I ordered $170AUD worth of items from Febliss. When they arrived they were extremely poor quality replicas of what the photographs on their site show. Terrible fabric, cut and manufacturing. Barely anything like what is advertised. I contacted them and was initially told there were no returns, when I persisted I was asked to keep the clothes and they would give me $15 refund. When I told them I wanted an address to return them for full refund they said they were in Dubai and they would give me $30 to keep the clothes. It would cost me $50AUD to send them by mail so as they say, it's not worth it. Terrible rip-off and terrible customer service. Do not use them.
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Victim Location02155 Total money lost$98 Type of a scamOnline Purchase
I ordered some products from the store website and when I received the products I noticed material of the products I received looks different than what was shown on the store website. I also wasn't able to locate any tag on the products showing what material the clothes is made of, where the product is made of or any price tag.
I reached out to the customer service and was being ignored. I tried to left some feedbacks and comments on the store website and social media but the feedbacks and comments were either being deleted or not approved.
Amanda Bannatyne
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Wish I had read this before I ordered. I'm about $150AUD down on their crappy clothes ?
Febliss Contacts
If you know any contact information for Febliss, help other victims by adding it!
Total money lost $98
Type of a scam Online Purchase
I reached out to the customer service and was being ignored. I tried to left some feedbacks and comments on the store website and social media but the feedbacks and comments were either being deleted or not approved.