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Lights Over America

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Lights Over America Reports & Reviews (140)

Order date: July 2021
Total money lost : $205
Type of scam: Online purchase

Im from CA and I ordered tickets for this fest back in July last year for the festival taking place in Sacramento in September . Which of course as the trend shows, NEVER HAPPENED. I reached out to the company several times by Instagram DM to finally realize this is such a scam. The unprofessional responses is what really got me going back and forth with this riddler person sitting behind a computer screen telling nothing but lies and stealing money from a bunch of people DURING A PANDEMIC! So it makes sense. People get disparate but seriously? This is just wrong. I plan to take this up with my bank .. it’s taken me so long because I wanted to make sure there definitely were others which I now see for sure there are ! Beware future buyers just don’t buy!


Alexia, why don't you let these people know you're associated to the mormon cult... you know, you work for them at the medical facility ran/owned by them...and they own the other lantern festival companies. No one was rude to you either by asking if you were the social media police because of what we don't post. You know photos of people's faces at events. We know the cult is highly invested in Facebook and has access to their facial recognition program they had to stop using.

Lights over America defrauded my friend and our family over $600. We initially purchased our tickets with a sale that they were promoting. After going through Google pay to purchase our tickets, they canceled our order and sent us a bogus cancellation notice with no refund. They will not refund us our money and they are sending us to google pay to have them refund the money although they have not returned it to google pay. I have been arguing with them with no resolution. There was no contact number for them as well. They periodically respond through email. Buyers be ware.
Fraud Alert Lights Over America


Loa. You have not contacted us at all trying to help. You did not provide any proof, you provided screenshots of a conversation that could have been with anyone. Where is the proof that you contacted the CA ag? Where is the proof that you contacted Google pay? How did we commit fraud by paying for tickets for a festival that obviously was never going to happen. You keep lying and stealing peoples money. Show us the proof that you are trying to help us get our money back. You can't because you have no proof of anything, just your rude responses. I hope karma catches up to you soon.

No we didn't, google did! Google kept your money, we tried to get your wife to help us to get google to return your money and instead you came on here lying. We showed her proof and you and she has still lied. We've contacted the CA ag to get them to help force google to give you your money back. Why lie? The fact your payment looks to have caused them to freeze it is very interesting and we're waiting to find out why. If you all committed fraud or something they're obviously not going to return anything to you. You lying instead of helping to get it solved says a lot.

So I have been emailing lightsoveramerica asking for an update or their response to where our money is. This is their response and mine back to them. Needless to say they never addressed the actual issue of where our money is and if they are helping to get it back. They have just called me a liar. So I paid for tickets, you cancelled my order and I have no refund. Yeah, ok, I am the liar. So let's see if they ever reply.

I was in contact with them through email requesting information on where my money now is and trying to get them to work with googlepay for my refund. The last response that I received from them was that they didnt appreciate Dave posting here and they would post a response on February 12th. Well, that has past and still no response. I cannot get a response to emails either. If lights over America does not have my money you would think they would be trying to clear this situation up and get us our money back since we were not provided with any tickets. We are waiting.

I too attended an event not advertised online, and it was better organized, and had more than the other sky lantern festivals my sister and I have gone to in the past. I'm glad they don't allow comments on social media due to all the scammers using comments to post fake tickets for sale. Fake tickets for sale is all you find in comments on the other companies posts. Their no refund policy is also no different than other Festivals. I contacted the Texas AG which said they have no complaints made on this company. The bbb according to AG's all over the country is a pay to play company that was ordered to stop their scam. There will always be people who complain over made up things. I can also say they do have photos up of their events as I'm in one of the photos they have posted.


This person does not work for us.

You came to a scam website to report “not being scammed” obviously you work with them… you’re actually an [censored].

Lies, lies and more lies. You're a fraud and work for frauds.

I attended with my sister btw.

The lights is a scam Id on here sounds like a lights fest owner since they have a problem with people who do not appreciate religion pushed down their throat while simply trying to enjoy an event. Last I knew this is America and I'm free to post a positive review especially when y'all are claiming they're a scam because no one says anything on their social media. So y'all aren't looking for reviews unless they say what you want to hear.

