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LiveSotori Reports & Reviews (38)

• Jul 25, 2024

I’m hoping to save people time & money from this BS Scam. First of all, their tactics of finding victims for this scam is unethical and cringe worthy. They will go into paid affiliate fB groups to snipe people out with false hope. DO NOT be fooled! This is a cult like group of loyal followers and only the top 5 or 6 are making money. They will take you into a zoom meeting with brainwashed people telling you that your life will change if you join with them. What a fool I was. They got me on a bad day and I got sucked in. I paid $1000 for a 2 day live training. I thought I was going to learn skills on how to be successful in affiliate marketing. No. It was all about “ mindset” their favorite word. This went on for 6 hrs. I’m thinking, surely day 2 is when the training starts. Wrong! It was all about how to sell their training! Another 6 hrs But wait! What is their training? There is None! So now they want you to pay 10k more To get sales training on how to scam people into buying this. Whatever you want to call it It has pyramid scheme feel. It’s so wrong. The best part is some claim to be Christians but have no problem with this unethical business. So RUN! For a grand total of $10,000 you might as will flush your money down the toilet! Oh and be wary of the positive reviews. They are fake. These are all from his loyal cult members. Beware!

• Apr 23, 2024

I also got scammed by JR Anthony, Spent 800 USD and received 0 trainings, They didn’t accept to refund me.

• Apr 23, 2024

I was also scammed by this livesotori for two invoices 497$ Earn while you learn
And 349$, Shame on my bank didn’t accept the dispute.
Scammed by livesotori

• Nov 24, 2023

What a classless scammer!
Stay away from this cult. The members are definitely brainwashed. Jr is an arrogant , fouled mouthed, narcissistic, ignorant jerk!
He mistreats his cult members and the people that assist his seminars . Uses the F word constantly and in one of my seminars a lady asked him to stop as her kid was hearing all his cussing but that didn’t stop him.
What a nincompoop ( Jr get the dictionary)
The seminar’s main objective:
1. To get you to send traffic to his seminars and enhanced his image ( Good Luck with that)
2. Get you to buy the One on One special training for $9,900 and become one of his elite scammers like Trang, Orit , Ivelisse …star grifters. (Incredibly Delusional)
The content is absolute crap … he starts with the phrase “Awesome…” and then a minute and a half of a stupid rant without content. How he has the audacity to put that out there is beyond me but he has no self respect or awareness…
They offer no reimbursements… I feel bad for a single mother of three, that was duped by these grifters that have no conscience…
I will be filing a BBB bureau complaint and referred them to the authorities.
Stay away from these evil characters!


I was approached with the promise of getting help and support in starting an affiliate marketing career. But that is not what happens in reality. You are being sent to go "snip" people from other Facebook groups. I am someone with high morals and values, I cannot do that; this is NOT the business I want to be affiliated with. When I asked for a refund no-one reached out to me till now. They took $5000.00 US dollars of my hard earned money and they don't want to give me a refund.

• Nov 24, 2023

They have no conscience. Jr is a grifter and a classless individual! Absolutely delusional!

I was approached with the promise of getting help and support in my affiliate marketing career. The group leader is always mostly missing as his teachings are done by his high level students. He pops in periodically to curse and swear and belittle his students/followers. His business practices are predatory and probably illegal. If you are someone with high morals and values, then this is NOT the business you want to be affiliated with. RUN. You have been warned.

• Nov 24, 2023

I agree 💯 percent. Jr is super delusional , narcissistic fool.

