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Delta Courier Service

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Delta Courier Service? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Delta Courier Service Reports & Reviews (70)

• 7 h ago

Oii gostaria de compartilhar minha experiência, peço que tomem muito cuidado. A um tempo atrás um homem que se identifica como James den segundo ele trabalha como paper work engineer me adicionou no Instagram eu estranhei mas continuei conversando ele disse que queria me conhecer melhor é que infelizmente não usa tanto o instagram e que era melhor o telegram, ele me mandou fotos suas para comprovar sua identidade, logo me senti desconfiada e pesquisei porém não encontrei nada que parecesse suspeito, continuamos a conversa e no mesmo dia ele disse que me amava e queria que eu fosse sua esposa que morava no Canadá sozinho e que vira para o meu país me buscar para morar com ela, tudo parecia muito falso mas continuei conversando para obter mais informações, ele me disse que precisava de um chip para poder acessar seu whatsapp e trabalhar mas detalhe ele queria a minha ajuda pois o cartão Sim do país dele não funcionava e ele precisava usar o whatsapp para trabalhar, eu comecei a suspeitar e disse que não poderia ajudar com isso no outro dia ele disse que tinha ido no shopping e me comprado presentes e colocado uma surpresa a mais me mandou foto e disse que precisava do meu endereço para mandar eu mais uma vez disse que não mandaria que quando ele viesse para o Brasil ele poderia me entregar. Ele usa o email para se comunicar por o whatsapp segundo ela está bloqueado então fiquem alertas e não passem seus dados para esse golpistas ele acha que porque sou nova não tenho experiência , denunciem esse usuário @Kiethb e que ele seja preso

• Jun 12, 2024

My name is Atuhaire Elizabeth a female Uganda aged 22 a resident of kireka kampala Uganda.
It was at the start of May when I received a message on my Whatsapp number 0772115502 from a white man who informed me that he was called mark Ishaan Kumar an engineer in Scotland but that his home was in Romania and Scotland was just his working place ,this man did not end at that he went on and informed me that he had lost his wife and he was looking for a spouse which I didn't not deny at that moment . It was on 8th June 2023 when this same man informed me that it was his daughte's birthday and he wanted to give me a gift after which he wanted to send through delivery companies, he went on to ask me my full names , contact and my area of residence which I did not hesitate to provide hoping that I was giving them to a reasonable person . On the next day on Sunday 9th June 2024 I was contacted by a man called AYUBU MBOGO using an eirtel number 0702293217 and this person called at around 6am early in the morning and continuously informed that my package had arrived which I was excited to hear about since I expected them the fact that the man who sent them had sent me videos of the gifts and he was at the airport, so the airport man told me that I was supposed to pay 250000 Uganda shillings for tax to get the package I did not hesitate since I expected the gifts , I never had money at that point I called my Friends who borrowed me that money she sent 270000 Uganda shillings on my eirtel number 0742844832 in the names of arafile young and I transferred 250000 to the man at the airport on his number 0702293217 with the names AYUBU MBOGO and he confirmed that he had seen the money after a while he contacted me that the person who had sent me the package had put alot of money $500000 which was amounting to almost 200000000 millions in Uganda and this is against the law today there fore the man told me that I was supposed to send 920000to process an anti money laundering certificate which I never had had and solicited it from my friend called Muhumuza Tinka who never had it and called some one who sent him money and I sent him money which we sent to the man on the same number

On Monday 10th the sent me a document which looked like a certificate showing the ownership of the money at a cost of 9200000 which I had sent and this same document showed that I had to send 500000 for approval from the Uganda national Treasury bill which I got from my friend and sent it to him. And when it approached the evening on Monday he informed me that they had closed so I was to get my package the following morning . On Tuesday 11th of June 2024 the man told me that they were not allowing them to deliver the package with dollars inside so they needed 600000 Uganda shillings for exchange which I told my friend to help me with and he sent only after to find out that these people were fake and had no website even and I continued to call eirtel help line for them to disconnect this number for them not to fake other people so currently this number is used online but when u call it is off.
I seek for help please I lost money 2.2million Uganda shillings which I have to pay currently.

• Mar 25, 2024

A very big scammer. So this guy calls me and his like my package has arrived and I have to pay customs on receiving it which I unfortunately did. He goes on to request for a payment for security for my package and he later goes on to request for clearance from the airport too. Just doubting the so many payments I was supposed to make out of the blue.

