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Mega Millions

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Mega Millions Reports & Reviews (143)

Received a call a while ago saying won $1 million dollars.  Had to send "insurance" money.  they keep calling and wanting more money.

person telephoned my residence informing me that a member of our family has won 2.5 million dollars by shopping at Walmart or Kmart using a credit card asked for home address when we requested a certified letter stating the same they also said 99% of taxes have been paid ? person calling stated that his name is James King and was calling from the state of Nevada

I checked the website by google and went to the megamillions to check my numbers and they said I had won $3,500. I went to verify to this winning with the lottery commission and was told it was a scam and to report it to BBB.

They called me saying they were from Las Vegas and my name and number had been pulled and I was the lucky winner of seven million dollars. I asked what casino and they said mega millions. They then told me that U.P.S. would show up tomorrow afternoon. I asked what it was I had to do and they told me I would have to pay courier charges of 200.00. I said no thanks and hung up.

Tom Hendix from Mega Millions called consumer. Consumer's son spoke with Tom and was told winnings totaled $1.5 million. Tom would need $299 sent by check to claim winning. No address was given to send the check to.

- Winston Salem, NC, USA

Won Mega Millions $225 million. Need to go to Western Union and sent 1% of winnings, which was $200 to IRS Banking, Andrea Brown, Mary St, Jamaica, West Indies and to include WJF on the paperwork.

Called from 876-887-6116.

- Watertown, WI, USA

called my cell and told me I won 3.5 million dollars and a Mercedes bends car in a raffle. Never asked my name or any other information to confirm who I was. Asked if I wanted my prizes delivered today. Said I needed to send them a Walmart store to store transfer or western union $499.00. I told him to text me the information since I was having trouble understanding him. (took him an hour to get the text sent to me. :) ) gave me 2 code numbers to claim my prize. Assume they were made up at the time. 047794 and 287645701. Gave me his name or a name of Mike Anderson with phone # 206.312.8147. The callerid number was 239.400.0550 (FL USA). I was able to call him back on that number. Since he couldn't get the text to go thru he used a different phone that numbers callerid was 876.826.7788. Where I was to send the $499.00 money order to was Janice Bantin 380 east 55 street Brooklyn ny 11203. (he is going to call me back tomorrow to make sure I sent the money order around noon. 3/30)

I was contacted by the Financial Officer of MegaMillions, who told me that I was the first place winner. The prize was $35 million and a luxury automobile. The phone number the call came from was : 1-234-386-2030; Waynesburg, OH The name of this person was given as Davidson Goldberg. When I asked for more information, he stated that a coupon had been submitted into a drawing. I do not remember filling out any type of coupon. I then asked for a web site and I was transferred to another individual - Victoria Simmons who gave me the website address: I did not check the website out as I was afraid they might be able to capture information off of my computer despite me having a firewall and anti-virus software. I did not stay on the phone long enough to hear the full pitch after I received the website address; so I do not know if I was going to be required to send them any money.

The phone came around 8ish on Tuesday evening March 15th. The man on the phone told my husband he had won a 2016 Mercedes Benz with 5 years of free insurance plus 5 1/2 millions dollars. I had my husband hand me the phone so I could talk to the man. The man then told me his name was David Washington from MegaMillions his number was 1-208-473-2539 or 1-873-378-6910. His badge number was 1191. He asked if we wanted to be on television or keep it private. Then asked if we had a bank account or credit card to deposit the money in, I said NO.He told me that I needed to go to Pioneer Credit Union on Addison Ave here in Twin Falls,Id and open a account, then call him back at the 873 number once we had the account opened. I called the Twin Falls Police, then call the the next day and filed this report. The person tried to call back on Wednesday morning but I did not answer. The call was from Jamaica which was a red flag for me.

- San Marcos, TX, USA

Received a phone call from a John Mason that I had won millions, and they requested $195 via check to be sent to someone else in Redding. Did not want cashiers check, or money wired. The caller requested personal check.

- Bridgeton, MO, USA

Mega Millions, Mid Eastern accent named John Marshall, his phone 646-502-9019 NY, said I was to be contacted by Bank of America Bruce Thompson phone 225-477-4818 (funny this number kept trying to beep- in while I was talking to the first guy) Wanted money to release the money that I had won. I never enter sweepsteaks or buy lottery tickets so I knew this was a scam but I tried to get as much info to report them.