I want to start this by saying I truly do not know if Junior Anthony's 2-day Live Seminar or "services" or teachings are real or not.
I was (like everybody else) contacted via Chat on FB by a gentleman who I thought was a part of a FB Group I was in. Everything these people on here is saying is the truth. They infiltrate former FB groups they were in and gave up on, yet preach against that mentality. They message you do not reveal they are "recruiting" you. Form a bond with you and your struggles and how they have been thru it as well. I was told he was a part of a community that is supportive and encouraging. He told me I would love the support they offered. I was reluctant but thought hey, I could use all the support and collaboration with other Entrepreneurs. Once I got there they were immediately all aware I was there and all the attention went to me (this was their Intent, gang up on one person), which I found odd. No one was collaborating, no one was even talking but one gentleman and to me. I guess he was a host (or top recruiter now that I am aware). He just grilled me about my experiences. Then he asked someone in the group to share his experience. All along I had no clue. I thought this was just their way of encouraging you. Then out of no where another lady started talking to me. I really felt like I was on the spot. Eventually, I cant remember how I finally realized they were selling something to me. I asked if Paul (the person who brought me in) was in ENTRE (my FB group) to find out right there in front of everyone he was NOT. I finally asked what program is this to discover it was Junior Anthony's program. I was like really, someone else told me about him. I showed them the other person who earlier had sent me a link and I expressed how all I saw was a video of an interview Junior had on a podcast. They were all aware of it. Then before I knew it, I was being told and led thru how to get a Paypal credit, to get sign up after telling them over and over I could not afford it. It was clear I did have the money. They are very sly and lure you with the fact that they make money in their sleep and a lot of it, as well as put urgency by stating this price is going up. Fear tactic - I see now. The whole time I kept thinking how can I get out of this. I felt stuck. Of course now in hindsight I wish I would of just hung up, exited the course. But I was on the hook and they knew it. Then from them telling me about this 24 hr live zoom call and the support it offers as a community the time came to sign up for Mentorship for an additional cost. I asked for clarification of this mentorship to find out right there the mentorship was the live 24hr call and that Junior comes into the call from time to time to "coach" . I literally said right there to them, You are doing exactly what the others are doing. Yet I continued, denying the mentorship. She walked me thru it all. I was approved and next thing left sitting there in my mind wondering what happened. There was a snag with my sign up and could not access the calendar and was given instructions on contacting their facebook page. I did what they asked and Yes I told them excited to be there.. I was being cordial.. give me a break Anyway, back on the call I was told what to do and to get back to them once their fb people informed me the problem was fixed and the call ended. I hung up immediately crying my eyes out knowing something was not right and basically feeling I just got screwed. I didn't have access to this mentorship so what was going to happen now without all this "support" they promote so much. I was sickened at the fact that they literally and INTENTIONALLY bamboozled me. Now tonight just about an hour ago was contacted by Junior himself - supposedly. I am not buying it. I think it was one of his recruits that have been brainwashed. Anyway he asked me what the problem was. I told him I had a problem with the way he operates his business. He comes back with something about mentorship. This tells me he did not read my message, and that he knew or someone advised him something. I asked him to re-read cuz my complaint was not about that at all. I did not say or mention that. He proceeds to basically act confused on what I am saying, and that I know nothing of what he teaches. I ask for a refund and state it can all end right now if not I would continue to do what I need to do. I also mention I was curious if he had rights to the book and if Mr Carnegie was aware of what he was doing? This is only a curiosity. He then proceeds to tell me they do not take threats on their website and if I continue to defame Junior they would use it and "recordings" against me in a court of law. Now that is a threat! I was not given any information. No letter,, no courses. I only have the receipt because it went thru paypal, nothing but a few videos on what to expect of the live call (nothing about learning Affiliate Marketing) and what I would need for the live call as well as the 2 day live call event coming in a day and half. Please explain to me how a total of 3 hrs in the 2 day workshop will equip me to have the knowledge of how to open, connect with an Affiliate program, set up the business, learn how to drive ads to what ever product I'd be selling in that short amount of time and with no access to this mentorship where it all "supposedly" happens. Oh btw they tell you that you can have a successful business not paying for advertising. I know why now, cuz all you are doing is being an Affiliate for Junior, lining his pocket and again the free part is you infiltrating groups. Anyway, they knowingly took my money without giving me anything to succeed. They complain on how the other course/program I am in leave you, yet that is NOT true if you don't do the coaching in the other course, you are still given multiple resources to get the info you need all backed with a double your refund policy. THIS IS A SCAM! It is a PLOY to get you in by deceit, then leave you with nothing if you do not buy the mentorship. In the other program I bought actual courses with knowledge and steps to launch a real business as well as a REAL community of people there to support and offer help so you do succeed. So I will conclude by saying if you have money to blow, want nothing in return for your hard earned money, and don't mind being lied to and manipulated as well as from what I have read about him yelling, cussing and belittling you, THEN this might be for you. I on the other hand I believe in being a person of integrity. l live by a different moral standard than these people. God bless in your journey. If you don't want to be bamboozled like me, then run, run far far away from Junior Anthony (from what I've read not even his real name).

