KCC Talent Reports & Reviews (11)
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Mr Kay Cyrus Miles Threatens People To Get His Way
If he finds out that you are smart enough to detect his scamming ways or you tell him you dont have enough money to keep up with the luxury lifestyle he will offer to make you part of the "Brand Team" or "Legal Team" or whatever fake title he slaps in front of TEAM to make it sound like you will be actually employed and that it is a real business and totally not a scam made by two people living out of their apartment in Chicago. As you can see even if you do work for the "brand team" most of the work you will be assigned is sending emails for him sending whatsapp messages for him and harassing people who speak out against him. K is in a deep need for repentance and should give up his ways of darkness. K has decided to threaten people in my family and I will be seeking justice for this.
Mr.Kay is NOT a Scammer
At the time, there was a lot of confusion due to me being new, I was susceptible to the blasphemy being spoken.
After contacting Mr.Kay myself, everything has been cleared and this post is only here in meantime me getting my initial accounts email back to delete the post.
Mr.Kay is a Honest, Just, Respectable Transparent Guy.
Phenom Beauty is a scam
He’s not who he says he is.
Send him NO money.
If anything, take the list of REAL connects he sends you then LEAVE
He’s been delaying pay + events for Months.
Convinced they ARENT HAPPENING.
KCC Talent (Scam)
He kept speaking about projects and live events to attend...yet he didn’t speak about any specific details (location, times etc) . We also had to buy a $300 wig to be part of “a” (their) hair project called Phenom beauty Global and pay them directly via zell to attend to these unknown upcoming live events in different states.
I’ve attached screenshots of all signs that proves KCC Talent company is a scam service starting with MR.K false phone numbers.
I got a calls but I asked to text me
Scammer's address Chicago Illinois
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location GA 30022, USA
Type of a scam Other
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location NJ 07052, USA
Type of a scam Employment