-395 -0138

Received a call today and several times from a John Moore. Looking for personal information including bank, social security numbers. Told i needed to be a debt today or I would be going to jail. 844-918-4057

Brother got a call from DDS asking for me. The voice message said he was set as the primary source of contact (I did not do this). Then a very vague message about calling the "issuing agent today to prevent further escalation."

Don't know how they were able to tie my brother's phone number to me. Never dealt with DDS before. Very, very shady and fraudulent business running here. Hope some law enforcement agency gets involved.


These people are completely disrespectful and do not know how to conduct themselves as professional adults. They act like kids and hang up when you question them or won't give out your DOB when there is so much fraud going on these days. Why would I give someone my personal information like DOB when they have not even told me why they are calling me. I kept calling back and the guy kept hanging up on me like a child. I asked for his supervisor and he said he was the supervisor - which was a lie. I told him - no wonder your company is all over Google as a scam and all the negative comments people have put down regarding their experiences. He said they weren't and to do my homework. I said - well then let me read them to you because I have it all up on my computer. He then hung up again for the 3rd time. That is hilarious to me as he is obviously oblivious to the power of Goggle and where people like me and so many others that are being harassed and being disrespected can put [censored] like these on blast for the entire world to see. Not only are these companies BOTH DDS and Western Asset Services crooks they are also full of jerks that work there. I guess part of their onboarding training is to teach these call center reps on how to be class -A - jerks to people who are sincere about calling in wanting to resolve an issue. But asking for someone's DOB right out the gate is not the appropriate method to get someone to want to talk to you.


Caller ID said "Unknown Caller"

I answered and the guy said he was with DDS Delivery Service and that he had a certified letter/package from San Juan County. He then gave me a number to call (844) 200-6760 along with a reference number. When I called the number I got someone from Western Asset Services trying to scam me with a debt. They also threatened to garnish my wages at first then it was sue me. They even told me I had no right to an attorney. I've never known of any debt collector who would use a call from a "delivery service".


I Got the same exact message today, 9/9/20. & they must’ve called a min of 5 times along w/leaving the message.


Someone call me from DDS say that you have delivery to u by Tomorrow. But you have to call them to confirm it. This the number 844-853-2387 and ref #628149...scam!

Oh, when they called, it wasn’t from a “restricted” #, but but came from 714-482-4830. They left the same # (855-444-2789) you mentioned though.
I know it’s complete BS. But feel bad for elderly ppl & such that wouldn’t know the difference between a scam like this or not. My mom would def call back and give her info...I’m always trying to warn her about these things/ppl!

Called from a restricted number and left the following voicemail:

"Hi, good morning *my first name*. This is Dominic with DDS Delivery Service, calling from the main office here in Tulsa. And your number was listed as a point of contact for *my dad's full name*. We have a certified express delivery pending here at the office for the gentleman, but we haven't been able to reach him, and your number was listed as a point of contact for him. If you could please have him call our toll free number at 855-444-2789, with reference #******. With that reference number, the operator that answers will be able to provide him with detailed information and schedule delivery for him. So, please have him contact the office at his earliest convenience so that we can take care of this delivery for him. Thank you and have a blessed day."

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DDS Delivery fraud Contacts

DDS Delivery fraud associated photos:


17901 Von Karman Ave Ste 600, Irvine, Ca 92614



+1 (714) 646-5031

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