Frito lay campaign promotion / auto decal Reports & Reviews (1)
Frito lay campaign promotion / auto decal Contacts
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If you know any contact information for Frito lay campaign promotion / auto decal, help other victims by adding it!
Scammer's address Spokane, WA 99202, USA
Country United States
Victim Location MD 20871, USA
Type of a scam Employment
Follow these to insure deposit approval :
Please inform us to confirm the payment is received and provide the followinginformation for check authorization before deposit:
*Your full name
*Amount on the check *
* The Check Number
Please text the above information to James Scott at(208) 297-2891for check
Authorization and ask any Questions.. As you have been informed earlier,
This payment is to cover your first Weekly
payment of $500
And the rest for the Graphic Design and Installation
As soon as the check has come been authorized, proceed to your bank for deposit.Text back as soon as you complete the deposit for more details to reach youAnd to schedule the installation at a time convenient to you.Regards!!!!
I look forward to working with you. Thank you and have a great day.
James Scott
Promotional Director