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Mikkelsen Twins

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Mikkelsen Twins Reports & Reviews (45)

I told them I was from the FBI and the account they debited was under federal indictment. This was after a month realizing this wasn’t going anywhere as a legit business. I got a refund why I waited on the phone. I won


Report them to Forbes magazine they were never on the cover


If I could get the twins alone I would be done for murder that’s how much they scammed me and that’s how much I really [censored]ing hate them.


Bought the course you get emailed videos to watch 1st video write a book in seven days. Christian says pick a topic and Google the topic copy and paste anything that is not copyrighted make the book seven thousand words and your done. He says people are stupid and will believe anything. As long as the cover is great he shows on internet where to download non copyrighted photos are and uses one. Makes it look fancy and says it’s done writes description and says this is the important part. copy what I write if your looking for and the title then look no further tells you what sizes to use and uploads it to kdp. There you have it your a writer. Then he says yes the book is probably [censored] but that doesn’t matter we can dumb people believe anything how is this done by reviews. So you join the AIA Facebook group only for members there is around 15,000 here is where you get your reviews you swap books with each other for free and everyone has to write a 5 star review for each over why because we’re now a family but in truth it was more like a cult where everyone one is over nice false basically. People would share comments happily that’s fine but if someone says one thing like oh man I had an issue with my story contacted support never had reply until next day BYE BYE and post is removed along with them in seconds. You can do as you please but honestly these [censored]ers are con men heartless Hitlers who just want your money there is no refund you can tell them you haven’t used the course your mum is dying or you're losing your house don’t give a [censored] once paid no money back. I’m pretty sure karma will be visiting them soon very soon, like they say when one twin dies the other will die with it. And when that happens, no flowers from me. Next so you wrote the book in 7 days now what you rinse it and repeat the process over and over and over until you're making money in your sleep. Next is audible and ghostwriters these you must pay for they are very expensive. But wait for we can other the service’s of a Nigerian who can do it, half the price as a professional would charge. So what if people buy your audible book, and they can’t understand what they are saying you have been paid so that’s their problem, again rinse and rinse people are dumb. And that’s your money gone guys, good luck. I will add the videos how to open an Amazon account downloading pictures and how to upload your book on Reedsy is free on YouTube and have better step-by-step instructions thanks for listening that’s pretty much it for $2000


I bought the online course after watching a YouTube video. I booked a goal setting call were no goals were set. I was asked a bunch of questions about myself and was told I was a good fit for the accelerator program. I booked an interview to see If I would be accepted. In the interview call I was told that I was an excellent candidate. I was told the Mikkensen twins would like to work with me on a more personal level and that they would like to turn me into a success story to help sell the online course to others. I was told I would make atleast 10000 dollars a month and if I didn't and wasn't satisfied there was a money back guarantee. I was then told that of the nearly 500 people who had been in the program not a single one asked for a refund because they all found success. I was told not to worry I would have a personal coach working with me showing me what to do down to the last click. Then I was told that spots are limited and filling up there are only two twins and they only have so much time. They said I needed to pay now to secure my spot. I bought thinking it was an amazing opportunity and had the security of a money back guarantee. Turns out there is no refund policy. I'm not working any closer with the twins than in the normal course my 1 0n 1 coach there to help me constantly while I work is actually a dude I can email with questions and he will get back to me when he can. There are 6 coaches to over 900 students. So that limited spots available was a total lie. The whole program was misrepresented to me and I was pressured to buy under false pretense. I feel like a fool but you don't have to stay away from


Soo just so I’m understanding correctly … you didnt get a refund at all? Did you follow the step of emailing [email protected] for the refund? What about the access to the Facebook group etc , was that legit?
Never ever ever believe a “ limited spots “ pitch. If they don’t want to give you time to think about it or talk about it - it’s probably because they want to keep you from seeing things exactly like I am seeing now. I was a SECOND away from using the little bit of savings I actually have to purchase this course. I was actually just googling them because I was excited and eager to start!
I did tell them though that I wouldn’t buy up front immediately , at all - ever. I said well if spots fill up or the price rises, I will purchase at whatever price available when there is an “ open spot “ or whatever, but nothing you say will make me buy now. They ended the call quick.

Same here man. They use the line, “there’s only limited spots left , so apply now”. Bro it’s all lies just to drag you in to buy the course. All psychology and they drag you in with the money back guaranteed and no financial risk. They’re liars and scammers

mariacool-Having bought the course, now, I understand your frustration. Admittedly, I bought it for for only a fraction of their advertised price, since I brought in a second person which immediately halves the cost to about $775, plus I am eligible for and additional $500 rebate which they promise to everyone who pays upfront to (help) defray the cost of your first ghostwritten book. So, the total amount will come out to only about 15-20% of the full price for me, but if you paid full price then I see how your first book could add up to $3000 with the expenses involved after you purchased the course, just to get to the point of actually publishing. However, on their behalf I would say that they make it pretty clear in their advertising pitch that the initial expense is a LONG TERM investment, and that you need to publish on average 5 books EVERY month to generate at least 5K/month which they promise. Giving up after ONE book is not necessarily a valid complaint against them, since you were not willing to do what they said was necessary to make money. If you failed on your first attempt, even after advertising, I sympathize, but all business is a risk, and they make it clear it takes more than 1 book to generate a passive income.

