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Liclothina YENSJUKD

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Liclothina YENSJUKD Reports & Reviews (13)

I could kick myself in the butt for being so stupid! They stole $90 from me. I should have known it was a scam at that price for a pool ladder. The tracking said it was delivered in Redwood City CA. Real close to my house in Florida! Since he likes screwing people over I'm sure one day he will meet Bubba in the shower when he drops the soap! I would like to put a fishing hook in his head and fish for sharks.
What goes around comes around!

I ordered an electric scooter off this website and it apparently got mailed out but sent to a completely different state. I'm in Nevada and it got sent to Missouri. Tried to contact them and the phone line is just constantly busy and I have not gotten email back. They got $98 from me.

I ordered a cat wheel for my kitty because she's indoor and alone in my room when I'm at work. My roommate has a dog that is unsafe for her. I never received the wheel even tho the tracking number says it was delivered but it doesn't show my address and uses said my address and tracking number do not match. What the hell?
Scammed out of a cat exercise wheel
Scammed out of a cat exercise wheel


I ordered a used switch thru liclothina. Not only did they never respond with confirmation except that they took my money, but I never received any tracking or anything else. Now the site's IP address can't be found. And I'm having trouble getting a refund even thru my bank

I bought an electric bike online from the website for $89.83 on 10/22/2022


Same here. They gave a bogus ornate tracking number. That package was delivered to an US Army Post Office. Called USPS. The package for the tracking number they gave me didn't even have my name and address. Still nothing and bank will not refund transaction.

Did you receive bike & was it as advertised?

.I ordered a couch for $63.93 on the 17 th. Never received it yet.


I ordered a 12’ skeleton for Halloween and never received it and now was charged 88.50 on my debit card!


Quería hacer una compra en línea y hice la orden pero nunca pensé entrarme con estos estafadores que me robaron de la tarjeta $ 69.65 y esta es la información que ellos tienen en su página web con explicación sobre el comercio con varias localidades en el país de dedicados a vender cosas electrónica ropa suplementos y promociones a los productos locales dicen los ladrones 👉


Well I ordered a edible cake printer for a friend who’s just starting out in her new business thought I would get it as a gift as a congrats.ordered it on 9/6/22 and I actually saw it posted on a few sites right with this one at $77.44 never thought to look the place up to see if it was legit or not but since it has been a few weeks and I still haven’t received anything I decided to look the place up and call also have tried to file a complaint online with the company and no response back so now I see that this is truly a scam and they have gotten away with someone else’s hard earned money. It’s truly sad the way the world is today that people have to scam you out of your money when you’re trying to do something good for someone else to turn around and get scam by some pathetic small dick jerk. Like the other post said I hope you rot in hell over twice you [censored].


did you ever receive it?

This site is a hoax selling to unsuspecting buyers! I purchased an Omnichord 84 as a gift for my very special son-in-law. He is having a hard time and really REALLY needed something to smile about! He was like a kid at Christmas so excitedly watching the tracking!! I'm so beyond furious! I dispise people who steal!!

The money was withdrawn from my bank by YENSJUKD out of Columbus OH. I was provided with a tracking number and instructed to track it here I didn't use that site but was able to track it through USPS. That lead to my package being delivered to an "mailbox/doorstop" in CA and I'm in AR! I tried calling the contact phone number for 3 days. All I got was a busy signal. The other phone number listed in Liclothina's Terms and Conditions belonged to a private individual!! She stated she had been receiving NUMEROUS phone calls about orders!

The piece of #$%^ listing this Omnichord also has it listed on Arestaner, Junkum and Baktriana! I hope they rot in - - - -!!

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Liclothina YENSJUKD Contacts

Liclothina YENSJUKD associated photos:


415 Georgetown Ave., San Mateo, CA 94402, USA



This website was reported to be associated with Liclothina YENSJUKD.

This website was reported to be associated with Liclothina YENSJUKD.


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