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Employment Task Scam

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Employment Task Scam Reports & Reviews (1)

- Frederick, MD, USA • Jul 02, 2024

Hello good morning I’m now in a bit of a scuffle with these people right now I currently have a lot of my money in there and I told them repeatedly that I don’t want to have there commissions I just want the money I put on out and they are saying I need to put more money in enable to open a large window to get all my money which is money I don’t have at all and they’ve just been asking me for more money after I keep telling them I don’t have any more money for them and that I don’t want to continue working for them the money I already put in there I borrowed from my parents and friends and told them I would give it back now I’m stuck thinking what to do cause they are being very difficult I’m only 20 years old with not much parental support my rent is due this Friday and I didn’t even pay last months rent cause I’ve been going back and fourth with these people for a month now regarding my money back and they just keep asking for more I’m extremely scared right now cause that’s a lot of money that not mines

And the scam I was involved in seems to be a pyramid scheme or abs investment scheme, the date of the last transaction was June 30th 2024, the way the transfer was made was through a debit card, and in total I should have 17,000 dollars of my own money in there I might be off my a couple hundred dollars but I’m definitely at 17k.

I was charged a gas fee everything I sent money to these people, and these are 2 wallet addresses I was provided during the process of sending these people money

******************************************* ****************************************** This is there contact info

[email protected]

And yes these people that were asking me to send them the money was so called supposed to be customer service for a platform names resy limited

I only verified my wallet security phrase when I was fist signing up to work with them someone on there side had said to download you guys and setup an account so I can’t start sending money to them.

And no I did not input it into my device maybe a screenshot that’s all.

And I only installed other crypto buying apps that they’ve send me no other applications were downloaded.

And yes I did send money to these people on the meta app I’ve attached there wallet id to this email


I’m hoping you guys can help somehow, i will post there T&C under this

1. Improve data collection in restaurants and bars

1.1) Minimum reset amount is $101.

1.2) Upon completion of the task, the user must apply for a full withdrawal and receive the withdrawal amount before contacting customer service to request a reset of the account.

*2.Withdrawal instructions

2.1) The withdrawal limit for junior members is US$80,000, and there is no withdrawal limit for intermediate and senior members.

2.2) The user can request full payment after completing all tasks.

2.3) No withdrawals or refunds are allowed while the task is not completed.

2.4) To withdraw account funds, users must submit a withdrawal request to the platform.

*3. Funds

3.1) All user funds are securely stored in user accounts. After the task is completed, you can request a full withdrawal.

3.2) To avoid capital losses, all funds are processed by the system and are no longer managed manually.

3.3) The platform is not responsible for economic losses caused by accidents.

*4. Account security.

4.1) Please do not disclose your password to third parties. The platform does not assume any responsibility for any damage caused thereby.

4.2) It is not recommended to set a birthday password, ID number, and mobile phone number as a withdrawal password or login password.

4.3) If you forget your login password or withdrawal password, you can contact online customer service to reset it.

4.4) Please abide by the privacy agreement between the user and the merchant.

4.5) The tasks performed on the platform are real-time data performed by real users. Therefore, Users must ensure the confidentiality of the Platform’s tasks and functions.

*5. Task

5.1) Junior Participants receive a 0.7% bonus for each completed submission upload. Senior Participants will receive a 0.8% bonus for each submission.

5.2) Senior Members will receive 1.0% for each submission upload. Pro members will receive 1.2% for each submission.

5.3) Funds and rewards will be credited to the user's account immediately upon completion of each Submission Upload.

5.4) The system will randomly assign tasks to user accounts based on the total amount of funds in the user account.

5.5) Once a task is assigned to a user account, it cannot be reassigned.

5.6) To protect the interests of users, the request amount increases according to the total account balance, and the income increases accordingly!

*6. Combination tasks

6.1) A combined task consists of 1-3 programs. The system randomly assigns combined tasks. When users complete combination tasks, they have more chances to obtain 1-2 combination applications.

6.2) Participants in the Junior Category will receive a 10.5% reward for each task completed and submitted in the combined tasks. Participants in the Advanced Category will receive a 27% bonus for each submitted portfolio assignment.

6.3) The bonus will not be returned to the account immediately after the user receives the investment portfolio. Each submitted combined task will be returned to the account upon completion.

6.4) The system randomly allocates investment portfolios to user accounts based on the total balance of the user account.

6.5) Portfolio allocations cannot be canceled or skipped once allocated to a user account.

* 7. Deposit.

7.1) The reset amount is selected by the user. We are unable to determine the user's reset amount. Users can reset based on their familiarity with the platform.

7.2) Before resetting, the user must contact online customer service and confirm the wallet address.

7.3) We are not responsible for any losses caused by users depositing funds into the wrong wallet address.

* 8. Description of the restaurant reservation website

8.1) Due to the platform updating different restaurant and bar merchants every minute. The data cannot be uploaded to the system after the submission is completed. To ensure the credibility of the developer, the user is required to complete the task within 24 hours.

8.2) The client provides the wallet address to the user for reset.

* 9. Invitations.

9.1) New Users can become Full Users after 14 days of continuous work. Full Members can invite new Users to join.

9.2) Users will not be able to invite other users if the account is not completed.

9.3) It takes 14 days to update the invitation code after using it.

*10. Credit score details

Each user's initial credibility score is 100 points, and the maximum score is also 100 points. If a user fails to complete a task in the workbench, the credibility score will be reduced. Reduced credibility will result in the inability to obtain task commissions, and the commissions obtained for completing tasks will also be reduced. Users must value their reputation to maintain a steady flow of commissions.

*11. Working hours

11.1) Platform opening hours: 11:00 AM-11:00 PM.

11.2) Online customer service hours: 11:00 AM-11:00 PM.

11.3) Platform exit time:11:00AM-11:00 PM.

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