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Investment Scam

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Investment Scam Reports & Reviews (109)

• Aug 09, 2023

I personally found the sarcastic attitude right sad and awkward when I asked to get my money back from the investment account that had been started after they started requesting more money for unknown fees. The prices of the fees seemed to double in dollars 500 to 1000 1000 to 2000 nothing they did or requested made any sense.

• Aug 03, 2023

She said to me if i give her $200 that i would recieve $2,950.47 and then she asked me for another $130.00 to the pay the taxes for me to recieve my payment and now she is asking me for another $135 for her to verify and pay the so that it can process the payment

• Aug 02, 2023

Kevin and I had a mutual friends which ended up being his nephew. I had messaged his nephew, Jason to see how they were connected. Jason said that that was his uncle and I told him that we were going to reach out to him about investing and he said that he saw that he had his uncle was doing that but I hadn’t asked him about it but to go ahead and ask him about it and that it should be OK. So my husband reached out to Kevin and we ended up putting $1800 into crypto and set everything up with their company and were making profits. Kevin would reach out to my husband every day and ask how everything was going and my husband felt that he had a good relationship with him and all was going well. By the end of week two we were told that we needed to add at least $250 to our accounts because our number of transactions had been Mets and they continue making profits we needed to put in more money. So we did and The day, we attempted to cash out we were told that he needed $1500 in order to make sure that we are who we say we are. I told my husband that sounds fishy because we’ve already verified who we were. I told my husband that if he felt that he could trust this guy to go ahead and do it and I guess we’ll see if it’s a scam or not. My husband still had contact with Kevin until the morning after and then Kevin ghosted him. No deposit into our checking accounts no nothing. iMessage Kevin and told him that we were absolutely devastated and then I was ghosted as well. I reached out to Jason and I gave him a heads up or not to try his uncles business and that we were scammed I just want to make sure other people out there know that this is a scam. His Facebook looks legit.

• Jul 31, 2023

It was a group of people who introduced themselves us a school for helping people to make a good investment case with buying stocks thru their investment platform. They were contacting me and convinced to open an account with them and sent over $2000 there, also they said that their services are free and if my investments will be successful I would pay them a part of it only in this case. But after some time all my money disappeared and I’ve got blocked on that platform and never received my money back. After I figured out that I was scammed all this guys were gone. Please, suggest, what I have to do for get my money back and to stop these people from doing this. Thank you

• Jul 30, 2023

was approached by a supposed friend to invest with a good return, invested some money and for the past month there has been fees, upon fees, upon fees to supposedly get the money sent to my Zelle account. Today, they are wanting more money to release the money to my Zelle account! This has been a month long process that started with a certain amount, showed a huge amount in my account and still have not been paid!

I invested money into a trading market called T-OTC and when I try to withdraw my remaining balance that I accrued I’m told in a notification that the withdrawal is rejected for whatever is unknown. It was easy and simple for me to transfer money to the trading market via cash app and through Coinbase, but when I try to withdraw the money that I have invested I am told the withdrawal is rejected. So I feel as though I’m being scammed and all I want is my money and no problems that’s all. I’ve tried numerous times to withdraw the money and I get told the same thing every time without explanation. I even reached out to the app customer service via messaging and just completely got ran in circles with no proper help or explanation.


I signed up with coinivate and they were to do online trading for me. When I later attempted to take some money out of the account they wouldn't let me.

I used a broker that was on Facebook to invest my money. I was told that I could invest my $500 and watch it grow and see the investment multiply. After see the investment multiply then She asked me to invest a full amount of $1000. I did invest the $512 more. Then before the Profit pay out that was to happen in 2 days. I get a email to add more money in order to be able to withdraw my profits and to make the signal work for more trading then shared a possible amount of money that I would be able to profit more from the added money.