• Nov 24, 2023

I had the same experience ! Jr and his crew of grifters need to be stopped!

Amen. I agree 100% with your comments. This is exactly how they operate. Unfortunately, they got $1094 of my hard earned money. I wish I would have been smarter and less naive and checked out the reviews first. I'm just glad I checked out the reviews before I forked out $9000. I had a gut feeling not to do it but the reviews just reiterated what my gut was telling me.

Me too I was excited too join but after you explain above they led me to the exact same thing except he was doing his workshop on a weekend and I told him I could not do weekends and to cancel transaction and to this day nothing

PayPal will refund you in a jot minute. Get your money back. They got the nerve to be threatening you ! How is this crook still in business ? Russell Branson and his clickfunnels business needs to cut him off.

I was initially contacted via Facebook Messenger by a member of a Facebook private group for another Affiliate Marketing class I had enrolled in. Since I had not attended the class the gentleman approached me and asked if I was okay or had I changed my mind. I explained I had some ongoing health issues and I had moved my enrollment to another date. Time went on and he contacted me again voicing his concerns and discontent with the fact that the instructors were not available and that the class was referred to classmates in the private Facebook messenger group.
As time went on he brought up that he had a friend who taught Affiliate Marketing, but it was very organic, one on one and he made sure the class understood it. He then invited me to sign up to learn more by a Friday evening for a Sunday class which it then turned out cost me $349 US for a 2 day workshop on Affiliate Marketing. The man taught nothing I did not already know and he was all over the place, I kid you not. Oh, except while we were signing me up for the two day workshop, I’m hearing take advantage now and sign up for the discounted EWYL…Earn While You Learn work shop and classes for $2500, if you purchase in advance. If you don’t purchase now when you purchase later, it will be $4900! Well of course, who wouldn’t take advantage of that bargain?
I then proceeded to attempt to transfer the funds over the next two days via as my financial institution does not support Zelle. That should have been my hard stop 😳 Fast forward. I go through the 2 day course and then attempt to download the information for EWYL which I was unable to do. After contacting Michael, the gentleman who introduced me to all this he put me in contact with one of the higher ups over in the UK. Turns out Junior had been busy making changes to the website and no one knew what they were! Big 🚩 red flag. Fast forward, I get onto my EWYL homepage but I can’t progress…Junior strikes again. Sign in fixed, I’m in, I sign my waiver and provide a copy of my receipt for payment yet again. At the point I am angry, bewildered and feeling that I have been scammed, because I have nothing for all my $ paid.
Now mind you, in the interim there have been numerous messages between LiveSotori Services and I and Michael, the gentleman who brought me on board. At this point I was and still am furious, I was demanding a refund. Which they won’t give.
Bottom line, they sell nothing. Run from them, truly, as fast as you can!
Affiliate Marketing Scam
Affiliate Marketing Scam
Affiliate Marketing Scam
Affiliate Marketing Scam
Affiliate Marketing Scam
Affiliate Marketing Scam
Affiliate Marketing Scam
Affiliate Marketing Scam
Affiliate Marketing Scam


This is exactly how I was contacted. It's their snip tactic.