• Oct 28, 2023

My family received call from a person in London..saying that he is a good friend of his and they talked a lot and have gotten close.So i day he told that he is sending a courier to our address and it will be home delivery by agent. dont need to go to airport to receive the courier..There will be money and documents inside and that will be enough to give clearance ..This is a huge fraud and pls if you get such calls report it to your police station and dont try to deal it by yourself..
Courier Scams as gift
Courier Scams as gift

• Oct 25, 2023

My boyfriend sent me a package with money and other stuff I was told it was arrived at 6am I went to town early so I can get my package and they started asking me for money and I've sent them almost 40000 now they are still asking me for money I've decided not to send them money they are scammers I cannot send any amount again
Scammed me 40000

• Sep 30, 2023

Buenas trde hace poko conocí a un tipo q se llama john Harrison y es de reinos unido y me mandó un paquete para bolivia y ahora para recogerlo tngo q pagar 3500 eso es verdad

• Sep 29, 2023

A friend said he sent me some parcel but told me to pay 400 Uganda shilIings n I have failed to complete the money, now they say they won't give me the parcel until I complete that money , what should I do isn't this a scarm n how do I know if it's true


Conocí un hombre llamado David Williams de Manchester Reino Unido me dijo que me envió un paquete con dinero escondido y me envió un reloj ropa de marca y también me envió zapatos después cuando me negué a pagar sé enojó y desapareció y el número de la empresa también desapareció y después no supe más de ellos y los encuentro en Facebook con nombres diferentes y la misma persona


Conocí a una persona por Facebook, dice ser viudo con dos hijas, de Reino Unido pero con prefijo +229 ,en un día angustiante para mí, porque de otra plataforma me estafaron con una suma considerablemente grande, se lo comenté y me ofreció su ayuda, diciéndome que me había enviado $70,000 para poder devolver el dinero que me prestaron por la estafa antes mencionada, y que comenzara con un negocio en mi país, me pidió mi talla de zapatos, y me envió fotos haciendo las compras y me aseguró que de la empresa le dijeron que debía pagar tarifa de aduana de Q5,000 al día siguiente la empresa Delta se puso en contacto conmigo pidiéndome la tarifa y no estaba en condiciones de hacer ningún pago porque me han dejado sin nada, les mostré mis fondos del banco y me estuvieron faltando al respeto sin ningún motivo.
La persona que lo envía es tan convincente pero supongo que si se asocia a Delta Courier service, imagino que es una estafa.
Investigando llegué a éste sitio y llegué a la conclusión de que es una estafa.
Posible estafa
Posible estafa
Posible estafa
Posible estafa
Posible estafa
Posible estafa
Posible estafa


I was told by a man named Scott James and he told me he's from UK but currently stays at America,Chicago that he has a boutique shop
So apparently I was there,then he told me that hes about to send me something for it to show how much he loves me
So today he sent me the pictures of the package and told me to send 200 in my country money
So I sent the money to them and later the guy called me that I can't receive the package why because,there is money in So they are taking the package to the police station

• Nov 13, 2023

Hah! Hm just yesterday I received same images. Some guy David Williams says he's sending some goods so I had to do some check up if it's a scam and indeed it is with these images. Thanks for sharing

I was scam this morning by person called Johnson WilliamsHe said he has sent me some parcel


Supposed to be getting a package from Uk London they were saying i must pay money 1500 fo delivery second the wanted 2500 now they want another 1500 and all that money is transferred but now they not getting back to me


A desperate lady at my office was scammed badly and paid R12300!

No tracking number!

WhatsApp correspondence and the a local cell number 0610018878 was also used as the contact person!

These corrupt people deserve to be arrested and blocked from all social media sites!


I met a guy from whatsapp who said his name is Albert Jeffery from the UK. He said he is a Civil Engineer. He claimed he loves me and wants to be with me. One day he said he wants to prove how much he loves me, he went shopping for me and he brought me an iPhone pro max 13,jewelry, gold chain, silver watch and he put dollars inside the package. I will get it soon and he said a company called delta service will contact me once the package has arrived. Silly me i was so shocked and happy at the same tym. The delta courier company said i should pay R4000 for customs clearance and once pais there will be able to deliver to me and since this day i have not paid the money and there are still busy telling me everyday to pay. I decided to block them and this so called albert. Please everyone be alert of these scammers people. They can rob you of ur money.

• Nov 10, 2023

Hola, leí tu reseña y coincide con un hombre que conocí solo que su nombre es Jeffery Hwang-do, dice que es de Reino Unido e Ingeniero civil, igualmente me mando un paquete con casi las mismas cosas que mencionaste, a mi me llego un mensaje en WhatsApp que el paquete esta el la aduana y debo pagar una gran cantidad de dinero para que llegue a mi domicilio, no pague nada pero aun me manda mensajes diciendo que si me llego el paquete. Me di cuenta por una foto de los regalos que según me envio, decidí buscar la imagen por Internet y me salió este sitio y me ayudó a no caer en un estafador.

