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Maya Coleman/ Rebecca coleman

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Maya Coleman/ Rebecca coleman? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Maya Coleman/ Rebecca coleman Reports & Reviews (46)

• Nov 05, 2024

Met her onn zoe app.
The same story she telling you all.
I pay apple gift card for her...feel really stupid.
I think its someone Who use her account...that they are with a group our its her ...sick People...

• Oct 06, 2024

This “woman” contacted me through Zoe app, she seemed very interested in me, asking me to delete mine because she was feeling very comfortable with me. She asked me money several times which I did. Her story is basically the same; her mother has kidney failure and cant accessed to her funds but desperately needs money to pay for medical treatments for her mother, her car needed servicing to go to the bank because she says is very far and has to do trekking, then she said she needed the money for eating and blood transfusions because she was feeling very weak, and lastly she had a car accident driving her BMW X7, so her family doctor contacts me to keep me updated. I feel so stupid now, I wish I were more cautious flirting using this dating app.
Ship captain(Maya Rebecca Coleman)
Ship captain(Maya Rebecca Coleman)
Ship captain(Maya Rebecca Coleman)
Ship captain(Maya Rebecca Coleman)
Ship captain(Maya Rebecca Coleman)
Ship captain(Maya Rebecca Coleman)
Ship captain(Maya Rebecca Coleman)
Ship captain(Maya Rebecca Coleman)
Ship captain(Maya Rebecca Coleman)

• Nov 03, 2024

I wass scammed also i find out Who se is...end also i feel stupid...

• Jul 16, 2024

Started with a prominent US porn actress name and photos. As per normal the one phone call I had could definitely tell she was not a us citizen. He claimed her stage manager stole her identity and is using old photos video clips to rake in royalties. She owes back taxes and needs to pay in order to get to her so called millions. They started using the Rebecca Coleman photos which I could tell were not from the pornstar. She currently claims she is living with her niece whom she says she is having sex with, illegal by the way, on so many fronts, and her invalid granny, breast cancer. Constantly looking for money.
Now Anita Forson/Rebecca Coleman.
Now Anita Forson/Rebecca Coleman.
Now Anita Forson/Rebecca Coleman.
Now Anita Forson/Rebecca Coleman.
Now Anita Forson/Rebecca Coleman.
Now Anita Forson/Rebecca Coleman.
Now Anita Forson/Rebecca Coleman.

• Jun 26, 2024

Was under a name "Becca" on Zoe app.
When i asked her where's she working she said "it's an Asian oil ship".
Messages were sparse that's why i decided to look her photos up on Google. And found this page... She also goes by name Victoria Lipnokova on Instagram

• Nov 05, 2024

I think we did not talking to her...
I think se does not now eigher Who is using her pics end accounts.
I go crazy Who we talk then?

• Jul 02, 2024

This is the same person and different people are playing, I caught her and I have proof that she is the one extorting gift cards in exchange for love!

• Jul 02, 2024

• Jun 26, 2024

Going by the name of Becca on Zoe App. Same story, Captain at sea, 4 months on 3 months off, heading to Italy if u ask where they r. Tells us her father is dead and brother in a coma. When u find the Facebook profile it’s fake with lots of Asian men liking to photo - defo not just one person I think and not English as I got suss and asked what nationality they were and were adamant from UK yet poor English in txts and didn’t understand some of my basic questions. I asked for a call to hear ‘her’ voice and settle my anxiety that it was legit - very quickly said they would ‘when they get a chance’ then immediately went offline. I found this website on my search and boom - there ‘she’ was under different personas but same/similar stories… I believe this is a male group trying to scam. I snapshot the pictures of this website and asked them outright. They did not deny it and I asked them to be. Better human being as the world needs it! Joke,
Reported on WhatsApp and the Zoe App - not surprisingly the profile all of a sudden disappeared and I was ‘unmatched’! Horrible people out there unfortunately.

• Jun 10, 2024

Same story as previously reported by everyone. Captain of a vessel, destination Italy, cannot communicate very well because the work has restrictions, communication only via Skype. He finds you through apps (ZOE) and asks to chat on Skype. He swears eternal love and many other intense things without even knowing you. She sends photos and rarely videos, saying that she is at great risk of being caught by security. At one point she told me that the Internet was blocked and that she was using her colleagues' network, and asked me to get an Apple gift card to reactivate her phone plan and be able to continue talking. Very careful guys. Pay attention to the details of anyone's conversation, the vast majority in these applications are scammers and they are very smart. And no honest person will ask you for money or anything else without knowing you.