- Lawrenceville, GA, USA

FTC report (max 3500 characters): -12/2021: introduced to Daniel Mangena through friend. Dan met me on Zoom, coached, helped me have certainty around coaching sales conversations. Planted seed for doing franchising. He introduced me to Lance Graulich
(franchise broker). I opened a LaVida Massage in 11/2021. -09/2022 I was sharing w/ Dan about cash flow issues due to SBA loan disbursement delays by bank. He urged me to join his "financial freedom in a box" program. It uses CC financing to start multiple
business streams, generating $2k/mo, as little as 2 wks to a few months post-financing, growing to $5k/mo+ over time. I trusted him, signed up. He charged me $10k to start asap, sent a contract that guaranteed income of $60k/yr w/ zero out of pocket costs. Said the minimum payments / interest payments would be paid by him until businesses are making $60k. -Dan and team set up LLC "Live Well Make a Difference" in my name, registered in WY. Team received my signature, Social Sec number, many other sensitive details, including my bank account to send inflow $ to. -Dan's team connected me with Rudiger Merz ( who was to be paid from Dan's team (but charged me directly) to guide opening cc’s and using all 3 of my LLC's to get funding. Banks involved: American Express, US Bank, Truist, Regions, Bank of America, PNC, Capital on Tap (UK) and more. Dan's team sent permission slips w/ card info to charge up to the maximum credit, and promptly charged them. -The charges started in 09/2022 for the first banks, continuing through rest of 2022. -Rudiger's company also charged me directly when they should not have. -To date over $79k were charged on my cards, mostly to "FFIAB", some to "" and another $4,264+ in min. payments and int. charges were never given. Further, I took out a personal loan through BOA to pay off a card that had 30%+ int. charges without any promo offer. -Dan’s team weren't sending min. payments on time, made it difficult to get payments. Kept blaming me for delays/issues, said Dan is taking money out of own pocket to set up businesses + that I need to be patient, and various reasons for delays. -They stopped making payments in 03/2023 for the min. and int. payments, explained anyway, those payments were “expenses” on the business, and were just a courtesy. Gave option to charge cards more to then make the card payments. -Team communicated via Telegram, I never received concrete details on the streams. I wrote a message via WhatsApp in late Dec 2022 to Dan to come out of this program, had a call with him. Dan was very aggressive, blamed me for performance issues, implied I’m not believing in abundance, etc. I was crying during the call. -In April gave concrete timeframe for 1st stream payment, yet no payment came. More excuses -On May 4, another victim showed me an article + podcast showing Dan’s connection with Lindani Mangena in UK, a con artist who was jailed for similar. Later, they connected me with more victims who felt scammed with a similar story: a 70yo woman who lost retirement savings, someone else who had accounts opened under her name without permission, and more.
Research by one of the victims showed connections of family members + other associates from Lindani / Daniel. -Dan currently advertising program, luring more victims into similar programs -My computer hacked (maybe by Dan’s team or someone else).
Identity theft. Sensitive docs may be stolen and used.

• Oct 18, 2023

Hi I was also scammed by this man and his team. Nearly identical story as you.

• Aug 16, 2023

Hi - I just saw this. Thank you for being brave and posting. I was ripped off by Dan also to the tune of several hundreds of thousands of dollars. I'm now considering all my options to pursue this from both civil and criminal charges. Do you want to connect?

- Bradenton, FL, USA

A man named Michael started commenting on my Instagram post and said to message him about a business proposal. They said I would just have to send $150 and would receive $5000. Then after said I hade to send another $300 to be able to gain access to the funds. Then requested an additional $450. Refused to send any money back and just kept saying this was the last step and everything would be sent to my Cashapp

- Far Rockaway, NY, USA

It’s a fake trader company of stocks they pretend like they can show you a full proof method to make money on the stock market when you send them the start up fee you never get your package and you never here from them again.

- Battle Creek, MI, USA

From Facebook post of helping hand, I was contacted by Miss Heather Russell. The intial investment of $750 was made via Cash App to buy Bitcoin and send to a wallet id. Was informed had successfully completed for help but had to wait 7 business days. Before the 7th day I received an email stating I was upgraded for $6300 and I needed to make an additional deposit of $600 to the wallet id. After several days I received an email of the payment notification that was on hold for a $1000 fee to make the deposit. I reluctantly made the deposit and was told it was late and an additional $200 was needed for the deposit. Made the $200 deposit and still no deposit to my Cash App account. I received another email of even greater upgrade to $25000, and when I got the payment notification another $1000 fee to get the deposit, paid the $1000 and then informed I would have to pay a fee for taxes of $2500. At that point I have spent over $4500 and now I am demanding my refund. With a hardship from this false assistance, about to lose everything a marriage, my home, they finally got my refund payment notification with an additional deposit of $200. Miss Heather says just make the deposit to get my own money. I have less than $200 to my name which I showed her my bank account balance.

- Rock Hill, SC, USA

I met someone on the dating app They wanted to communicate through Telegram. Later she encouraged me to make investments. I made investments that ended up at a wallet address in SAXO FUTURES - They told me I had to pay $63000 as a deposit to get my money that I have 7 working days to find. I didn't find it and believe it to be a scam.