Hello ma'am l want know that guy sent you parcal to you there is any original stamp there

I met a guy on tiktok and he said he' has sent me some gifts n asked me to pay 200 for d parcel but I wanna if it true or a scam.He said he was a business man called David williams . I want to find out the truth

• Nov 13, 2023

Ahh yes me too David Williams 🤣🤣
Oh God I met him on TikTok too

This person told me he has sent me an item item so from UK so when it's arrive I should make a payment of 300Ghana cedis as clearance fee which I did.The person later told me to make a payment of 700gh which I did. The Delta courier services told me pay an addition 400gh which I refused. Up till now I haven't recieved any item. Can you help me refund my money?


This number + 234 706 151 1803 name called as a 'Doctor Frank' from England told as his home country is Germany. He worked as a Doctor in The Royal College of Emergency Medicine as a doctor of Ophthalmologist. He sent me request as a friend may be its like 2, 3 days we have talked he always say he is busy at hospital and now he is getting a vacation and he told that I would like to give surprise and told that as a friend he want to gift a shoes at first and asked me about my size of shoe after that i denied cause the person whom i have never seen and how can i accept anything and he just tell me its just a gift and i say okay and give the address and name . He told me that he go to shopping and buy bags , shoes ,gold chain, gold watch, diamond ring and also a envelop which is full of 50000$. At first i thought may be he could be some kind of dealers what if the parcel have some suspicious things and i get caught after that i told my sister and she told that may be someone is doing prank. So after that i search the whole social media later i found out that i was about to get scammed. I found the real person his name is different and also his passion he is doctor but about mental health . And he is active in social media i have already message about the scam may be he will reply and also i have report that person. Hope all stay safe and beware of these scam people.


A white man from America said he has sent me package with money to delta courier to bring it to me in Ghana but they didn't bring it and I don't know why. He said he has worked with them for 9 years.
The Company called me and said they've gotten to Ghana. They made me send them 3000 ghana cedis for just clearance but I didn't receive any package from them. Please help me


A friend from UK, Manchester sent me a parcel. The day before yesterday a call arrived to me from Delta courier demanding a big amount of money to receive the parcel. I paid. Yesterday they told I'll receive the parcel. But yesterday again they called and again asked much big amount of money again in another excuse. That also I paid today the parcel was supposed to come to me. But today again they called and demanded much more amount of money again. But this time I refused to pay. But already lost a huge amount. The friend also was pressuring me to pay the money even by borrow from others or from bank. And the parcel contains money so after receiving the parcel I can give back their money too. But I never made any further payment. But I wonder he again messaged me this evening. I didn't reply.

He told he's a doctor, eye specialist. And the Facebook contains some pictures. I gave them. And he sent me a picture of the parcel. That also given. His WhatsApp number is, +44 7448 954595.
Could someone help me ?
Parcel Scam
Parcel Scam
Parcel Scam
Parcel Scam
Parcel Scam


He told his name is Dr Patrick Elias. His Facebook account is also in this name.

And the lady who called from Delta courier her mobile number is +918527776098.

Estou conversando com um cara onde nos conhecemos pelo Instagram; depois ele me pediu meu email para que pudéssemos conversar.Nao sei se alguém já levou golpe por ele.Mas estava conversando quando ele diz que iria mandar um presente pra mim;me enviou fotos e vídeos dos presentes..Um dia antes ele diz que só pagou metade da taxa de enviou e que eu tinha que pagar 5k para ser liberado a caixa para mim.Desde então só vive pedindo pra que eu faça o restante do pagamento pois o mesmo não quer perder o que me enviou pois era tudo o que tinha e investiu em mim.
Me desesperei e acabei mandando uma quantia pois a empresa me ligou nesse número 011916076057 e mandou mensagem pelo WhatsApp nesse +55 11 96858-4526. Ainda estou a conversar com o mesmo que pedi pra que eu termine de fazer o pagamento para que a minha encomenda seja liberada.
Golpe: Pelo email Nome Golpista:WON LEE
Golpe: Pelo email Nome Golpista:WON LEE
Golpe: Pelo email Nome Golpista:WON LEE
Golpe: Pelo email Nome Golpista:WON LEE
Golpe: Pelo email Nome Golpista:WON LEE
Golpe: Pelo email Nome Golpista:WON LEE

• Oct 25, 2023

I almost got scammed by this man. He goes with the name Tyler Joong, a naval architect. He asked 350usd so that he can leave the ship to meet me. 😄 😄 😄

• Oct 25, 2023

I almost got scammed by this man. He goes with the name Tyler Joong, a naval architect. He asked 350usd so that he can leave the ship to meet me. 😄 😄 😄

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