• Jun 04, 2024

This is the statement to prove the This is definitely a professional one or group! This person stole an influencer's pretty pictures and made new account to scam people under this "female captain identity” (

She made fake bank account, fake employee website. I believed she successfully scammed many people, that's why she has tantrum if you don't follow her order to help her suddenly ill mother and made the victim feel guilty.

Her info this time (4/2024~6/2024 on Zoe dating app):
Rebecca Angela. Boone
Her ship co.: Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Designation : CHIEF MATE
Department : FIRST OFFICER
Date Of Joining : Jul 17, 2018
Emplovee ID : #EMP0000001
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (740)990-8131
Date of Birth : Apr 21, 1986
Address : 820 w Washington
st. Dallas Texas.75201
Basic Salary: 195000.00
Here's some info:
She claimed she works for this LPG UK oil ship co. She said her contract was 3months, wants victim to help her pay off the contract to get off boat soon, so she can back to UK with her mom).
Login info: email: [email protected]
Password: rebecca005!@

Before that, she had instructed victim to transfer “her”bank account to pay her mom’s medical bill, which showed the victim that she’s rich, has 40k balance. Because of poor signal on the water due to her job, she instructed victim to help, then the bank would frozen due to detected unusual location. Then, this made victim felt guilty, had no choice but to help her to pay bills before she could get off boat and pay victim back.

(This was the bank she instructed me to transfer step by steps:

Apparently she's doing this for years, I just found similar story on this website:

Similar story, 1st captain, rich, has an apartment at Brooklyn, currently on the boat. Only available talk through Skype message or Instagram. "Always" available to send you picture. After getting attached to her, one day her mom fell and hospitalized, with a caregiver and needs help financially... and it's all scam... this is awful and gave me goose buns now when I just found out this web. I already "helped" her $2.4K...This woman deserve all the consequence and karma!
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.
her name 'Rebecca Boone' on Zoe app.

• Jun 20, 2024

To jest ta sama osoba. ( osoba tworzy różne profile a potem mówi że nie są jej.nigdy nie chce pokazać się na żywo. Zapomina że sprawiedliwość jest. Faktycznie pracuje na statku a potem w domu publicznym.

• Jun 14, 2024

I've seen way too many profiles like her on Zoe dating app, they all have the same approach (ship, bad connection) they are never verified. I've managed to get 2 like this and confront them but of course nothing happened, also reported not sure if that helped...Be careful out there people!

• May 29, 2024

Yes, she is now on Tiktok as linda1officer
1st officer on a ship in the Atlantic Ocean looking for love. She sent me a message through Tiktok, first time I have responded to someone. She asked me to join signal message app so we could send messages. Everything she told me was lies. I am glad I found her pictures on here. She's 100% scam. I was stupid for even talking to her.

• Apr 22, 2024

Hi, I'm french, so I will explain my experience in french
J'ai été contactée par Rebecca Coleman sur l'application Zoé, très rapidement elle m'a proposé d'aller sur Skype.
Elle m'a expliqué que son père et son frère étaient décédé dans un accident de voiture, il ne luis restait que sa mère qui est malades, elle dit être capitaine de bateau pétrolier dans l'Atlantique nord.
Elle prétend vivre dans une ville près de Londres. Je l'ai donc confronté, mais cette personne nie tout, j'essaye d'avoir les infos utiles pour prévenir la personne à qui elle usurpe l'identité, si cette personne existe réellement...
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman

• Apr 03, 2024

Same story as everyone below. Ship captain in Middle of Atlantic. Loves me like no other, cannot live without me. Did my research when she got upset that I had tried to add her on Facebook. Feeling stupid. Can't believe people take advantage of people like this. Disgusting.

• Mar 29, 2024

Yup did the same thing to me. After chatting one week and her not being able to videocall cause she's on a ship in the atlantic, I found all this! So thx I imidiately blocked her. Same story as the above. Father and brother died mom has kidney failure she's on that ship and loving me more tha life itself blabla. She never asked me for money yet, but I feel really stupid...

