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Fake leather bags on website

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Fake leather bags on website Reports & Reviews (1)

- Wailuku, HI, USA • Jan 18, 2025

I saw the post on Instagram. "Grace Bags" closing....fine leather 1 get one free, There are many pictures of bags that looked quite beautiful No where is it listed that the material is not "real leather" but a "vegan leather that harms no animal". The web site does not mention "vegan leather". The bags seem to be made out of vinyl. I contacted the company, they said they could only offer me a 15% refund because of some reason I can't remember...but that to return the products to get full refund would be quite expensive because they are located internationally. I took the 15% back refund, then decided to really look into the Company and study their website, nothing about it not being real leather, I decided they were scammers and needed to be stopped.

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