As many other individuals I was lured into buying the live workshop. I contacted the female who offered me this alternative to make extra money to let her know my discouragement about the program and before the live the make you purchase the earn while you learn program which is basically a waste of money because you don’t learn anything. After the second day you’re forced to make a video narrating your experience which in may case was horrible. There’s nothing of value in the live workshop no structure no real teaching only a way to scam you and make you believe you will make what you pay for in less than two week if you do follow instructions and scam other people. I tried to get my money back but you’re warned that there is no refunds. So please please pay careful attention and don’t be naive as me that they want your best interest they are only helping themselves by luring people into the workshop .
Scam alert
Scam alert
Scam alert


The exact same thing happened to me just last week. Sniped (which is a new term to me) by a lady that found me on another network affiliate marketing FB page (which I also did not pursue after paying)...yes, I'm that dumb. Anyway, I was bombarded that very night via Zoom and boy, were they good at what they do. I paid $349 for the 2-day webinar that coming weekend. The next day after researching and finding reviews of what a scam it is, I told her I was no longer interested and that I was going to file a claim with my credit card company. I had to reach out to the merchant before a claim could be filed. When you click on "contact us" on their website it takes you directly to their FB messenger. I told them yesterday I wanted a refund and that I was filing a claim. Shockingly, no response. The credit card company explained since I didn't reach out to the actual merchant before the webinar, a dispute claim could not be filed. Everything that I am reading is exactly what happened to me, and I am so mad that I fell for it. I know better. So in short, don't be conned by this group. You will be sorry.

Livesotori Junior Anthony Training Program. 

Like many of us here, I was one of those unfortunate enough to be conned by this group. I paid USD800 to get into the 2-Day Workshop and Earn While You Learn (EWYL) programs. 4 months into the program (meeting once a week via Zoom), I learned NOTHING. A lot of the time, it is just Junior Anthony ranting on what was supposed to be “training” sessions. No structure, no documents nor any meaningful information was provided. Just casula chit chat. Junior Anthony was upset one time when he heard some people were talking behind his back and undertook to admonish and abuse his members for 4, yes 4 weeks.

The “best” thing taught in this program is “sniping”. This is the process of identifying vulnerable people from other groups and coaxing them to sign up. Favorite haunts for Livesotori members are Jeff Lerner’s “Entre Nation” and Wesley Virgin’s “Done For You Service” groups. Junior Anthony was served a legal document warning him about his members’ behavior by Wesley Virgin, CEO of “Done For You Service”. Junior Anthony has spies inside each group and whenever his members are thrown out, the spies invite them back into the group. Members of Livesotori group use fake Facebook profiles as part of their scam. Livesotori members talk to the victims until they fully gain their trust. When the time is appropriate, victims are invited to a live Zoom session with the “family”. The “family” is the most senior members of Livesotori. Most victims sign up after this session. Another deception Livesotori members employ is they spice their profiles to include “charity” work and donations. This is to make themselves trustworthy and appeal to the emotions of victims. This is all part of their elaborate scam.

To participate in the program, new members are required to do two things. First, after the 2-Day Workshop, they are required to create a fake Youtube video testimonial. There are hundreds of these “testimonials”in Youtube. They are affiliates of the program. Secondly, new members are required to sign up for Clickfunnel. Junior Anthony recommends new members sign up for the USD297/month package when the USD97/month package is more than adequate. The reason is Clickfunnel pays Junior Anthony 40 percent recurring commission each month for each sign up. Unknown to his members, Junior Anthony pockets ALL the commissions, leaving none to his loyal members.

Junior Anthony created great names for his courses like 2-Day Workshop, EWYL, One-On-One, Elite Affiliate Modules, Breakthrough Funnels and Breakthrough Business. These are great for marketing when in reality NOTHING is taught! An ex-senior member complained after more than a year in the program, she learned nothing except to snip and sell the Livesotori training program. Junior Anthony is a master at marketing. He paid Forbes Magazine and other upmarket websites to feature him. The are at least a dozen upmarket websites featuring him. As mentioned, Junior Anthony paid those websites. This is all part of his sophisticated marketing to legitimize his scam.

I am writing this to expose the Livesotori Junior Anthony training program SCAM. I was fortunate enough to act quickly and my bank took action. If you had been scammed and you paid by credit card, you have the avenue to lodge a dispute with your bank. It does not matter if you signed a waiver. You must prove to the bank that the training program is a scam. This post has identified and exposed Livesotori Junior Anthony training program is clearly a scam. You are authorized to use any part of this post as reference to your bank.

