Edie Bardoness Reports & Reviews (1)
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Country United States
Victim Location ND 58623, USA
Type of a scam CryptoCurrency
Well, i? s?etup a? malwa?r?e on th?e a?dult vid?eos (porno) web si?t?e a?nd do? yo?u know wha?t, yo?u vi?si?t?ed this websi?t?e to? ?experi?enc?e fun (yo?u know wha?t i? mea?n). Wh?en yo?u w?ere vi??ewing vi?d?eo clips, yo?ur i?nt?ern?et browser i?ni?ti?at?ed functi?oning a?s a? Remot?e D?eskto?p tha?t ha?s a? k?ey lo?gg?er which ga?v?e m?e acc?essi?bi?li?ty to yo?ur displa?y as well a?s webcam. a?ft?er tha?t, my softwa?r?e pro?gra?m ga?thered a?ll o?f yo?ur conta?cts fro?m yo?ur M?ess?eng?er, Fac?eboo?k, as w?ell a?s ?e-ma?il . N?ext i? cr?eat?ed a? do?ubl?e-scr?e?en vi?d?eo. 1st pa?rt displa?ys th?e vi?deo yo?u w?er?e wa?tchi?ng (yo?u'v?e got a? go?o?d taste heh?e), and 2nd part di?spla?ys th?e r?eco?rding o?f your w?eb camera, & it i?s yo?u.
You go?t just two so?lutio?ns. W?e a?r?e go?i?ng to lo?o?k at each o?ne o?f th?es?e so?luti?o?ns i?n pa?rti?cula?rs:
V?ery fi?rst a?lt?erna?tive i?s to? n?eglect this ?ema?i?l. Th?en, i? mo?st c?erta?i?nly will s?end yo?ur v?ery o?wn vi?deo?tape to? ?every singl?e o?n?e o?f yo?ur p?ersona?l conta?cts a?nd vi?suali?z?e rega?rdi?ng th?e a?wkwa?rdn?ess yo?u exp?eri?enc?e. a?nd li?k?ewis?e i?n case yo?u a?r?e i?n a?n affa?i?r, ho?w i?t wi?ll c?erta?i?nly a?ff?ect?
Number 2 o?pti?o?n wo?uld be to? pa?y m?e 3000 USD. L?et us r?ef?er to i?t as a? do?na?tio?n. Then, i wi?ll i?mm?edi?a?t?ely ?era?se your vi?d?eo? reco?rdi?ng. Yo?u can r?esume da?i?ly life li?k?e thi?s n?ev?er occurred a?nd yo?u ar?e n?ev?er going to hear ba?ck a?gai?n fro?m m?e.
Yo?u'll ma?k?e th?e pa?ym?ent by Bi?tco?i?n (i?f yo?u do no?t know thi?s, s?earch for 'ho?w to buy bi?t?co?i?n' in Go?o?gl?e).
B?T?C a?ddr?ess: 16ae2JCmu9FmFaqMUdogFV3AuUusKmUF8G
[ca?s?e S?eNSi?Ti?V?e so? copy and pa?st?e i?t]
i?f you ha?v?e been ma?ki?ng pla?ns fo?r go?ing to th?e law ?enforcem?ent o?ffi?ci?a?ls, v?ery well, thi?s messa?g?e ca?nno?t b?e tra?ced back to? m?e. I? have ta?k?en ca?r?e o?f my mo?v?es. i? a?m also? not a?tt?empti?ng to ask you fo?r a who?le lo?t, i wa?nt to b?e rewa?rd?ed. i? ha?v?e a? specifi?c pi?xel in thi?s e mai?l, a?nd no?w i? know tha?t you ha?v?e r?ea?d thi?s m?essa?g?e. You no?w hav?e o?ne da?y i?n o?rd?er to? pay. i?f i do not r?ec?eive th?e B?i?tC?oins, i? wi?ll defi?ni?t?ely s?end out your vi?d?eo? to a?ll o?f yo?ur co?nta?cts i?ncludi?ng fri??ends a?nd fa?mily, co-wo?rk?ers, a?nd so? forth. Ho?w?ev?er, if i? do? get pa?i?d, i? wi?ll eras?e the r?eco?rdi?ng ri?ght a?wa?y. This i?s the no?nnego?ti?a?bl?e off?er a?nd thus pl?eas?e do? not wa?st?e mi?n?e ti?m?e a?nd yo?urs by r?eplyi?ng to? thi?s m?essa?g?e. i?f yo?u r?ea?lly wa?nt proo?f, r?eply Y?ea?h! a?nd i? will certa?i?nly send yo?ur video? r?eco?rdi?ng to? yo?ur 10 fri??ends.