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Debt Collections

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Debt Collections Reports & Reviews (271)

- Boise, ID, USA

I just received a text from (801) 895-3493 that told me "Hi XXX you have received an invite from XXXXXX 3 minutes ago to connect now." There was a tap to load preview with the site shown. The text called me by my correct first name and used the correct full name from my niece. I googled this to see if it was a known scam and nothing showed up.

I didn't tap to download. I took a screenshot and deleted the text.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I was on Facebook and received a message from Andrew Hall with Chase Bank. His phone number is 810-449-8485. He wanted me to give him $200 for online banking. Once I gave the money he would give me information regarding money transfers within the same bank. He asked for my online banking account. My user name and password. I did not give any information out or send any money.

- Jonesboro, LA, USA

I received a call from a Washington, D.C. Number stating that I qualified for a free grant of $7,600 and to call a different number to confirm it. I knew it was a scam but I called anyway. The lady asked for my grant ID number and then asked for $200. I informed her to take my name off their list and that I would never pay them for anything. She hung up. This wasn't the first time they've called.

- Troutville, VA, USA

Consumer was told she could reduce cc debt with one of their cards. Wanted personal info. Non working phone number of 352-551-4137

- Indianapolis, IN, USA

They acted as if they were a cruise line giving you a free cruise and wanted credit card information.

- Phoenix, AZ, USA

I received 2 calls frome 202-241-9659. A Marc Johnson with a heavy east Indian or Arabic accent left the message reporting my name was on a fraud list and I needed to call him back at the number above. I did not call back but I am aware of the scams going on and am reporting I have blocked the number from my cell.

- New York, NY, USA

They called saying that the IRS has filed a lawsuit against me because there was a miscalculation in my taxes, that I owe them over $4,000 dollars and that if I was to hang up on them they would issue a warrant with the local police and cancel my license, I would be fined $75,000 dollars and get up to 7 years in jail.

- Nashville, TN, USA

I reported this scam a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't remember if I provided the website address.

I am sure you guys have an overwhelming amount of reports, but I know this man is out there doing this to other people because it was such an elaborate scam. Other than the BBB, there is no real forum to get this message out to people. I am concerned for the public, but also for these puppies (if they are actually in his possession). Since I last reported this, he has blocked my number and I have become aware of "Google Voice" where they can block numbers.

Here is my story again:

Just a couple of weeks ago I came across the website I got the contact information for the “breeder” off of the website. Whomever that person was, stole $800 from me.

I contacted him initially and he said that he required that I use Western Union. I decided to no go with him for that reason. After much searching and much disappointment, I looked again at that website and because of all the family photos, decided I would take the risk. I did not assume this risk without first taking (what I thought to be) the right precautions. I told them that I would not give them the number needed to pick up the money until I received a shipping confirmation and tracking number. Well, unfortunately --- these people have a very elaborate scam in place. I received an email with a confirmation number, tracking number link, and pictures of the dog getting checked out at the airport. At that point, I do admit, I got consumed with excitement of actually receiving the dog that I sent the number.

After this, the man tried to get me to give him even MORE money. He had the transportation guy email me a request for “pet insurance” while flying. A measly $1,590.00. Obviously I realized at that point that my dreams of actually receiving this dog were gone. I told him I would not send him any more money and to refund the other money. He then messaged me back a few hours later and said he would use the $800 he already had and put that towards the $1,590. So I would just need to send him $700.00 more. Although this was tempting, I just knew it was a bad idea so I continued to refuse. He then told me that he was going to report me to the police for animal cruelty?!?! For “abandoning” the dog at the airport.

I know at this point I am not going to get my $800 back. Lesson learned. I just hope and pray that he is not actually in the possession of any puppies because he is using them for the wrong reasons and obviously HE would be the one abandoning them at the airport.

