Scammer's phone8555334955 Scammer's addressFL, USA CountryUnited States Victim LocationFL 34684, USA Type of a scamPhishing
Said they were offering me a deal to settle out of court for a law suit by a bank for an account I opened in 2014.
This is a copy of the voicemail transcript.
name Christina hi, this is Frank Brian Courier for your area reaching out to you here today in regards to steal documents that requires your signature. You'll need to be available tomorrow between 12 and 3 with two valid forms of ID and a witness to be there with you. When you sign off on the documents now, I'm assuming you'll be at work around this time job be stopping their first, if you're closed, or you're not there, then I'll be talking to your supervisor to get your next shift and that'll be headed out to your whole if you don't turn up there and I'll be going out friends and family members houses just to cover all boundaries and see if they can help. So if you need to reschedule, or you have any questions before I get out there, then you got to call to file and partying with your case number because if you don't and I failed to locate just this will be marked down as a direct refusal to comply with a result The Disappearance and further action. So just make sure you're available. I'll see you tomorrow, when calling please provide your reference number. 1************". you may press any button to repeat this message.
G L Contacts
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Scammer's address FL, USA
Country United States
Victim Location FL 34684, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
This is a copy of the voicemail transcript.
name Christina hi, this is Frank Brian Courier for your area reaching out to you here today in regards to steal documents that requires your signature. You'll need to be available tomorrow between 12 and 3 with two valid forms of ID and a witness to be there with you. When you sign off on the documents now, I'm assuming you'll be at work around this time job be stopping their first, if you're closed, or you're not there, then I'll be talking to your supervisor to get your next shift and that'll be headed out to your whole if you don't turn up there and I'll be going out friends and family members houses just to cover all boundaries and see if they can help. So if you need to reschedule, or you have any questions before I get out there, then you got to call to file and partying with your case number because if you don't and I failed to locate just this will be marked down as a direct refusal to comply with a result The Disappearance and further action. So just make sure you're available. I'll see you tomorrow, when calling please provide your reference number. 1************". you may press any button to repeat this message.