Lights Over America claims to be the only lantern festival company in America, has a no refund policy and states refunds will not offered after simply viewing their tickets. Furthermore, LOA’s website has no real pictures of any actual events they hosted, states that there are additional fees above $2000 USD if I choose to dispute them and has rude, defensive and unprofessional content which is alarming to anyone. Finally, their social media has no room for comments, pictures or videos by customers to be viewed by other customers or anyone who can investigate them.

Their website has already been reported to companies who investigate scams, the Texas AG and their vendor eTix has a valid rating on as well.

Please consider these risks before purchasing tickets from this vendor.


That's a horrible not thought out lie. We don't claim we're the only lantern festival company in America. We (light the night, lantern park, lighthouse lantern festival, ARE the only lantern festival companies in America NOT OWNED BY THE MORMON CULT. We are the American themed festival, we run ours a different way than the others in other countries and the cult way.

You're right on the dispute fee's which are actually increasing due to the loyal mormon cult followers on here purposely buying entry to dispute and lie trying to force us out of business. Guess what, the bbb is a pay to play in trouble with the government. We're not a scam, we follow the laws so you're hilarious. The government will laugh at you for claiming we're a scam for following laws, especially when you say dumb crap using the weather.

I went to one of their events locally advertised and it was amazing, so beautiful and they don't push mormonism down your throat like the lights fest scam artists do. Great musicians, food, activities and their lanterns don't catch on fire like the others.

Anti mormon...buddy you just admitted you're a mormon. We know they can't stand being called a cult. Also, we're not the lights fest which they obviously have a brain and know that.

I believe this post is by someone with Lights Over America. Do not believe a word of what they are saying.
Why would they be posting a positive review on a website dedicated to scams? Also, their anti-Mormon rhetoric matches what is written on their Instagram posts.

These people discriminate against pregnant women and then they will argue with you telling you that you should have made them aware that you were pregnant before attempting, their words specifically, to attend an event that you had paid for The most communication I received from this company was when they chose to argue with me over how I was wrong for telling them that I never received any information regarding the event Do yourself a favor and stay away from these people the entire thing is a scam


You know you're lying and we will post all messages on our website for others to see. You know our events are on open land which means not completely flat, risky for pregnant women to walk on. We have closer parking and could even give pregnant women a ride from their vehicle to their seating area, especially right at due date as you claimed. We're responsible but it doesn't sound as though you were, also your Instagram has no baby, no pregnant photos, notta, especially the bikini photos when you were messaging that was recent then. You didn't think your lie out very well.

This place will rob you, not communicate with you and then argue with you over social media. The most help and communication I got was when they informed me that I deliberately did not activate my passes. But why did you choose not to activate your passes? That was the help I received after explaining that I never got any email information on this event. Stay far away.


You contradicted yourself. We couldn't have not communicated with you while also telling you, you never completed the activation process which is a requirement. So yeah, we asked why you didn't complete it? Who were you trying to sneak in you couldn't list?

I bought tickets to a lantern festival in Austin, TX put on by Lights Over America. The event was cancelled days before the event was scheduled to take place. They had me fill out a form to request a refund, but over two months later, the refund never arrived. I reached out multiple times over the course of two weeks with no response. Because they did not issue the refund as they said they would, I disputed the original charge. Then, they finally decided to reach out and informed me that I now owe over $500 as a dispute fee.

Other resources online ( shared their bad experiences with this company and share reasons why they believe this company is a scam. They tell stories of their events being cancelled last minute or being postponed multiple times, citing bad weather as the reason. When they try to reach out to the company, they respond in a very non-professional manner.

In addition, the social media platforms do not show images of their events, only stock photos of lanterns, which leads me to believe that they do not actually put on these events. Also, they turned off the comment feature on their social media so as not to allow people to question the company or to warn others about the possibility of a scam.

There has since been at least one article written about them because their Colorado event was postponed multiple times and refunds were not allowed


Connor, you refused to correctly and fully complete the refund form, plus you're from California and our Austin event was only open to Texas residents. We sent 3 emails telling you if you wanted a refund you needed to completely fill out that form.

We notice the last name smith, descendant of joseph smith?