Phone call from what appears to be Canada Revenue, stating that a sum of money is owed to them from an error on your income tax from last year. They ask for your Bank account,Visa, home address, and get this your phone number! (After they just called you) They go on telling you that what section of your return is wrong and how much they will be depositing to you. I advised them that if they called me that they should have all the information that is required to deposit funds in my account. upon hearing this the person at the other end just wants to verify your account numbers....This is where they get you ! ! ! they rhyme off a bunch of random numbers and ask if its the correct account. Once you say no and verify the correct account number they got you! When no info is given they hang up and will continue to call every day at the same time for a week.

- Welcome, NC, USA

Man called and left message, said he was the IRS and that there was a Tax Audit and Tax Lien against me. He said that I had willfully defrauded the IRS for me to immediately call their department number 240-362-9777.

- Boise, ID, USA

received in the mail a flyer that said my warranty was expiring for my car I did not call the number

- Austin, TX, USA

I was left a voicemail on 8/25/16 from the phone number 845-363-7555 claiming that I was being accused of tax evasion by the IRS and that an arrest warrant had been issued for me... asking that I call back immediately. Which I did. Got someone on the phone with a foreign accent claiming to be an IRS agent. She told me the same thing as above and then asked me "Do you know what tax evasion is?" I indicated I used to work in public accounting and was familiar. She continued to press me to make me define what the term tax evasion meant and when I refused she read me a detailed textbook sounding response. At that point I asked how I could be assured this was really the IRS and not a fraudulent call... she hung up. Not sure if I should call the DA's office or the IRS. Is reporting this here enough? I assume the government reviews these.

- Whittier, CA, USA

I received a phone call on my cell and the caller claimed I had a criminal case that had been filed and the police were on their way to me. They said the IRS had filed against me for fraud/incorrect tax filing. I requested to get a phone number to call back, as I am not comfortable sharing my information with incoming calls. I received the following as their info.

Criminal Investigations Dept.

Tel: 866-463-3714

Rep name: Jack Thomas (actually sounded more like a female)

Shield #: DFIRS41011

Supervisor's name: Daniel Smith

The funny thing is, the accent was very heavy (India/Nigeria/foreign), but the last names are very American(interesting).

I google'd the phone number and it appears many people have gotten these calls. I hope there is a way for the authorities to catch these people, although I am guessing they are not stationed in the U.S.

Thank you for you're time.


Ana Cervantes


- Gladewater, TX, USA

While reading an incident put on the *** news pieces, a window opened right in the middle of my screen. Telling me I had only 5 minutes to call this number, because as I was reading the info in window my ***logins, credit cards, email info, and personal pictures in my computer, were being stolen. When I tried to X out of the newest window, it said if I exited from that page all service to my computer would disappear. I then called a friend to see what I should do; being told to unplug from the wall, I did so. After about 30 seconds I replugged the computer, got the screen that said the computer had been shut down improperly. Everything came back up normal. Not sure what this about. the only way to contact whoever this was, was with this number 844-576-0464. The recording said the call could not be completed as dialed, I tried 3 times.

- Roanoke, VA, USA

I received a call saying they were with the Treasury Dept.

- Memphis, TN, USA

I run a business & received a text message asking if I did kitchen & bath remodeling. I was asked if would take a credit card for $8,000.00. He asked this without discussing fees. His text message included the following. $1,500.00 for a deposit, $300.00 for credit card processing, $200.00 for a tip and $6,000.00 for another party. Did NOT text back because I knew it was a scam.

- Honolulu, HI, USA

I received a call from supposed IRS Criminal Law branch at 202-864-2395 regarding tax filing of 2011-2015. I owe $5,476. I was to send $500 at Walmart to start the payment plan. 

- Detroit, MI, USA

Received in mail. Bottom of form states "you can choose to stop receiving prescreened offers from this and other companies by calling toll free 1-888-567-8688. When you call to opt out first question what is your SSN number, then date of birth. Why is my SSN number necessary to opt out. This a scam for identify theft!!

Left message saying that IRS has issued a arrest warrant against you both you and your physical property are being monitored and it's very important that I here back from you before further acting is taken.


- Honolulu, HI, USA

Received a call from supposed IRS indicating that this is a last call and they will be suing me. I was to call back 254-246971.

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