Frito-Lay Auto Wrap Reports & Reviews (20)
Frito-Lay Auto Wrap Contacts
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Lays advertisements
Scammer's website
Scammer's email Lay’s@.LLC.
Country United States
Type of a scam Business Email Compromise
Initial means of contact Text message
Times are extremely tight in the world right now, so I hit the link and replied. I didn't receive anything back so I just dismissed it. TODAY, Nov 2, 2020 at 2:18 PM - "Congratulations(my name), This is just to notify you that your car has been shortlisted and approved for Frito-lay advertising auto wrap program, More details with instructions will arrive your mail within 1-5 business days. Kindly confirm you receive this message."
Okay, I was excited to actually get approved so i confirmed the message. After thinking about it for a few minutes, "this has got to be a scam" went through my head.
I checked into this and this page is what I found! Are you kidding me? Things this good is definitely a SCAM! Now I am waiting for my package so I can shred it too!
How do people get ahold of your number and feel good about doing this to other people just trying to get caught up?
Scammer's email
Country United States
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Initial means of contact Not applicable
Scammer's address Albert Lea, MN 56007, USA
Scammer's email
Country United States
Victim Location IN 46516, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's address 821 Sherwood Forest dr, Birmingham, AL 35235, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Frito Lay Auto Wrap Campaign Program
An instruction paper was sent along with check,
Instructions was to deposit check - then text the cell number given a copy of the dept slip.. and by doing this you would receive an Amazon Gift Card worth $200
The instructions said check would clear in 24 to 48 hours, once checked cleared they would send further instructions.
It all sounded like a scam I contacted the credit union that issues the check, I gave the clerk the check number and she said it wasn't a good check, it was 100%SCAM.. The credit union asked me to report this asap, they was aware of the scam..
Type of a scam Employment
Scammer's website
Country United States
Victim Location CA 91766, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer's address Plano, TX, USA
Scammer's email
Country United States
Victim Location NC 27265, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
They send check through mail to be cashed and the victim sends half of the cash back to pay for installer.
Later received this email.
From: Frito-Lay, Inc <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 2:47 PM
To: ***
Subject: New Form Entry: Lay's Auto Wrap
I'm happy to inform you that you have successfully been entered into the program. Our auto wrap concept is sponsored by companies/corporate bodies.
A start-up check of $3,850.00 will be issued by one of our sponsors and mailed to your address. The amount covers your first week pay ($400) and the installer's charges. Your subsequent paycheck will be $800 Bi-weekly after the wrap has been installed.
You are required to deposit the start-up check into your checking account and when it clears you will deduct your first Bi-weekly pay and send the balance to the installer via Money Gram Money Order check or cash deposit to their account. This is to afford mutual relationship between you and the installer. The balance which you are required to send to the installer is the payment for the Auto-Wrap installation, maintenance and removal. As soon as they receive the funds, they will contact you to schedule appointment on when to come over to your location or preferred location to have the wrap installed.
In view of this, please confirm the following details;
How long do you intend to carry the advertisement on your car?
One (1) month, two (2) months or three (3) months?
Do you use your car everyday?
NB: An inspection agent will come over to your location from time to time to monitor if you still have the wrap on your car for the period which you stated. If you are willing to get started, please reply this email stating that “I understand the payment process and I am willing to proceed”. Please include your name and full mailing address for confirmation and final approval if your address is changed.
Kindly acknowledge acknowledge the receipt of this email.
We'll appreciate your team building exercises and excursions, a career plan within these organization.
Human ResourcesatFrito-Lay, Inc®
AHeadquarters: Plano, Texas, United States
Scammer's email 818-446-6816
Country United States
Victim Location OH 44278, USA
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order