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Hotel reservation

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Hotel reservation Reports & Reviews (1)

- Hornbrook, CA, USA • Jun 24, 2024

This was a horrible experience. Exhausted from driving 15 hrs.I accidentally called reservations thinking it was the red garter hotel #.Then i go to check in an my 113 dollar quote for the room they supplied was 188 dollars.On a fixed income that was way out of budget an what i payed.It took me over 11 phone calls to reservations, an they refused to help me saying oh well.I canceled service with them.Went back into red garter hotel,the clerk gave me a membership rate for my room it was 104.Reservations was not involed mind you they were canceled with no refund..So they took 113 dollars of money, which was gas money to get home on !! Its wrong that they get away with this scamming peoples hard earned money. I want my money back...

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