The news article uses another mormon cult member, robyn ross, aka robyn hurd who has done multiple bogus stories for that station on competing businesses of the mormon cult. She also doxed a child under a fake name in 2016 over vaccines. The fire marshall answered correctly and made it clear they only do such on public property not private which is what most of our events are held on.

Did you pay the collection fee? The same exact thing happened to me

I purchased two tickets and a parking pass in may 28th 2020 . Its been a year already and the event was canceled 4 times due to pandemic first and then weather. Its understandable at the beginning , what it is not is that I contacted this company and the person behind customer service or scammer is extremely rude, unprofessional and offensive . They noticed I work for media and decided to revoke my ticket because I was supposed to inform I am a journalist even I was attending as a regular attendee and I paid on my own for ticket like other public local events I like to go .

Every time i tried to get an answer about what I paid they respond in a very offensive way and acting and they are following rule . My question is what rule ? all events I pay for if they are being canceled I have gotten my money back . This is the first time and event is being canceled for time, they do not offer refunds, if I dispute they will charge $500 because they have my card information .

I have reported this to BBB and FTC . I want everyone to be aware this a scam . The are not even registered in the city to do events .


paola, you checked you read our terms, in our terms is specifically states media is not allowed to attend unless approved first, regardless if supposedly attending personally. Other Festivals have added this same rule.

I purchased two tickets and a parking pass to an event that promotes a sky lantern festival nationwide. I purchased those tickets in may 2020 it was as individual attendee, The event has been canceled 4 times.

First they notify by email , the rest were just in website and social media.

Every time I contacted the company asking for my money or a refund, a very rude , aggressive and offensive person replied my emails acting as a victim and in a very unprofessional way .

They noticed I work for media and after several attempts they decided to revoke my tickets just because I was supposed to inform I work for media and I needed and approval even thought I was attendee as a regular person who goes to a public event .

they have disable for followers to comment or port in facebook and instagram . And all you see in their post in a screen shot of their costumers complains , but act as victims .

They do not offer refunds . and the website doesnt even have an address business or phone number

I found some scam reports of this website and can send all messages i have gotten .

here :

All concerns and bad Reviews Reviews : />
Lights Over America 2021 Reports & Reviews -

"Lights Over America 2021 Reports & Reviews -"


Hi again paola. Now everyone knows you made all these posts

Response for lightsoveramericaisascam

Texas AG claim# CGS-290852
FTC report# 136892345


Nope. Nothing was ever filed on us.

Hi, I purchased tickets for the event in July and it was canceled due to rain. I will attach screenshots of the emails I received. They have not responded to any of my requests to change the tickets to another day. I have been very patient, but I'm starting to think it might be a scam. I "gave" them $200 and since then they have ghosted me. There Facebook, Instagram, and other social media networks have the comments off.. (wonder why?)


maira firpo, you know that is a complete lie! Your entry was revoked when your boyfriend tony chau got caught sending what he thought was anonymous threats, and harassing messages. We will be posting his messages on our website for everyone to see.

I purchased two tickets in Jan 2020 for May 2020 Lights Over America event in Utah. They have rescheduled the event three times since then. They were supposed to have the event on Sept 2021 and then per usual they cancelled the event a couple days before stating that they would move the event to Oct or Nov 2021 and then when I emailed them about the exact date they did not respond to me. I've had to rearrange my plans three times due to their last minute cancellations. I looked at their website and they moved the event again for a fourth time to April 2022. The tickets are non refundable and when I finally got a response through them it was via my credit card company and the vendor declined to reimburse payment. I understand if something is non refundable but with that is the expectation that I would receive a return service in a timely manner as a customer. I will no longer be living in Utah and their website does not allow you to give someone else your tickets if you cannot attend. They tell you that you should go to another state to attend the event but given that they are very unreliable and untrustworthy I would not be surprised if they were also cancelling the events in other states last minute. This makes me uncomfortable to try and attend another event and then end up paying for flight and hotel for a cancelled event. I shouldn't have to go to another state to attend an event. This company is a scam, they are wasting people's time and money, and they need to be either stopped or sued. This event is lost earnings for me and I should be reimbursed for the money they have taken.


You don't have passes with us, you must have purchased from night lights event or the lights fest. We allow passes to be sold or given away as well. We also didn't fight any dispute as all passes bought at that time were through PayPal and all orders were refunded on our end of paypal.

