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[email protected]

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[email protected] Reports & Reviews (1)

- San Jacinto, CA, USA • Jul 12, 2024

On facebook they were doing a cutest child contest. I added my disabled grand daughter. The 1st place winner would win $2,000. My grand daughter won. In the process of the contest you can purchase votes that they say will go towards a 3rd world country schooling and school suppies. Im obviously a huge sucker to fall for this. I emailed the company and they responded it takes 30 days from confirming the child is with me and its not a fake child. I spent hundreds of dollars and the next contest is up and running now on fb so ppl are being scammed as we speak. Please help. Im going to report this to you and my bank and credit card company to try and get my money back and these people shut down.


On Facebook it was a contest for children to compete and my grand daughter won 1st place and many times I bought votes that would help a charity in 3rd world country for school supplies and children to attend school. I spent hundreds of dollars. I was told my grand daughters would receive $2,000 dollar's its been over a month. i have sent emails and am now being ghosted. the contest is still happening for other kids and suckers like me to do. 

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