Scammer's phone(999) 999-9999 Scammer's website Scammer's email[email protected] CountryUnited States Victim LocationNJ 07442, USA Total money lost$46 Type of a scamCounterfeit Product
I saw an ad on Facebook for "Judy Blue" jeans from this online merchant. I have purchased "Judy Blue" jeans in the past from other merchants. I realized immediately that there was a problem when the product was coming from China. It took a long time to get the item. When I received the jeans, there was no label on the inside or outside of the jeans. There were no tags on the jeans at all. They are not Judy Blue jeans as advertised. Of course they did not fit like the real Judy Blue jeans either and are too small. I contacted them by email about getting my money back and they indicated that I could keep the jeans and they would give me $5, give me a 30% off coupon on future purchase or could ship the item back to China at my own expense and maybe when and if it is received they would refund the $38.98 which is less than what I paid for them. I am not going to spend more money sending them back to China and possibly not even get refunded. They are a fraudulent company and are selling items under false pretenses. I have never purchased jeans that have no label at all on the inside or outside and have no tags. I don't even know if these are new jeans or are used jeans. Regardless they do not fit and I cannot wear them. This company is a scam and is ripping people off with their false advertising. I am going to contest the charge on my credit card as well. I wanted to make the aware of them. Also, there is no telephone number on their website to contact them. They only provide an email for customer service requests.
Jodelyn Contacts
If you know any contact information for Jodelyn, help other victims by adding it!
Scammer's website
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location NJ 07442, USA
Total money lost $46
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product