- Seattle, WA, USA

A very short explanation is ***** Fletcher of Fletcher Capital LLC from Atlanta Georgia has operated a Ponzi scheme for years and it's at the end of its road. He publicly advertises he's a fund manager raising capital on real estate deals looking for personal contributions from anywhere between 10k-500k with the promise of typically 20%-30% ROI. I've seen him advertise as high as 50% ROI in only 3 months. On average he advertises around 4 months return. He takes the money, giving nothing in return to secure the investment and we have no idea where the money goes. He owns no physical assets. He repeats to all investors he owes that they're within days of full redemption and that day never comes. He's still advertising continuing to raise money. He currently has an advertisement on LinkedIn looking for 250k. After jerking our lawyer around forever he finally admitted to being broke, living at home with his mom still and he said he's going to have his mom refinance their house to give a little back. Anything from his moms refinance wouldn't even be able to scratch the surface of the amount of investors he owes. Still to this day he's promising investors they're days away... but just as with the 6 people currently in a legal action using the same attorney, we all hear the same lies but the money never comes. Just 1 person in our legal action, ***** scammed out of $130k. We've been speaking up about this on Facebook and there are over 20 other investors ***** Fletcher has scammed and who are all without their money. Some single investors gave ***** $300k in a single wire. We're asking each person how much they are owed and this is adding up to between 2 - 3 million dollars from just the people we currently know of. One person is active duty Navy of 15 years and was pulled from his ship while deployed because of this. Our lawyer through discovery found ***** has an existing court judgement against him from New York back in December 2022 in the amount of $36,000 which he also still has not paid. His Instagram page says he's raised over $22.5 million dollars from investors. We're all wondering where the money is being hidden. I've personally filed a report against ***** Fletcher with the SEC, the GA department of Securities, the FBI and now with the BBB. Each day that passes, more and more real estate investors are coming forwards saying ***** Fletcher has scammed them as well. We all have written and signed contracts. Once ***** breaks the contracts by not paying us back in the written agreed time he has been caught in many instances of falsifying fake wire confirmations. He slipped up and provided to me in writing that he collects money from other investors by promising them great fast returns and uses it to pay back other investors if he's in trouble. But now he's keeping all money hidden. While investors are coming after him for several million dollars, he also slipped up and texted me that he was spending a lavish destination vacation with his fiancé in Puerto Rico. Another investor shared a text where ***** Fletcher reached out to them asking for them to invest half a million dollars from just that single person. I have proof in documentation form of every word I just said and I can provide that upon request.

- Alexandria, VA, USA

The scammer pretended to be an investment through one of my facebook friends. After adding more and more money to what I was supposed to receive back ($3,000), they hacked my account and I no longer can access my facebook. They also have an image of me with my id, so they can further the scam and people out of their money.

Similar thing happened to me. Were you able to recover the facebook account or any of your monies?

- Orlando, FL, USA

I was investing in the website, the first 2 investment went well after that the website created different issues in which for each they just kept on asking to deposit more money to be able to get my money back.

- Manassas, VA, USA

I have a person reach out to me on social media. She introduce me to trade in SERC Capital Ltd. She showed me all her expensive assets and told me to trade so she can help me to earn money. She was asking me to follow her on trading, and she help me to create SERC Capital account and inject funds to start with my investment. We were communicated via Telegram. After few weeks of trading my funds have increase to $184,141.00 of total assets. She told me to withdraw funds, so I contact to online customer service to help for withdrawal. The online customer service said: According to the relevant regulation of the US Taxation I need to declare and pay personal income tax of 20% I must pay tax amounts of $26,832 prior withdrawal. A week later I have paid $26,832 for tax. Soon after my tax payment completed, I asked for withdraw again. The customer service sent me another message said: I must pay $8800 to flat form to remove detected by automatic risk control system. So, a week later I have paid $8800 to remove the control system. Then I start asking to withdraw my funds again. During the processing, the customer service has sent me another message that the system has detected to my account, and I need to pay $3,800 to remove that detected. After that, I did not continue to pay anymore. I have noticed it is scammed.

- Miami, FL, USA

Facebook Tony Curatolo was targeting me for an investment scam. His Facebook Messenger account was hacked by scammers. I thought it was my coworker. I paid $4000 and did not receive any money via cash app as promised. The scammer still promises me payment if I pay $500 more. I initially bought bitcoin and then transferred it to someone else. I had to buy Amazon and Apple gift cards for $1500 thinking that I would receive money via cash app. I had to pay a fake transfer fee. I never received the huge payment Tony Curatolo works with me and is a Supervisor for TSA. Transportation Security Administration

- Palm Harbor, FL, USA

I was contacted to invest $2000 in a pyramid scam with the promise of a quick return on investment. Turns out that the company is refusing to let me cash out my investment. They is no way to contact anyone.

Michael Rodriguez called to say he works for an Investor by the name of Adair Joseph Lawrence that has properties to clean. He stated the contract is for 2 months and would give me the contract if I purchased the business license he was offering. He set a meeting place at the Mcgregor Country Club but I had to wire the money to get the insurance before we meet. As soon as the wire went through I have not been able to reach them or receive any correspondence. They took $2600 from me.

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