As for your complaints about their Youtube/ACX accounts being suspended--they were pretty upfront about that, mentioning it in their course, and indicated it was while they were publishing on their own and not after they started selling their course, I believe. And, if it was, they corrected whatever they were doing wrong--anyone can make mistakes, so it's not proof of a scam. Also, you can ask your question about ANYONE selling a course--why aren't they just doing it themselves if it is so lucrative? Obviously they made enough money publishing themselves (which shows it can be done)so that they could afford to create a course, and, second, they figured that with all the money they had earned (and maybe they reached a plateau) that a cost-benefit analysis told them they could earn more money/hrs invested by selling a course. But, tell me, would you want to have to put in full time, times TWO people--the equivalent of 80 hrs/week, plus have to worry about the responsibility of hiring a huge staff, payrolls, a myriad of technical issues, etc. etc. I doubt it--it's not for 99% of people looking to make money, so I don't see that as a valid complaint.

Although I am still pursuing their course part time, I do, now, also have a major complaint which explains why I am not giving full time to this project. Their advertising is very transparent, so you know what the money making idea is all about, BUT, and it's a big BUT, they are also very GLIB about it and NOWWHERE do they indicate it will take you 4-6 months (for most people who can only do this part time)before you actually get to the point where you can begin to earn money-after going thru the LONG course, setting up an LLC, opening a merchant account, making a cover, formatting your book, etc, etc, etc.--at times it seems endless. The bottom line is they neither make clear in their advertising that it takes this long to get to the BEGINNING point of actually trying to earn money, NOR do they inform you of the myriad of steps AND EXPENSES incurred until you get to that point, as well. Plus, while they continually update the course, they have not updated their advertised estimates of costs you will incur, which is probably about 5 years old and has increased over time, in some cases .

So, while I still think this could be a long term possibility for passive income, and if you enjoy writing/publishing , as I do, it could be an interesting and engaging way to earn--- had I known that it takes so many steps, with additional expenses until you get there, I probably would not have purchased the course. and, the only reason I am not so upset about it now is, as mentioned, I bought the course at a greatly reduced price, so it comes out to a minimal investment for me.

Perhaps I will write another review later if/when I see the actual financial results from the course. So, yes, I understand you, and am also issuing a warning to anyone who wants to buy the course to consider the drawbacks I have mentioned, but I'm not ready to call them outright scammers. As usual, there are two sides to the story, with all due respect, and don't forget they DO offer a money back guarantee if you follow all their steps.


It seems you are one of the twins or acting on behalf of the twins. I've published over 20 books and your lies are not enough to confirm that this is a scam. Where does it say in the course that you need to publish 5 books every month. Nowhere does it say that.

In terms of money back, you need to spend at least $3000 by publishing 1 book to be eligible for their refund. You would still be out of pocked by around $3000.

It's not a scam. It's a rip off, but it's not a scam. They say they'll deliver a course for $999 and that's exactly what they do. It might be a load of rubbish but in the eyes of the law they're keeping their end of the deal.
You could file lawsuits if you could argue that they said "You will make lots of money" or "You will make this money back in no time" but you would have to prove that they gave that impression. They would surely have a disclaimer on their website.


Think about it. If you were the twins, and your scam revenue runs dry, and the only thing you know how to do is steal money from phone courses, you would find anything you could to promote easy passive income. So now they are doing the book thing. They are doing the audio book thing. When the well runs dry, they will sell some other online course myth. Hmmm, maybe they are working on HOW TO GET RICH SELLING NFTs . Yes dopey greedy people, we will teach you how to make money in the new NFT industry. Its exploding. My wifes friend just sold her first NFT for $44,000... and on and on and on


This is my update so far.
Bought the course, did the weekly video, created the book, spent over $3000 on a single book, bought their useless formatting service, bought the wasteful description package, and bought the poor outline package. Today I'm still in debt and wish I had never bought their course. The Mikkelsen Twins are cold-blooded and don't care less. The only thing they care about is their own pockets and wealth, nothing more. Their greed exceeds all levels and I regret to have signed up to their scam course with tons of lies. I'll be claiming my money back or even getting a chargeback claim from my bank. Complete waste of time, effort, and money.

These scammers should be shut down.

P.S. their very good coach has recently left due to internal conflict, which shows what you are spending your money on.


That's the trouble. Once you've paid the initial sum of money, you're more inclined to pay more when asked because you don't want to waste what you've already spent. That's how these rip off merchants get into your head.