• May 29, 2024

She is now on Tiktok as linda1officer. She started messaging me telling me she loved me. This all happened since Saturday and today is Wednesday. I heard the same story as everyone else. She said her name is Rebecca Linda Williams. I goggle lens her pictures and found her on here. It is so disturbing people play games like this.

• Mar 12, 2024

Знакомится через инстаграм, просит номер телефона для дальнейшего общения в ватсапп. Представляется студеном на корабле. Рассказывает что приёмный ребёнок. Развивает тему любви и отношений потом просит помочь с приобретением необходимго оборудованием для продвижения по службе.


Good thing I found this site and actually validated my gut feeling that this person is a scammer. She goes by the name Rebecca Coleman, met her on Zoe app, a ship captain, sailing through North Atlantic to Italy. Both dad and brother passed in a car accident. Been single for 4 years and had an over a decade relationship with her ex. Don’t fall for it guys. I asked her to provide a selfie of her with a piece of paper with the word “becca” on it and couldn’t provide it. Instead the person behind this is giving different alibi’s.
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman

• Mar 28, 2024

They are still there trying. I got suss straight away and reverse searched her pics. Found this! So thank you

Met her on zoe App. Immidiately asked me to remove my Profile and meet her on Skype. She is from London, sailing to Italy. Contact is very intense. Her Father and brother died in a car accident. Asking her to voice chat several Times but there is always an excuse.. calling would not be possible as " they dont do that there" I got suspicious as she sent me a picture from the deck ,her working at the moment. But I saw that picture on zoe already.
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman

• Mar 27, 2024

Met her too on the Zoe app. She said she was working for a private Asian oil company sailing to Italy. She wanted to Skype. I said sure, send me your number. She then insisted on me giving her mine. I thought about it for an hour or so, had meetings, and when I opened the Zoe app again, it was her picture again but under another name.

Wyłudzanie pieniędzy.


I came across this scammer/catphisher as well and is now going by Viktoria Lipnokova. They claim they’re an Italian 34 year old single mom with a 10 year old son who lives in New York City but is in New South Wales Australia because of her occupation as a Captain for the Navy. They also own their own chemical business that they inherited after her father died and her mother got into a car crash. They will try to get very personal with you and ask a lot of personal questions about your life as well as try to butter you up with sweet words acting very infatuated with you. DO NOT GIVE OUT ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION! They will also try to get you to use a gmail chat to communicate because their job has a security system in the wifi or internet that doesn’t allow them to communicate with other people for safety precautions and they will tell you that it will go out from time to time. You can also tell it is fake from the extremely poor grammar use


She goes by lucrebecca_033 on Instagram and [email protected] on Google chat. She talks about her parents being killed in 911 and not having any contact with her relatives. She talks about having a future with you and she is infatuated with you. BE CAREFUL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.
Scam Artist
Scam Artist
Scam Artist
Scam Artist
Scam Artist
Scam Artist


She is pretending to be a 2nd officer on a navigation ship. She will use the name of Emily Rodriguez and she or he uses google chat under this email [email protected].
She has deep fake technology and will try to make a video call that won't work bc she has "bad signal" so the call will freeze but its all part of the show she's putting up; don't believe it.
She will tell you a huge story about her mom being sick. I found out before she could ask for money and blocked me immediately.

Im leaving here all the pictures she sent and some more. be careful people.


Now this is Lisa Braten on Instagram @bratenlisa9 , telling the story that she is from Norway, and now lives in Dallas, Texas


She is back to Rebecca but now using Rebecca Coleman. The scammer definitely had deep fake technology, doesn't care about the gender. Will tell you they are in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean sailing on a Aisan oil transporter as a captain. Uses deep fake the video shows her walking in a hallway smiling then the video freezes. Doesn't have a social media presence and won't switch to any other apps bar Skype. Quick to move you to Skype and will get you to remove yourself from dating apps. Very bad grammar and will tell you that they told you things many times. Second time finding this scammer under a different picture. Last time they were an oil rig worker. Claims that rules are strict but has a personal phone concealed. Gets the time wrong when asked what time it is. Told me it was 20:00 over there then this morning told me it was 09:30 with is inconsistent with the time zone they claimed to be in. Please be careful.
Rebecca Coleman
Rebecca Coleman


Thank for your post because she had contacted me on a app and you description is the same thing happens to me! Horrible!

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