Mark Graham Communicaton Reports & Reviews (1)
Mark Graham Communicaton Contacts
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If you know any contact information for Mark Graham Communicaton, help other victims by adding it!
Scammer's website
Scammer's address P.O. Box 102697 Denver CO 80250 office address 190 E. 9th Avenue Denver, Denver, CO 80203, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location LA 70445, USA
Total money lost $1,900
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product
I paid him in COLD HARD CASH to do my content edit (ghost involved rewrite) of my manuscript. He expected cash payment of 1/3 of my 400 page book at $70/ hour, amounting to multi thousands. Once he had my funds in cash he was well able to cheat me and only do a basic $30/hr simple grammatical line edit. He lied and pulled the wool over my eyes and when I confronted him first he'd lie more, and then finally he shouted at me over the phone that he himself doesn't even edit so I terminated. He line edited 2 chapters out of 20.
And so now the CHECK IS IN THE MAIL... THE ETERNAL ONE!! I'm afraid he lied about refunding me too!!!
fully cheated me. told me he would write based on his sample then used an underling to do simple edit. refuses to refund me. claims he spent many hours working on 2 chapters though i paid for 1/3 of 400 pages. truly claims check in mail. makes you pay in cash