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[email protected]

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[email protected] Reports & Reviews (1)

- Newport, NC, USA • Jun 25, 2024

i got an email from this email address stating they were going renewal Norton subscription on June 24, 2024. I go throught Norton to do this and my subsciption is good thru the end of Augus. I keep geeting pop ups from Watchlist and it ties up my computer. I sent them the email belowl, The email came in to Dear Customer.

This is a scam!!! I did not order this. You better not have gone into my account and gotten any of my information. I do not have a PayPal account. I tried calling the number below and it has been busy all day. I am forwarding a copy of this to the Better Business Bureau to have you investigated. Stay out of my Norton account!!! I have not approved an purchase from you. Stop sending me a bunch of Watchlist ideas to protect my computer. My computer is fine and you are causing us problems.

Sincerely, Dear Customer

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