The following are websites exposing this sophisticated scam. Hold the “Ctrl” key and click the left button on the link to go to the websites. It is encouraging to see others are speaking out and bringing this scam out in the open. 
1.LiveSotori Review – A Legit Company Or A Poachers Recruitment Scam?
LiveSotori Review - A Legit Company Or A Poachers Recruitment Scam? (

2.Junior Anthony is a scam! He scammed me $2,855 in October 2020 and blocked me without a refund.
Junior Anthony is a scam! He scammed me $2,855 in October 2020 and blocked me without a refund. - YouTube

3.Before You Purchase LIVESOTORI... WATCH THIS - Anthony Junior Program Full Review (2021)
Before You Purchase LIVESOTORI... WATCH THIS - Anthony Junior Program Full Review (2021) - YouTube
LiveSotori 2021 Reports & Reviews - 

5.LiveSotori Review – Legit Junior Anthony Program or Huge Scam?
LiveSotori Review - Legit Junior Anthony Program or Huge Scam? (

6.Livesotori Review – Huge Scam or legit Junior Anthony Program (copy of 3 above!)
LiveSotori Review – Huge Scam or Legit Junior Anthony Program ? - Get a Grip America

7.LiveSotori Review – Legit Junior Anthony Program or Ginormous Scam? (another copy of 3!)
LiveSotori Review – Legit Junior Anthony Program or Ginormous Scam? - My Financial Fair

8.Youtube (Andres Kindred) same author as 1

9.Tumblr (same as 1 – this guy is very active we on live sotori – we must support him)
Untitled — LiveSotori Review - A Legit Company Or A Poachers... (

10.Reddit (another review by Andre Kindred – this guy is GREAT). 
LiveSotori Review - A REAL Company Or A Poachers Recruitment Scam? : andreskindred (

11.Livesotori Junior Anthony Training Program Review (good one to read)


After reading your post I called my credit card company and filed a dispute. Hopefully I will get my money back. If not oh well God's got my back.

I'm not sure why these few people are hating maybe because they didn't find success like mostly everyone else in the program that are making money his his Program, 1. Andres Kindred was never in the program just giving a review ( doesn't know anything about the program )

All links have been removed. You can search the title to get to the sites.

My experience with Live Sotori lasted for 12 days. I was lied I will sell apple products and I will be guided and have the full support. I realised after I finished my 2nd day from 2 days live workshop that this is not about the apple products, its about selling he's programs. I was asked to sign an agreement after 4 days payment with no refund policy. I've got tricked and I felt trapped and I tried to make it work. Luckily the more time I was spending on zoom them the more I was realised that all of this was a scam. I stopped contacting people to join he's programs and now I put a dispute with my bank and filled a police report against him. Be safe people the scammers are using different ways.


I freaking love LiveSotori and Junior Anthony Rocks. Thank you all haters


Then you are either 1. A scammer just like him or 2. An [censored].

Awww that's cute. Wait till he doesn't pay you and doesn't teach you anything lol

People, hiding in groups trying to convince members of other programs to ask for a refund and join Livesotori (Sniping).
Knowing what he does, Junior also asks you to sign a waiver, so you won't even be eligible for a refund if you don't like what you paid for.
What makes me mad about Livesotori, is that Junior earned 1 Million $ in less than 1 year, so, estimating an average of 1000$ per sale, he had to sell 1000 products, what is funny is that only less than 100 people are currently really crushing it, but the remaining 900 gave up after wasting time and money with Junior.
Now, a service that works for 10% of the customers, isn't a good one.
I suggest you report if anybody is contacting you offering some help that you didn't ask for. It'll save you from wasting thousands of dollars in a very poor program that makes only Junior richer.
On top of that, Junior requires you to subscribe to Clickfunnels paying $ 97 per month (and if you use his affiliate link he is also earning part of that money).

Don't expect miracles or secrets that you wouldn't find in a good marketing book.
Remember instead that learning marketing skills, requires time and effort, easy results like those that Junior and his "family" show, are only canned pictures to make you fall into their trap.

Motivational Monday and Wealthy Wednesday are crap. Nothing special that is worth the money that you would spend for this scammy program.
The same money invested in good books would easily allow you to earn 10x more competencies and skills.


There were never more than 290 350 people in LiveSotori! How do you get those numbers?

