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Imposter Cash App

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Imposter Cash App Reports & Reviews (88)

- Portsmouth, VA, USA

I was having trouble with my cash app debit card to take money off of my card so I looked on the internet to find cash up support I found what I thought was Cash app support they talked me through everything then they said they were going to create a dummy account to get me into my current account to see what's going on and try to fix it long story short the $285 I had on my cash app was transferred to someone that was not cash app support

Pretended to be a cash app Operator to help and assist me with my account on cash app had me go through the steps to my bank account and with drawl $1200 altogether out of my account I want to check my account to make sure is this what I’m saying and the amount was taken out of my account the representative Terry said that in order for him to help me into assist me with my cash app I had to download a appSo he can further assist me I am so hurt by this that we have people out here scamming others to get money from them I am praying that my bank help me out with this situation I’ve never been through this ever in my life I am so hurt by this I wish I could explain in more detail there are more question I mean answers that I can give you but I can’t it’s too much to type thank you for listening

- Cocoa, FL, USA

Cash app has stolen $2,000 to 3000 Out of my account without my permission or knowledge and i want to proceed with prosecution

- Pasadena, CA, USA

This happened on Monday, August 31, 2020 @ approx. 11:33 am (PST)

I called the number that was advertised as the Cash App Support 410-394-7444. This was advertised with the Cash App logo. I snapped a photo of it.

The purpose for my call was to inquire about how long it would take to get my refund from a recent cancelled Macy’s purchase that I made on Sunday, August 30, 2020. Macy’s said to call the Credit Card Co. for further details, so that’s why I made the call.

The gentleman that answered the Cash App Support #410-394-7444 (Richard Brown), sounded like he had an Indian accent (now that I look back & reminisce about all that he did). I’m learning that a lot of people that are being scammed these days, are being scammed by foreigners that have an Indian accent. He explained all of these different things for me to do in the app so that he could VERIFY my identity so that there would be no fraud. (Well he ended up being the FRAUDSTER!)

I asked him what did All of those verifications have to do with him checking on my Macy’s reimbursement. He said that he needed to do about 15 back & forth transactions to complete the verification. It was a MESS! He asked me to get my husband because he needed to see a transaction between him & I to verify my identity. By the time I caught on to what he was doing he had already taken $130 from my Cash App account & $488 from my husband’s Cash App account. (I am a nice person but I had to let Mr. Richard know that I wasn’t playing)! I used my Stern Voice at him repeatedly & told him that he’d better put our monies back into our acct’s. It took some time for me to hang up because I was so upset. I kept questioning him over & over & over again. He kept saying the funds will he returned within 30 min. I wasn’t feeling comfortable with that at all! He gave me some bogus number (after my asking), to call him back within 30 min. I called & found out that the number was bogus. My blood began to bowl at this point & I called that initial advertised Cash App number again 410-394-7444, & some other lame indian accented guy answered the phone. I called abt 2-3 more times because one guy hung up on me when I told them that they’d better give us our monies back. At that point our information had been compromised! Next I spoke to a person who said his name was supposedly, Jerry Atkinson, with another Indian accent. He kept telling me to calm down & that he was gonna help me & get our monies reimbursed. He said that he could see that the first guy Richard had been fraudulent. I’m like, “What?”

I began questioning him about them not being who they said they were. I asked, “Are You All Really Cash App?” Of course he didn’t answer my question! He kept trying to calm me down saying he’d get our refunds but the only way was for me to go to Target & Buy a Gift Card so he could put the refund on that card. I said ‘No!” Needless to say I immediately began cancelling the bank card that was associated with my Cash App acct., calling the Credit Bureau’s, Police Dept, FTC, SSA, IRS, All Necessary Entities, You Name It!

I left a few messages to let them know that they would be reported!

Other Numbers:





- East Rockaway, NY, USA

Thought I was receiving support from CashApp, after researching a “customer support number”- which was not the CashApp legitamate number. The scammer, who called himself Jay King- of Indian decent it seemed, had me do a number of transactions to “fake accounts” to assure me that my account transactions were working and the money was not coming out of my bank account. However, later on I have come to find it was. Then, the scammer somehow got me to set up an account that looked like I was sending the money to myself, yet I was actually withdrawing from my own account. Then unknowingly had me delete my own account so now is shows no activity-no proof. He goes by the name of Jay King. He had me download QuickSupport app and was able to see my CashApp account as I was assisting me.

