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Scammer's address DC, WA, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location OK 74437, USA
Type of a scam Investment
As a company policy we do not believe in any up front fee as a security deposit in the form of cash, credit or debit card. Only a guarantee is required from the customer that he/she is financially stable and capable enough to repay the loan on the installment due date.
No. of Installments:
Interest Rate:
Interest Amount:
Monthly Installments:
Total Payback:
Customer need to do online banking verification in order to get the loan. And Customer has to make his monthly payments on his schedule monthly installments.
There are two types’ verification available online banking verification &Insurance verification. Customer can choose by self which verification he would like to go with to get the loan.
Loan Officer
Alex Marshall
Any use of our services at Capital One Finance is governed by the following terms and conditions. The content published in the mail is owned by Capital One Finance. You can use it for personal purposeonly.Copyingofcontentorrepublishingitforcommercialpurposesisstrictlyprohi...⇄ The content is for general information only
Customer Eligibility
1) The customer needs to be a citizen of the US.
2) Thecustomeragemustbemorethan18yearsold.
3) The customer must have active bank account and earn steady income every month.
You will be considered as eligible to avail our loan services.
E-mail/ Text Verification
Customer will receive a notificationabouthis/her loanapproval Letter withloanapproval number throughtextmessageoremailfromus.Oncehe/shereceivesaloanapprovalnumberhe/shehasto callusongivennumberin loanapprovalletter and verify ushis/her loanapprovalnumber.
1) Nameofbank(inwhichhe/shewantstheloan)
2) RoutingNumber
3) AccountNumber
4) UseridorUsername(MobileofOnlinebanking)
5) Password(MobileorOnlinebanking)
Theuseridorusernameandpasswordformobileoronlinebankingisonlyrequiredwhencustomer credit score is less than 720 points.
Aspertheruleno.53inourLawinFinanceSector.Thecustomer havingthecreditscorelessthan 720 points cannot get the loan through direct deposit. They can only get the loan through EFTPS (ElectronicFundsTransferPaymentSystem)inwhichweneedcustomer’sonlineormobileban...⇄ details.
EFTPSisapaymentssystemwhichworksunderthesurveillanceofFTC(FederalTradeCommission...⇄ all the transaction are done under FTC.
Inthispaymentsystemwewilllinkcustomersaccountintoourcompaniesaccountandthenwewil...⇄ depositthe ElectronicCheque in the customer’s account of his/her loanamount.
But before we deposit the loan amount into customers account through EFTPS, we will first depositaverificationamounttomakesurethetransactionisbeen acceptedbythecustomerbank and tomake surethat thereis no identitytheft case, That means no one else isusing customers Identityon behalf of him/her to get the loan.
Customerhastomakesurehe/sheisnotusingthisverificationamountforhis/herpersonal use, because verification amount is apart from the loan amount. So customer has to return the verificationamountinless than 90 minutesonceit is available incustomers account.
Forreturningtheverificationamountcustomerhastocontacthisloanofficernumbergivenin loan approval letter.
Oncetheverificationamountisreturnedbythecustomer,afterthatinlessthan90minutes customerwillreceive his/herloan amount intohis/her account.
Verificationamountwillbedepositedby BBBorFTC.
TherearelotofIdentity theftaregoingonandwealsohavetomakesureweare lendingthe loan amounton safe hands.
***-**-****2 ###-###-####
1) WeworkunderthestrictguidelinesofBetterBusinessBureauandfollowallthebestbusiness practices asguided by Better BusinessBureau.
2) Aftereverysuccessfulbusiness deal,wesharea copyoftheloanagreementwithBetterBusiness Bureau.
3) Ourtelephonecallsaremonitored /recordedbyBetterBusinessBureau.
4) BetterBusinessBureaureservestherightofincreasing/decreasingtheloanamountbeforean...⇄ transactionis done or agreement is finalized.
5) Customerhasarighttoforeclosetheloanafter payingtheforeclosurechargesasapplicable.
6) Weprotectcustomersalltheinformationwehaveandwewillnotsharethesamewithanyoneat anytime.
7) Wedonottakecustomersbankingdetailsuntilandunlessthefinalverificationiscompleted....⇄ />
8) WewillnotseekinformationofcustomersCredit/Debitcardatanytransactionuntilandunles...⇄ customer authorizes us to do so ona recordedline.
9) Wewillneveroverchargecustomerontheinterest rateasagreedmutually.
Wehavementionedallthetermsandconditionsofthecontractandthereisnothingwhichisnot declared in this document.
Youmayprepaythisagreementinfullorinpartatany timewithoutpenalty,exceptyoumaybe assessed a minimum finance charge of $5 when the amount financed is $75 or less and $7.50 when the amount financed is greater than $75. Earned finance charges are determined by applyingtheannualpercentageratetotheunpaidbalanceoftheamountfinancedfortheactual time those balances were unpaid. You are not obligated to pay the unearned portion of the disclosedFinance Charge.
A customer shall be in default under this Agreement when the payment remains unpaid for more than40daysafteritsscheduledor deferreddue date,orifthe customer failstocomplywithanyof thetermsofthisAgreementifthefailuremateriallyimpairsthecondition,valueorprotecti...⇄ theLender’srighttothecollateralormateriallyimpairstheCustomer’sability topaytheobligation due under this Agreement
In the event of default, and if you have the right to cure the default pursuant to sec. 425.105, Wis. Stats.,youfail tocurethedefaultwithin 15 daysafteryouaregiven noticeofthedefault, the lender maydeclarethewholeoutstanding balancedueunderthisagreementpayableatonceandproceed tocollect it, including commencing legal action.