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Employment - Jothik Tech Systems

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Employment - Jothik Tech Systems Reports & Reviews (1)

- Fort Worth, TX, USA • Jul 03, 2024

Jason Chambers, HR Director of Jothik Tech Systems, reached out to me regarding a job interview on 6/21/2024. We spoke briefly on the phone (less than 15 minutes) and then a few days later he offered me the job. He said the company was based out of Canada but they were opening a new branch here in the Fort Worth area. He stated that the location had not been finalized yet, but it was in the downtown area and once it was secured, the realtor would reach out to me with the key so I can get the office ready. He also stated that an employment packet and my laptop had been mailed to me and that I should receive it within 4-6 business days.

He then went on to tell me that the office would be officially open on 7/15/2024, but he wanted me to begin working on 7/5/2024 so I could get office supplies/stationary ready for day one.

As of today, 7/3/2024, I still hadn't received my employment packet in the mail, but he sent me a cashier's check via UPS Overnight Delivery from Partners! Federal Credit Union in the amount of $5,000 to obtain office items. The UPS package came from Toronto Ontario, Canada. He asked me to cash it at my bank, ensure funds would be available on 7/5 and then give him a call back for next steps. This sounded kinda fishy to me so I called him out on it and told him it sounded sketchy. I went on to ask him why I hadn't received an actual "offer letter" and he said it was mailed to me (the employment packet) with my laptop and that it was coming via USPS mail.

At this point he seemed really angry that I had called him out on it and he said that if we were going to work together then I needed to "stay positive and not worry about it." He went on to tell me that once I got the laptop in the mail that there would be a link on it to accept the job offer.

The job offer and all the details were sketchy, but after this morning I was even more skeptical. I called Partners! Federal Credit Union and told them the scenario. After speaking with them for about 15 minutes, the representative looked up the check number on the cashier's check and informed me that it was indeed fraudulent.

I sent a text to Jason Chambers and informed him of what I had discovered and asked him to not contact me again. After which, I blocked his number in my phone so he could not reach out to me.

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