- Middletown, NY, USA

Person pretended to be from Cash App support. Asked me to download teamviewer quick support and tried to get me to send them $300 through my cash app account

Cash App if an App that people send money fast to family or friends , ordered a debit card in black color from Cash App , I received a white color , I called to tell them that I never ordered white card and I want the black one . They told me thru the phone that I need to download another App that is called quicksupport and we can reordered with the right color , after I download the app , after that they say that I need to transfer some money to the card and I did because I thought it was for my balance , well they removed from my bank acct $1491 w out my consent , I really don’t know how they did , I need my money to feed my kids that’s what I want my money back . Call my bank after that but they rob $1491 allready from my bank acct online . This Cash App is a scam .

They are scamming people for money I had an incident where I had to pay someone back and they would make my money available on my cash app immediately and now they want more money for me to put down and then they give me my money back that is so dumb and stupid for them to do that and do people that way

- Minneapolis, MN, USA

I made an account with cash app and deposited $300 into a stock called Bitcoin...afterwards I had to be verified and said it takes 24 hrs, after 48 hrs i called them....I talked to support about being verified so i can do things on the app with my funds....So they had me download a support app which allows them to gain access to my account to fix issue and verify my account....They proceeded to go through my account and added a bank routing and account number to it while I was verifying changes on my end hoping to get verified,..... then they took the money out with the account and erased my phone number and email used to login while in control of it, so my account went to 0 and they deleted my account all together, and I called them back and after 2 mins of telling them what happen and i told them my money was taken and account deleted, they hung up on me, so I called back, and after a brief explanation, they hung on me again, and after 5 times of calling, the 6th time it automatically hangs up on me and now I'm blocked from talking to anybody....

So looking for support they took my $300 and deleted my account while using a support app which let them on my account to navigate just take all funds in a nutshell

- Oregon, WI, USA

Sent me this text:

$750 Cash-App-Transfer is pending your confirmation shjvtfo.

Not sure if it’s phishing or identity fraud.

- Saint Charles, MO, USA

I was told the guy was cash app support and he was going to return money to my sisters account and impersonated her to receive money and havked her account as well as mine taking over 3000$ he transfered the money right away as a casg transaction and withdres the money from my bank card that was associated with cash app. Me thinking it was a credit he was giving me to return my sister her money but instead charging my bank account. Also telling me that this was their way of returning policy once hit a certain amount it will automatically return to my account as i was following directions my bank blocked one of the transactions leaving me to call the bank to dispute. I have sent multiple emails to cash app through their app and so has my sister because she did not receive any of the money.

- Elkton, MD, USA

They said they was through cash app and was going to help me. They scammed me out of 4600 I’m trying to contact cash app and I’m getting no where. I made a police report. I’m about to go to social media with police report and post it on Facebook.

Hi I Recently Got Scammed Out Of 4,800 Dollars ... That 4 8 0 0 ! ...Someone Posed As Cash App Representatives And Took All My Money Out My Account. ON MY SONS BIRTHDAY They Sent It All To What Was Suppose To Be Security Lockers ?? . 4 Diffrent Accounts ..Maria Serna...Gabby Xerxes..And Love You ...AND NOW Its Been 10 Days Since I Tried To Contact The "Real" Cash App And No Reply ..Im Starting To Think They Are Behind These Scams ! No One Will Return Any Emails And i Sent 5 .. There Is No Way There Arent Seeing THEM. ! I've Never Had A Problem Till Now But Ive Never Been Scammed .. And Now I See That They Avoid All Communication When Their Customers Lose Money !

P.s i originally called customer service because i sent money to "isaiah" to avoid the 100$ withdrawal fee and when it got to him it was missing 162$ so he sent back what he got which was 4800$ and from there i called customer i thought !

- Saginaw, MI, USA

I found a cash app customer service number on google. So I called and explained my issue thinking it was an actual representative. The scammer took all of my cash app card info by screen mirroring my phone with an app he told me to download which is called TeamViewer QuickSupport. And he walked me through steps on how to get a refund, He asked for my cash app pin. He then told me log out to refresh my cash app, he changed my email and phone number on my cash app account. They used a @getnada email address to try to make it difficult to find their IP location.

- Walnut Creek, CA, USA

I received an email from CashApp saying my account was locked. For security reasons they converted my balance to bitcoin. They stated that they notice an unauthorized payment from a place I recently shopped at (Nike). To unlock my account, follow the directions within the app and it stated my balance will remind $3552.09 after verifying my account. When I opened my app my balance was already wiped to $0. I tried reaching out to CashApp directly and there is a lack of any sort of customer service. I tried to lock and change my PIN number, But people I didn’t even know were sending me money, then converting it to bitcoin, and quickly withdrawing it. I have reached out through email and Twitter and I haven’t gotten any response from CashApp. It looks like there are hundreds if not thousands of people with similar issues with no resolutions.