It's great, if you want someone else to get rich off of your efforts and you like a cult-like atmosphere.The program has zero opportunity for entrepreneurs to stand on their own two feet. It's not affiliate marketing, it's cold-calling people on Facebook, a.k.a. "sniping" and they kick you out if you miss a few of their zoom meetings. They want only full commitment and for you to be completely reliant on them... because then they can control you and abuse you as necessary. If you post anything negative about Livesotori on YouTube. Junior Anthony will require all his people to "dislike" and bash comments on your YouTube channel. This is not ethical business practices. This is dangerous. Be warned. People have had to change bank account numbers because they wouldn't stop charging. I normally wouldn't speak negative of a entrepreneurial business, But this is frightening.


Live Sotori is run and owned by this evil scammer name Junior Anthony, who portrayed himself being in Forbes magazine 6 times this year. He teaches his useless Earn while you learn which is the entire program is a hoax. He collected money from people from $1395 and he will ask you just to promote his useless program. Any member who asks and says something about his program will kick out of the program and hi FB group. After he took my money to kick me out of the program and block me from his FB group. This evil Junior Anthony is a Con artist taking amounts of money from people some of them he doesn't pay their commission we have a lot of people now in our group, we want this evil to reported to the FBI report. this [censored] is to be stopped, besides doing digital marketing he is doing side hustle allegedly drugs. He needs to be stopped with his illegal activities and his scam.


I was contacted in June 2021 and lured into what I was told was an "educational online platform where I would be learning technical skills to learn affiliate marketing. I was also told that while I was learning I would be earning. Well, this was a huge joke! This guy who runs this program, Junior Anthony at LIveSotori is nothing but a scammer and is taking people's money. He is luring young adults into his program and then brainwashing them by screaming, berating, humiliating, and verbally battering them until they feel as if they are worthless. I would never recommend this terrible program and I am grateful that I only bought 3 months of this horrible scam program. Please watch out for Junior Anthony and his program called LiveSotori or his new program called LiveSotori 2.0. He will take your money, keep it and never, ever pay you.


I was contacted by one of his followers and invited to the Wednesday meeting. Explain to me the 2 days workshop is the overview of the program that Evil Junior Anthony is teaching. I paid the $349 upfront because this is the prerequisite for his "Scam Mentoring" Program called EWYL. I attended the 2-day workshop. The first was only about his story and the second day was almost the same. He instructed all the newbies to do a short and post to our own you channel, but then I smelled fishy because he asked people to like and follow other's youtube channels as well as his Instagram. During that term, he instructed his member to follow a certain person on Instagram as well as his and even instructed unfollow those who wrote a negative to their channel. This evil Junior Anthony is manipulative and he verbally abused his member, his mouth is filthy rich in curse words. He is very unprofessional and has a bad temper. When I paid the $997 for his EWYL program, I attended the Mon- Tue zoom that he required and all I can hear is his filthy mouth cussing to everyone. One time I raised a question and he was so mad and cuss at me. This is not what I paid for, I bought his course I want to make money and listen to his course. Several people now left the group because h doesn't want to give their money or refund the fees. He is a very manipulative, evil person, and greedy. He kicked me out of the group when I asked something about why he doesn't tell people to subscribe to our own youtube. Because of that, he kicked me out and my membership fees are still active. He owed people their earned money. He even asked them to sell another because they will get their mone back.