In July (2021) we were looking for some fun family related things to do with our kids and one thing that my wife has always wanted to do was a lantern festival so we decided to see if we could find any that were coming up. While looking online we came across this site that promises the world and delivers nothing. We purchased 5 tickets (plus s'mores and parking) to an event that was supposed to occur on September 4, 2021 in Colorado Springs. We told the kids about it and naturally they were super excited. We have 3 dogs that would need to be boarded so we could attend and we have to travel a couple of hours to get to the event and even though it says on their site that they do not disclose the actual location until a week before the event we decided to wait it out and figured we would schedule a hotel room and boarding for the dogs when it got closer and after we got additional details about what time and where the event was to be held.

We got down to a few days before the event and after several attempts at getting in contact with the company (if you can call it that) we finally received an email with excuses as to why the event cannot occur and that they were rescheduling it for sometime in October / November / the winter months. I again attempted to contact the company via email and via their website to get additional information since we have to travel and book a hotel / boarding for the dogs, and have yet to hear back from them. It started to feel like a scam at this point and we were obviously concerned that we were taken advantage of. A few weeks went by and then a week or two ago there was a local news story from a news station out of Denver (Denver 7 News) about someone else who felt like they were scammed.

Their website has now been updated with a date next year for the Colorado Springs event, yet I have not received any additional communication, etc. from this supposed company. I started looking into their Facebook posts and all they ever post is how others are trying to scam them out of money and how horrible everyone else is to them / their competition is corrupt, etc. They claim they cannot respond to all of the emails they get, not my problem, you are a business and are obligated to maintain communication with your customers once you have taken their money. They are incredibly unprofessional on their Facebook page which leads even more credence to it being a scam. This is a scam and I would urge anyone who might be reading this to avoid this business at all costs. I was able to reverse the charges through my bank (almost $500), who also felt like it was a scam after their own investigation.

It's real unfortunate that there are those out there who are willing to lie and steal from other people and then try to play the role of a victim on their own Facebook page. Avoid them.

Read there posts for yourself at:

Denver 7 News Article:


Hi robyn ross-robyn hurd, how about you tell the truth, also while you're at it, tell the truth about the company's the news and mormon cult has used you to lie on that are competing companies. Even more you should be ashamed of yourself doxing a child over vaccines, and thinking you wouldn't get caught. I'll post the link to your other news story about service dogs and peanut allergy and show how the cult also runs the same type of business there why you did it. You lied calling us a scam for the mormon cult while promoting the real scan company because they can't hold events in Colorado anymore due to their scams. We'll have a nice blog centering you on our website.

We had bought tickets from Lights Over America to go to their Lantern Festival. We spent $500 for a VIP package back in 2019. They canceled the show twice and now again for the third time. They don’t offer ANY refund even if they are the ones canceling the festival. They always say they have to cancel due to weather. They are taking money from vendors and individuals, and offer no refunds for any circumstance. This is a scam, people should not purchase anything from this website or Company. This company and website need to be shut down. They are stealing money with fake events.


jennifer wicker, you never purchased the required parking pass, and used a hotmail account which never delivers emails to inbox's so you said you never got any except when sent through live chat. We never canceled the event, when we cancel we do refund. Yes we have rules we must follow to legally and safely release sky lanterns which is weather, and fire/drought conditions especially in Arizona. If we could learn how to control the weather it would be absolutely perfect for events. It's easy for the mormons to get weather modification permits and cause it to rain, but we do not know how to make it perfect. Every time we have to reschedule it costs us more so we don't gain as you're pretending. You were welcome to sell your passes especially since you weren't buying the required parking pass.

This is the complaint I have filed with the FTC:

Lights Over America is a company that sells tickets to dozens of lantern festivals across the US each year that never occur. They are rescheduled every 4-6 months for eternity. I purchased 4 tickets on 5/1/2020 for a 9/2020 event in Colorado Springs:

Received communication 9/17/2020 that event was rescheduled due to "outdoor gathering restrictions," new date was 5/22/2021. Received communication 5/11/2021 that event was rescheduled for "wind," new date was 9/4/2021. Never received location of event, was told it would go out 1 week prior "to keep competitors away." On 9/4/2021 saw an Instagram post that event was cancelled for "weather." The cancellation post was deleted a few days later.

