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Identity Theft

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Identity Theft Reports & Reviews (207)

- Phoenix, AZ, USA • Dec 05, 2024

An aetna insurance plan was opened in my name. I never signed up. They had all my information.

- Fallbrook, CA, USA • Dec 05, 2024

Hello, my name is Bahareh Soltanitehrani and my phone number is: 858-859-5425

And I’m Living in San Diego County of California.

The scammer’s name is Sevda Sabbagh, who has used my photo (Bahareh Soltani Tehrani) in the profile of a fake account created under my name. She has sent offensive messages to my relatives and friends, damaging my reputation. The only information I have about her is her name, phone number, and city of residence. She is the spouse of my ex-boyfriend and is attempting to defame me through Instagram by using my photo in a fake profile with my name without my consent.

Her phone number is +1 514 972 2444, her name is Sevda Sabbagh, and her husband’s name is Hamid Nouri. They live in Montreal, QC. The link to the fake account is:

Please take the necessary legal steps to arrest Ms. Sabbagh. Let me know if you need any further information or documentation. Thank you.

Additionally, the scammer’s accounts are as follows:



- Phoenix, AZ, USA • Nov 22, 2024

My w-2's was mailed at her address and she cashed them in

- New Orleans, LA, USA • Nov 21, 2024

Scammer told me i was had 100,000 to cash out on before i lost out on my funds less then 24hrs

- Fairfield, CA, USA • Nov 19, 2024

On November 5th once I got off work, I went to pay rent and noticed multiple fraudulent activity on my account I did not authorize nor did have knowledge of. I was informed by the branch manager at chase in Vallejo ca, that it was done via electronic check at the branch. (Attachment 1=Branch receipt from online banking account). On this day there were other fraudulent transaction as well

1) $3.78 store fee

2) &64.34 gas fee

3) Cashier check fee of $10 (I never received checks on my account)

4) $50 ATM withdrawal fee

These details are outline in the Police report from the Vallejo, CA Police department dated 11/6/24 (attachment 2)

Also, on November 6th 2024 I filed a report of fraud with the government at because I started to receive alerts pertaining to my credit report. FTC report #179967566 (Attachment 3& 4)

That day at the branch I was informed my card would be blocked and a new card would be sent out to me. On November 13th I received a fraud alert sent to my phone it was someone trying to withdraw $500 from my account I quickly stated -NO, Something is wrong so- a new card would be sent out (Attachment 5) When I went to my online account there were 2 failed withdraw attempts from a Chase bank in pleasant hill California for $200. I checked my account and noticed my account was debited $2000 from a teller at a chase bank on Salvio st in concord, CA. Outline in the police report (Attachment 6) I quickly left work and went to the bank which is about 40min from my house. I noticed the withdrawal slip had a different date from the date of withdrawal and my signature does not match my ID or the ones I have previously signed with chase. (Attachment 7).

On Thursday Nov 14th, 2024, I went to the Chase bank in Fairfield ca and spoke with Stephanie Osuna (Manager) to get more information in regards to how they are doing this and we closed multiple cards etc. She informed me she can see that someone went into a bank in Benicia CA and changed the pin inside the bank and various other things she could tell it as fraud. She informed me she would call and speak with the back-office fraud team to discuss her findings and send over my police reports I had with me. I sent my information to her at [email protected]. I called to follow up with the back-office fraud team 11/18/2024 and they stated they haven’t received any paperwork.

Not only has this Scam affected my life as I can’t pay my rent and possibly looking at eviction, but this scam artist as also took out a car loan in my name. (Attachment 9 & 10) that I’m disputing as well.

- Tulsa, OK, USA • Nov 19, 2024

My husband received a letter stating he had applied for a Kohl's card and needed information. Unfortunately, he called the 800 number and was asked for his SSN which he gave to the person answering the call. I am sure this is a scam. His last name wasn't spelled correctly and he never applied for a Kohl's card.

What is our next step?

- Benton, MO, USA • Nov 18, 2024


- Wellfleet, MA, USA • Nov 18, 2024

My husband got an email from Capital One saying there was suspicious activity on my Savor credit card. I copied and pasted it below, although in the email the text is on a black background with the Capital One logo in the upper left corner. He is the account holder; I have a card on the same account. The email he received references my card number. After checking our account and finding no suspicious activity, ***** called and got nothing but voice messages imploring him to get a Life Alert for free. Today, we called and after a substantial wait time, got people who were hard to understand and who claimed they could not find my card number. ***** read off my entire card number. He was then transferred and we had another wait, and a new person asked for the full card number and I refused to provide it as all of this sounds like a scam, although the phone number we called is the same as on the back of my Capital One card. I also checked my card today and there was no suspicious activity. And related or not, I got a notice from Credit Wise today saying my SSN had been compromised.

- Phoenix, AZ, USA • Nov 12, 2024

Social security number was used at the social security office for the amount of 98,000 in a check

- Columbus, OH, USA • Nov 10, 2024

BPEL LLC is using my address for its scam business. I am the only person at this address (apartment number), and I do not own this company.

- San Diego, CA, USA • Nov 04, 2024

They hacked into my Ulta beauty account.

- Mount Vernon, OH, USA • Oct 24, 2024

Hacked into my email list of mainly garden club members local and state sending them emails that said coming from me asking for Amazon, Pay Pal, Looney tunes or other places for gift certificates that I was suppose to be asking for a drying or ill friends having cancer or other problems. If person answered they kept sending messages with different to buy certicates.

- Lindenhurst, NY, USA • Oct 21, 2024

Estoy reportando al Bank of America porque una persona utilizó mi tarjeta de crédito y yo reporté este fraude y ellos dicen que tengo que pagar este dinero porque no reporté de inmediato la compra yo tengo muchas tarjetas de crédito y no me si cuenta de esta pérdida y no es justo que es una empresa grande y no ayuden asus clientes cuando uno es victima nones justo para mi que tenga que pagar una deuda que no es mía bueno si es mía según los echos pero perdí mi tarjeta la reporte ya me la cambiaron imforme también que la perdí y usaron la compañía de T-Mobile y Target para hacer compras yo no tengo mi teléfono con esta compañía telefónica necesito ayuda

- Visalia, CA, USA • Oct 14, 2024

I have aB9 account and on October 12,2024,my account was drained of 659.00 dollars for some SK Groceries and some Drops Group.You can clearly see that it was all foreign transactions and they were not made by me.I need this money back or I’m gonna be homeless

- Indianapolis, IN, USA • Oct 14, 2024

I am a victim of identity theft. Someone else named Asia Bowman used my Social Security information to obtain an apartment at High Point Preserve in Austin, TX. The complex did not thoroughly verify the provided information, allowing this fraudulent activity to take place. I have never lived in Texas and have been a lifelong resident in Indianapolis ,IN. I suspect other scammers may also be taking advantage of their lax procedures, and I want to warn people about this company. Additionally, the collection agency Rent Recovery Solutions in Atlanta, GA has reported this on my credit, which I am trying to dispute but they are pushing back. Also, I have never lost my SS# card or ID but my Information is online and it was exposed in the At&t and Equifax Data Breaches.

- Conroe, TX, USA • Oct 13, 2024


- Pittsburg, CA, USA • Sep 30, 2024

I don’t even use TikTok shop and I’m getting fraudulent charges from TikTok shop. They don’t have any customer service or any kind of contact info for you to report anything I closed my card ordered a new one and still was receiving charges.

- Wilson, NC, USA • Sep 28, 2024

According to a cybersecurity friend I talked to, what I’m dealing with is a threat actor. They change settings in my phone, DDOS’d my website, and completely broke my perception of reality. They hacked into my work accounts and basically have complete control of my devices. I have called every tech company involved, and nobody seems to know how to get them out of my network and devices. To the person who said this could be a threat to national security, I *completely* agree. I have no idea where this started for me, it came out of nowhere because I try to be careful when it comes to my job.

- Atlanta, GA, USA • Aug 19, 2024


Reaching out because I am unable to access my account due to this below message I received when I tried logging in my account but this Instagram below is not my account:

Your Facebook account was suspended because your Instagram account ************ doesn't follow our rules.

You have 180 days left to appeal. Log into your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision.

- Atlanta, GA, USA • Aug 15, 2024

The scammer somehow got access to my PayPal account and was able to process $1000 in addition to this got access to my pin and account information. Will hire a lawyer. This is a felony

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