Global-Investments LLC Reports & Reviews (1)
Global-Investments LLC Contacts
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Scammer's website
Scammer's address 1404 W 105th St Los Angeles California 90047 USA, Los Angeles, CA 90047, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location CA 90047, USA
Total money lost $432
Type of a scam Bank/Credit Card Company Imposter Scam
We pay them € 300 and then again they would have to pay a VAT of € 800. But we only had € 100 left in our account, so they got them and we had to pay the rest when we got the loan.
But then we get an email where they say our loan is locked and we again have to pay € 500 before we see the loan.
But there we stop, because now we can see that unfortunately we are dealing with scams, he wants more and more money.
It is truly bitter that we have lost our money, so we would strongly warn you about this company.