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Federal Grant

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Federal Grant Reports & Reviews (48)

I got a call from a woman with a heavy accent telling me that I was selected to receive a federal grant money. At first the amount was in the tens of thousands, then she mentioned 1,800.00 it was hard to understand, so I'm not sure. Then she asked how I would like to receive the money and mentioned CVS, Debit card, Wal-Mart Card, Western Union, etc. Again, I'm not sure if I misunderstood that those were the options to receive the money. I was then told to verify my name, I made up one, my zipcode, I used a different one and my age and work status. I made up all info. Then I was told to call another number with an ID number. I called and the woman who answered with an accent told me to call back in five minutes because she had to verify my ID number. I didn't call back.

Consumer received a phone call telling him that he was eligible for a government grant. In order for him to receive the alleged $50,000, he would have to wire money (approximately $850) to an individual named David Benavides. There were two numbers for David Benavides: (484) 971-4350 and (409) 241-9361. The consumer knows it is a scam and started to question them. The scammer then began to threaten the consumer telling him that he was "messing with the federal government" and was "required to cooperate." The consumer is receiving multiple phone calls from the scammers now, but will not answer the phone anymore.

- Spartanburg, SC, USA

Qualify for Federal Grant for 8500.00 I need to go to a Western Union or a Family Dollar Store and registered for $225.00. Cut conversation short. Name was Steve Harris 202-681-8664 ext. 120

As described to OH staff member K.J. over the phone. A man stated to the consumer that she was eligible to receive a Government grant of $9000 because she paid her bills on time. She ask the caller if she would have to pay anything, and was told no. Then he asked for her to go to Walmart and get a I tunes card with $130 to pay for the fees. She then asked why do I have to pay for the fees in advanced? He told her that it was a state law here. Then her husband got on the phone and said why do we have to pay for anything if you say it is free, and he then hanged up the phone. The husband had me listen to the phone call with the number he dialed of 202-560-9877 and it was a recording stating try your call again later. So he waited a minute and dialed again. He got the same recording. They stated to me they receive a call from that person at least 10 -15 x's a day for the past 2 weeks. She said she just want the calls to stop since she knew it was a scam.

As told to OH BBB staff member K.J. about a Federal grant scam she received via email. They were requesting she send money to pay for a $5000 grant to be used for anything she stated. I asked what it was going to be used for and she wanted to pay off bills. She asked if she could use it for that purpose in the reply email, and was told yes. When she emailed them back, they asked her to send money ($200.00) to pay the fees and taxes. Then she told them she didn't have any money could they deduct it from her funds? She said they told her to borrow the money because she would get it back when she got the loan and she told them she didn't have anyone to ask. They never responded back she states. 2 days later she said she received a phone call similar to the same type of scam but this time asking her to buy a I Tunes card and put $130 on it. They cursed at me and I hung up on them and they keep calling me right back harassing me and I want them to stop calling. I was told to call you guys at the BBB and report it.

Called on the phone to give me government grant. Government grant was for $9,000.00 but would have to pay $250.00 for taxes. Would received $9, 250.00 back. Ask how would I receive the money, I told them through money gram. Callers name was Shawn, did not speak good English.

- Jacksonville, FL, USA

Received a call from 315-210-8632 telling me I had been awarded a government grant of $9,000 and in order for me to receive the grant I had to pay $200. When I told the caller that I knew this was a scam he cussed at me and hung up.

A Federal Grant co

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