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Employment/Career Builder

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Employment/Career Builder Reports & Reviews (1)

- Tonawanda, NY, USA • Jul 02, 2024

They sent me a text message with no prompting presented to me in the form of an employment scam like I saw another poster on this site proclaim. They sent an image like an email that reads: "Dear Applicant,

Your resume has been reviewed for the Customer Service/Data entry on CareerBuilder which has a starting pay of $37.00/hr.

You have been shortlisted for an online interview. Kindly send a message to the hiring manager below ( 614-XXX-XXXX ) for the interview.

Best regards,


I kindly did not engage and spent a bit thinking about what to do about it before looking the number up to see if it was a scam or phishing attempt, to find it already reported here. The number still seems to actively be searching for targets.

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