Did not receive any communication about the last cancellation or new date. The owner has all comments are turned off on Facebook and Instagram. I e-mailed the company 9/4 and 9/13 asking for information, no response. Just found this website, seems the events never happen.

It's possible this company changes its name and has formerly gone by The Lights Fest and Light the Night or Light the Night Festivals. The Light the Night website is clearly almost identical: and The Lights Fest website is very close:

They have 17k Instagram followers and 22k Facebook followers, but keep comments closed while the owner rants about competitors, infringement, lawsuits, and refund scams.


Hello again robyn ross, aka robyn hurd, you should learn to tell the truth or change your name to amber heard. This post is pretty hilarious since you are the one lying on the news, just like you did on a service dog trainer for the mormon cult and your relative. Peanut allergy sniffy dog remember. Was this planned for our event, supposed allergy again? You sure did try to force us into ignoring the laws and going on with the event. A date where during the time of our event 9 tornados ripped through. What makes you think the owner runs the social media accounts? Does that mean gourley and larson run the lights fest and night lights events accounts? You promoted the lights fest in the news and try to pretend we're the lights fest. Interestingly you don't mention night lights aka the lantern festival, did you then do this for sam from night lights and his family lularoe finance night lights, aka the lantern fest. What [censored] demands an outside event go on with 9 tornados. Stop doxxing children btw.

Hi Gigi6578,
If you put on a festival then prove it. Open up your website and social media pages for comments and reviews. Hard to believe in 2021, there's not one picture or video to show this. The pictures you do show are all the same stock photos. I've made no false claims. I got my money back. The message I posted was from y'all and the complaint from the Texas AG office is legit. You should know, you have it. Frauds.


No idea who you're talking to, Michael,, but why don't you tell people how you tried to blackmail us. To respond to this idiocy you wrote, you will never see any photos or videos except of the physical release because we will never post it. We know the mormon cult sends you useful [censored] to claim such, thinking we will cave and show what our events contain, but you're out of luck.

Response to Lammo84: I was able to get my money back thru my bank by disputing the charges. I provided the bank with numerous messages from LOA detailing how unprofessional they are along with their bogus threats to ruin my credit. The message I posted on July 22 says all you need to know about LOA. I'll post my claim number filed to the Texas AG office for reference in case others would like to also file a claim with their state.


Im having an issue as well. Im in CA. Who do i contact, they are claiming to send me to collections ect...Help needed if you wouldnt mind :)

Hey mbnvds,
Can you provide the claim number you filed? I'd like to use it as reference in my state.


Michael, why don't you tell these people that you tried to blackmail the company to give you a refund, disputed your charge trying a pull a refund scam, and did not file any report. You told the employee that you wouldn't falsly report them if they gave you a refund. The company makes it known they don't give refunds which you agreed to. Sky Lanterns cannot be legally released in wind speeds higher than they're allowed or it becomes an illegal release. Sky Lanterns do not take flight in rain because they're made from rice paper, therefore a Sky Lantern Festival cannot go on it rain and winds. You're defaming the company with lies which you will be held accountable for and the company is releasing all the conversation, including your blackmail attempts on the website for everyone to view. For coming on here further lying, there will be a defamation of character lawsuit filed against you. If you do not want to abide by a company's terms you shouldn't agree to them, then try to blackmail while also trying to pull a refund scam. Oh and also demanding to sell them on top of the rest.

The lights fest is the scam company. Search up the lights fest scam on Facebook and on Google. This company is the only honest one still running. Festivals aren't party planners and weather does stop these types of festivals so y'all sound entitled because your event got rescheduled. How about us who actually got scammed with false refund promises for events they never had a permit for in Colorado. Y'all don't know the difference between a festival and a party. Y'all go to a club on the weekend and you pay for entry, you're not paying the club to hold a party for you. This reads the same. Y'all just cry babies because weather stopped your festival. I seen the posts from they have up showing a person trying to blackmail them, another claiming its a scam over tornadoes going through Colorado. There's two comments on here by the same person.

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