Junior Anthony, or Paul Simms jr, is a scam artist. He is verbally abusive, emotionally, and mentally. The ones he is most abusive to are his "favorites" or "inner circle"/Team leaders/partnership. He promises to teach you skills to build a business, but all he teaches is sales techniques. build a relationship by "sniping" people from other legitimate businesses. "build a relationship/make a friend". if they don't buy they are "stupid losers who won't be successful". He uses so many narcissistic manipulative techniques that scream cult leader. In the inner people's eyes, he can do no wrong, is a "genius". He parades around a lie that he was a millionaire before live sotori, was in prison, etc. a simple background check proves this is all false to sell a nice story. he makes you be on zoom every day all day, if you aren't online all day selling, you "don't want it bad enough". If you do anything to make him angry, he will humiliate you in front of everyone, and record it and show it to people who missed it. he throws "masterminds" regularly that cost a fortune and are not teaching anything new to you, but you're paying for an "experience". He is having sexual relationships with two of his students, one an assistant who lives with him, and the other one his top seller. There may be more. he flirts with all the women, calls them sweetheart, and is way too touchy feely with them in person. he preaches a culture of family and "love", but it is anything but that. People who have woken up and left realize the draining abuse. it's a running joke that he doesn't let his assistants eat or sleep, and major weight loss in the female assistant attests it's more than a joke. He drinks all day long even while teaching classes, sake, his preferred drink. The experience that I know many have had as "leaders" is brutal, abusive, and takes a lot to recover from. He also owes a lot of money to many students and refuses to pay it, telling them there were refunds issued, when your own back office shows that ins't the case. Everything is non refundable, all classes, masterminds etc. His leadership members contract is so heinous, it even says "you can't have any aspirations or goals that go beyond live sotori and junior Anthony" and if you say anything about his private life, he will sue you for 100,000. RUN FAR FAR AWAY from these creepy cult members.


Livesotori is supposed to be an online educational program that promises people to be taught affiliate marketing technical skills, however in reality it is an online "Cult". The company's "Mentor" and creator Junior Anthony ( not his real name), is the head of the organization, along with a group of people that call themselves "the family".
The Family is in charge of the recruitment of people in exchange of 20% to 50% commission per sale. The program consists of everyday indoctrination designed to change your "mindset" and improve your "entrepreneurial performance" by requiring you to align to the Mentor's "energy" in order to be successful.
Throughout this process the "family members" have to endure a series of mental and verbal abuse from Junior Anthony himself. The manipulation techniques of the program are evident since day one. You will be suggested to remove from your life your friends, family and pretty much everyone that is important to you. Anthony will suggest to you to cast out everything that potentially could be a distraction in your life and preventing you from working towards your financial freedom. But what's Anthony's definition of freedom? It is the freedom that comes with a high number of sales of his affiliate marketing program!
The more sales you make, the more love, acceptance, and recognition you get from "the family"; followed up with Anthony's full recognition of his own influence and power of Mentorship over your life! Once your number of sales are up ( in compliance) you will be rewarded by being accepted into the "Inner Circle", and being placed in the "High Energy" selected group of people. In other words, you will be part of the "Elite" within the so called "Family"!
In time, you are expected to dedicate 100% of your time towards their favorite family activity called "Sniping"; meaning the recruitment of people online from other legitimate affiliate marketing programs. If you are perceived by the "Family" as not working towards the constant recruitment of new members, or not in conformity and compliance with the program, you will be outcast and collectively you will be punished.
The most frequently used form of control mechanism , is the isolation, public humiliation and verbal abuse taking place over a series of Zoom calls in the presence of all the "family members". In some extreme cases of insubordination (dare to express your real opinions about the program), you will find yourself 'kicked out" of the program, regardless that Junior Anthony took your payment for a whole "One Year of Mentorship" ( Earn While You Learn) even if you haven't finished up with your time!


In February of 2021 I was looking for work online because of Covid and I was contacted by a woman through Facebook messenger to come to a zoom call and meet her "mentor", she's learning affiliate marketing and making money
I went to the zoom, her mentor Junior Anthony spoke with me for a few minutes, I signed up for his 2 day life workshop $349, then the EWYL $997 and 1on 1$1397. I was in this program for 10 months, there were no technical skills, a lot of yelling at people, berating them, humiliating them and harping on them about " making money". A lot of cussing and bullying! I made some money, then made none and when I asked for the money for the last sale I made I was told I had to "make another sale" before I could get paid. Ridiculous! Then there was an "event" that was supposed to be a master mind class that in was a 5 day event supposed to include lodging, food, transportation and the classes and it was a joke! Hardly any food, no transportation and learned absolutely nothing! That cost me $1400 plus the $800 plane ticket. This guy Junior Anthony is a con artist just scamming people for money, treating people like crap and laughing all the way to the bank! Do not get involved with this man or these people who lie and decieve for him.

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