Another clue was Bank of America calling me on a Sunday. He said he was sorry for calling on Sunday even though it was after banking hours. Another clue this was fake.

Another clue, John could not pronounce the name of the street I lived on. He tried to verify it but I would not give him the correct pronounciation of my street because any American would know how to pronounce it.

I am not out any money. Did not fall for this.

- Haines City, FL, USA


- Harrison, AR, USA

Received a call from a David Washington from Mega Millions clearance dept., work ID# 3399. Mr. Washington said that I had won $2.5 million and a 2016 Ford F-250. Gave me this number to verify: 1-866-996-5997. Said winning number was 232373. Further into the conversation, when I was questioning if it was a scam, he gave me another name and number to call saying it was the head of the dept. John A. Goldberg 876-383-5981.

Received a phone call from a man named Joel Peterson who said he was from Mega Millions and that I was selected in a raffle. I asked what raffle and he said a group of people who paid their utility bills on time. He told me that I won $7.5 million and a new Mercedes. He gave me a claim number, a pack code no. and a delivery no. He then told me to call a James Bilmoore who said he was in Las Vegas. It looks like both numbers are Jamaican.

I felt this was a scam and played along until he told me to have $1850.00 on hand. also a liquidation fee of $25,000.00 for conversion from US to Canadian funds to be paid after the prize cheque was deposited. At that point I told him not to call me again and hung up. Phone Numbers I was given to call. 1-876-793-8660 and 1-876-315-9336.

I received a call letting me know that I had won 5.5 million dollars and it was waiting for me at the Edmonton International Airport and they asked if I would be home today to receive the money personally. I was told that the money was being accompanied by FBI Agent Mark Peterson. 

I tried to do *69 on the phone but it did not come up with a phone number that called me so I could not confirm it came from the airport.

I was given a phone number to call 1-876-886-0231 and was told I needed to pay $180 for insurance.

I called the phone number and spoke to Robert Hadams (spoke with a strong accent) who told me he was from Mega Millions in Toronto Ontario. He then asked if I paid the $180. When I asked him what that was for he said CRA so they could deliver my winnings. 

When I told him I did not believe him he pressured me to explain why I did not believe him so he could do better next time. 

- Aiea, HI, USA

I received a call from Mr. Cooper at Publisher's Clearinghouse. He told me I won $38,000 and needed to pay $380 to get my prize. He said he would email me some forms. I received an email from Kevin Williams, President/CEO of Mega Millions. Attached was a letter from Mega Million, a check for $3,500,000 and paperwork which said I needed to pay $3,800, by Money Gram or Western Union, to get my money.

Mega Millions called me and told me I had won $10,175,000.00.  He said I would have to send them 17,000 to cover part of the taxes on the winnings and they would send me the money bank wire transfer to my bank and in turn I would need to send them 11,000 to cover the balance left owed by me to be able to collect the remaining 6 million.  I fell for the first.  Needless to say I didn't receive the winnings.

Ok we are sorry for what happened to you but there is away how you could receive back your money iam David foster my number is 6159886454

My aunt was contacted by a person claiming to be from Mega Millions and she had won a Million Dollars and would come Monday and bring a car. I would like to report this activity. The numbers they have called from are :876-598-9716 and 876-588-7189 and 876-356-3518.

A call telling me I had won Mega Millions sweepstakes and they would deliver it to my home at 2:45 this afternoon.

I ask him (indian sounding man) what it would cost me to get this and he said I would have to pay $850 for tax on the amount and could go to Western Union to send the money. I told him I did not have that kind of money and he hung up. I called him back to get the money and when he answered, sounded like a pet dog in the background and then I hung up. I think it is a scam and I am sure I am not going to get any millions at my door at 2:45 pm, so wanted to report it.

- Geneva, OH, USA

I have received several phone calls from the manager of Mega Millions. The first time I won $6.5 million. He wanted me to send $85 for my cash prize. The last time he called it was down to 2,5 million. Caller also had me speak with his manager. I asked them to donate the money to St. Judes, Boys Town and Make a Wish. The caller became angry when I requested they donate the money. I know it is a scam and wanted to report the call. The three phone numbers they called from are 876-869-5616, 876-581-9302 and 876-292-1281. All numbers were on my caller ID. It sounded like the same person calling each time. JM showed on my caller ID.

Check fields!

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