- San Francisco, CA, USA

I I created a cash app account utilizing my social security number my name my address and my email and telephone number everything was online or with an automated operator that never led to any human to describe what happened they only have customer support on email which on the return of the email still there is no evidence of who or what email is the information coming from or going to and the Sutton Bank has no recollection of teaming up with cash Lincoln Savings Bank or cash app Cash Card.

- Rochester, NY, USA

i was contacted by kevin ******* ( ny +1 (516) 984-0401) becasue he was sending Wanda Yvette *********** money . He sent me a imessge saying, "Cash app gonna call you for verification pick up, " i get a phone call from ?(917) 745-4291? & ?(888) 469-2376? appearing as accreditted cash app representatives. they tell me our transactions on the dates and time for my self business . still on the phone betwen 2:00-2:50 pm while im at work. they asked for information i did not give then my account info . they asked for email i gave that and thats all i follow the steps from the number they are texting me from and calling . i sign out of the phone app and log back in according to then becsyse its for governement verifcation and my $2,990 is misisng from my account and my card attached to it as well. the representatives had a indian accent voice accent

- Rayne, LA, USA

Cash app: my name REQUESTED $200. Open cash app to APPROVE or decline.

I posted an ad on let-go for my Galaxy S10 to be sold for $600 then I thought I found a buyer so I conversated back and forth for a second then the cash app came into the conversation and I assumed that it was the same concept as PayPal and it sounded believable after my brother's girlfriend and a few other people vouched for it said that was legit Whole Nine Yards. I also believe that the cash app was legit because it had me to take a picture of my face and then a picture of my ID than a picture of me holding my ID and I also linked my debit card straight to my cash app account so that it could go straight into my Bank account. Then they sent me an email saying that since the deposit was over $250 I had to change my personal account to a business account so I did that and then they said I have to request an additional $250 from the purchaser, and once they sent it then I would go buy $250 of Google Play cards and send them the numbers and then the purchaser would get the 250 refunded and then I would get my $600 after this went on for a few days they have coming up with extra stipulations that was never in any fine print. And now that it's been about a month and a half almost two months and approx. $1,300 dollars later they're requesting that this will all be said and done and I'll get my money if I just buy $500 in eBay gift cards so that they can send me a deposit for $1600.00 but I don't have hundreds of dollars laying around to be spending on gift cards to send some foreign guy that I dont know or have any idea on there location or how to get ahold of them in person.

- Chesterfield, NJ, USA

I want to warn everyone about a scam that is going on with Cash App. Everyone of in my office is famous for not carrying cash, so we swap money between each other through Cash App. I accidently sent 400 to one of my co-workers instead of 4.00 for a candy bar purchase. I reached out to my co-worker because she took off for the day and told her what happened, and could she send back my money. My co-worker then informed me that she closed down her account and stopped using the app because she was having issues. So basically, my money was sitting in limbo. I called my bank Wells Fargo and explained what happened and they told me there was nothing really that they could do, to maybe try reaching out to Cash App. I told the CSR, I did but there is no direct phone number on the app, I had to send them an email...which I did. The CSR rep FROM WELLSFARGO, so hold on I just looked, and I found a number for you to contact them. I wrote down the number that was given to me by a reputable bank and proceeded to call 1-844-915-3111. The gentlemen answered the phone with an Indian accent and answered Cash App can I help you? I explained what happen and he proceeded to tell me some steps to take on my phone through the app to get my money back. I was a little concerned told me to type in all these codes and when he asked me for my SS number red flags went up and I said NO! Is this a scam?? When I got back to my desk to access my bank account on my lap top, the scammers went into my account through Cash App and stole $1,098 through my savings account. I always do my research and I embarrassed that I even fell victim to this because I am always warning other people to watch out for scams. I think what really threw me off is when a reputable bank provides you with a contact number, you think you are safe....there is nothing to be concerned with. To make a long story short, I called my bank and they are doing an investigation and hopefully the money that was stolen from me will be refunded. Everyone please be aware of the number 1-844-915-3111 and if anyone ask you to download START.TEAMVIEWER.COM... IT'S A SCAM! Somehow, they use this software to remotely access your phone and all your personal information. I tried calling back the number and the same gentlemen answered and when he heard my voice he hung up. Red flag number 2! It happened, it was a learning lesson, but hopefully something will be done to stop this from happening to other consumers. There must be something that is going on because when you call the real Cash App number it basically gives you a warning in the introduction message.

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