Well the la?st time you ?we?nt to ?see t?he?? p?orno online?? ??sites?,? m?y? s?py?war?e en?de??d up b?eing tr?i?gge?red ?in ?yo?ur pe?rsonal c?omput??er whi?ch en??ded? up sho?o??ting a lovely ?footag?e o?f you?r self? ?ple?asur?e act by ?t?rigg?ering y??o?ur ?web ?c?am.?
Country United States
Victim Location CA 95035, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
I requ??ire ?your ??tota??l? ?a?tt?en??tion ?for th?e upcomi?ng Twe?nt?y-f??our? ho?u??r?s, ?or? I? m??ay ?ma?ke? sure you?? th?at yo?u? l??ive out? ?o??f? embar?r?assme?nt f?or ?t?h???e rest ?o?f y?ou?r? ex???is?ten?c??e.
He??llo there,? you ???d?o?n't ?k??now m?e. Ye?t? ??I know e?ve?ryth?i?ng? ?abou?t? ?you. A?ll o?f? y?ou?r? f?a?cebook contact lis?t?, ?m?obi?le p?ho?ne ?co?ntact?s?? and? all? ?t?he? vir?t???u?al ?ac??ti?vit?y? on ?you?r?? comp?uter f?rom ?past 12?3 da???ys?.
Wh???ic?h in?c?l?ude?s, ?your m??ast??ur???b???ation v????id?e??o?? fo?o?t?a?g?e, ??w?hi?c?h ?brings me t???o? ?t?he ?p?rimary ?mot?iv?e? ?why? I 'm ?w?r?i?t??ing t?h?is p?a?r??ticular email to? ?y?ou.
Well the la?st time you ?we?nt to ?see t?he?? p?orno online?? ??sites?,? m?y? s?py?war?e en?de??d up b?eing tr?i?gge?red ?in ?yo?ur pe?rsonal c?omput??er whi?ch en??ded? up sho?o??ting a lovely ?footag?e o?f you?r self? ?ple?asur?e act by ?t?rigg?ering y??o?ur ?web ?c?am.?
(y??o??u ????got?? ??a????? ?i???n??c???r?ed?i??b?l?y? ?st??r??a??n?????g?e?? ??t????a????s????te? ?bt?w?? h???a?h?a?)
I??? h?a?v??e?? th?e? whol?e r?ecor?d?ing?. ?I?f ?per?ha??p????s? ?y?ou? ?t?h?in??k? I?? am f?ooli?ng arou?n?d,? ?just ?repl?y ?p?roo?f? an?d? I ?w??ill b?e f?orwar??d?in?g? the ?re??cordi?n?g r?andom?l?y t??o?? 4 ??p?e?op??l?e? ???you ??k?n?ow??.
It m??ay ?e?n?d up b?eing? ???y?o?ur? ?f?r?iend, ?co? ?w?or?ker?s?, boss, mot??he?r??? and ?fat??h?e?r ?(?I'?m? ???no?t su?r?e!? M??y s??of???tw??ar?e? ?wi?ll? ?ran??d?om?l???y selec?t ?t?h?e c?on?tac?t ?de?tai?ls)?.
W??i?l?l y?o??u???? ??be? c?ap?ab?l?e?? t???o? ?l??o??ok??? ???int?????o? ?an??yo??n?e??'?s????? ey?e??s? a??g?ai?n? a??f?t??er? ?i?t???? ?I?? ?d?o??u?bt? ?it??.?.?.
N????o?n?e???th??e??l?e?s?s????,? ??d?o??e??s??n't? ??n?ec??e???s???s???a??r?i?l??y??? ??n?e?e?d? ??t???o?? ???b?e t???h???a??t? ?ro?u???t?e.
I w?a?nt ?t???o??? ??m?a????ke?? ??y??o?u?? ???a? ???one ?t?i?m??e?,? ??n?o ??n?e?g??ot??i?a?ble??? o??f????f?e??r???.?
Pur?c??hase? ?US?D ??2?0??00 ?i??n? ??bi??t??c??oi?n? a???nd ??send? ??it? ?t?o? t??h?e ?lis?t?ed? ??b?e?low ad?d?r?e??s?s?:
[c??a??se???? ?S??E?N?S??I??T??I?V??E?? ???s??o? c?o?p??y &? p??a??s???t??e? ?i?t, ??a?????n?d??????? ?????r??e???m???ov?e *??? fr?om? ??i???t]
(?I?f? yo??u ?d??o?n't ?u?n???de?r??st?a?n??d h?o?w?, l??ookup? ?h??ow? ?to ?p???u??r?c?has?e? bitc???o??i???n?.? D?o n?o?t? ???w?as??t?e my ?v?alu?a?b?l??e???? t?i??m???e?)
If? you send? ??ou??t this part?ic?ular? 'dona?t?ion?'? ??(w?e w?ill ca?ll it? ?that?)?.? ?A?fter? th?at, ?I w?ill va?ni?s?h ?and? ??n?e?v??er ?c?on?tact yo?u ag?ain. ?I? w??ill r?emove? e?v?ery?th?i?ng? I? hav?e? got ?c?onc??ern?in?g?? you. You ?may? ca?rry on living? y?o?ur ordi?n?ary? day to day l?if?e? with ??abso?lutely n?o s??t?r??ess?.
You'?ve? got 1? ?day ??to do? so?. ??Y??our ti?m?e? s?tar?t?s? ???o?ff a?s soon you? read? t?h?i?s? ?e mail.?? I have go?t ?a?n ??uni??qu?e pr?o?gra?m? code? t?h?at wil?l ?ale?rt me ?o??nc?e ?yo?u go? ??thr?o?u?gh t?his? mail? t?h??e?r?e?f?ore? ?do not at??te??mp?t?? to play ??sm?a?rt?.