Is it possible you are a bad writer? or better yet, don't know how to follow simple instructions?

Also, another thing which Micheal Greene has not highlighted. He says they give you $500 towards the book. That is only if you have successfully launched the book AND also launched audiobook. The audiobook costs around $100 per finished hour for good quality and poor quality at $50 per hour. A book that is around 3 hours long will get you around $150 to $300. In addition, you will have to have a audio cover made as well which is additional money. Once you can submit these evidence you will be lucky to get the $500 as they claim. Several people mentioned on facebook they have never received their refund and I have not received this either. Just shows Micheal Greene is part of the same AIA twins.

Michael Greene - You say it is false claim and competitor. Let me explain how a book costs $3000. You pay for the software which they recommend. You pay for the professional (but poor quality) book cover for $300. You pay for their description package at $67, you pay for their outline package $297, you pay for their formatting package $67 which is poorly done. I then have to pay professional to do this at $350. You then advertise over 1 month with amazon which is $1000. Now tell me why this does not add up to $3000? There is no red flag and these fraudsters should be shut down. I will continue to alert as many people as possible. Also explain to me why several people have had their ideas stolen from the coaches who you have to call weekly. No answer there as well. Also tell me how you can claim a book launch will only cost $6-700. I have followed the course step by step and so have several people who are on reddit. They all say the same thing that this is a scam course.

Sounds like a false claim by a disgruntled and loser competitor. If you follow their course correctly you should not have to pay more than $6-700 per book, and for your first book they give you a $500 gift toward it. That's a BIG RED FLAG to claim you spent $3000 on a book.

Sounds like sour grapes from a few wannabe competitors.


you should be ashamed of yourself for trolling for the twins. Go make an honest living instead of slamming people for telling the truth about the twins.

The twins say Forbes Magazine did an article on them. That is a carefully worded lie. The bought a page, wrote an article, and promoted the heck out of the Forbes name. Forbes Magazine NEVER wrote or mentioned these guys. They sold them a fancy ad

Is there was only 1 sour grape then it would be acceptable that its down to competition. But what would you call if its several sour grapes in reddit? Is that down to competition as well? They are a scam

The ads say a free lesson in 1 minute and 30 seconds, but everytime you refresh the page it resets back. Doesn't take a genius to check. These scams are sooooooooooo common. And the site is different when you go from ads, straight up lying about things. Obvious scam. What is worse is that people fall for it, and praise it, or the reviews are fake and just bribes, which is likely the case.


These twin guys from Publishing Life pretend to be friendly and helpful. My experience is very different. About 2 months ago I bought the course for nearly $1500. I studied every night after my full time job, I spent every weekend learning and arranging all the necessary stuff in order to publish my first book, and I didn't really bother the customer support much because I wanted to get through the very information overloaded course. I got really frustrated and lost and I voiced my frustrations to the customer support. Just after 2 emails back and forth, I got threatened that criticizing the content of the course is not allowed. After my next normal email, the customer service guy cut me off and refunded my money. No explanation other than I don't fit to the culture. Nobody asked me why I was so frustrated, nobody gave me a fair warning, our loving Twins just cut me off after all the work I have done. I wasn't born yesterday and I can see clearly through their business model. But I wanted to learn how to publish a book and maybe change a couple of things in my life as a result, so I gave it an honest go. There is a lot of nice pep talk, but the reality is very different. When they lure people into buying their course, they say that they will do anything to make the member succeed. I have worked so hard on this for 8 weeks straight and only one time I voiced my frustrations, without any bad language or anything like that, and our loving Twins decided to cut me off, without a chance to explain why I was so frustrated with the course. If you think that this course is just a step by step manual on self publishing, and that you can easily do it if you are a single mom with 3 kids, think again. But that is the business model of so many courses out there from day trading to self publishing. These twins really disappointed me great deal, and not because of their fame driven fake attitude, but how cold blooded they are if someone simply doesn't fit into their little click. I bot the course, I have worked hard on it for 8 weeks and because of my first frustration with the content of the course, they found inconvenient and closed my account, with a really weak and lame BS explanation via their customer support guy. They know exactly how they are playing the odds and large numbers. I do not wish them well because they hit me below the waste line and I hope people will not be fooled like I was. I just hope I can find another resource and continue.


I'm so sorry to hear this! I was very skeptical about this business model, and that's why I visited this site, I do FBA, and so far I'm $4k in debt, last 3 months I've been going negative, but this month I went with a little profit, hoping it will get better!

Check out Udemy courses for 10-15 dollars, instead of 1,000-1500 dollars. You can buy 100 courses there on publishing. I'm sure you'll learn more too. Or... just go to YouTube and find tutorials, not from scammers.

I feel so bad that I didn't read up online community as I bought the course and went through all their course content. I can confirm from my experience that this is a SCAM and LIES. