I ordered some bags from them. While three of the bags looked like what I ordered one of them looked really crooked and nothing like what I ordered. It’s not terrible looking, I only use it whenever it’s the only bag that matches my outfits. The quality of the bags were poor too. One of them has a broken zipper, another had a strap that broke after a month’s use, the third one had the inside lining come undone. Fortunately I was able to fix all this since my mom is a seamstress. The pro is the bags are cheap and if you take the risk you could get something really cute. However the quality is what you pay for. Unless you have someone who can help you fix the rips it might not be worth it.
Eric Molina
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I ordered from this company thinking I was getting these wonderful handmade stitched shoe but when my order finally arrived they were the most God awful cheap pair of knock off shoes I have ever seen
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Victim Location44512 Total money lost$34.47 Type of a scamOnline Purchase
I recently saw an ad for a backpack from a company named Dretiu in Instagram. On August 31, 2019 I placed an order for a L size Rosy colored backpack via dretiu.com. I received an email with an order number. On September 4, 2019 I received an email stating that my order has shipped however their was not any tracking information and when I clicked on the link in the email to take me back to the site for information about my order that site is no longer in service. I believe Dretiu has been scamming people.
Dretiu Contacts
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Total money lost $34.47
Type of a scam Online Purchase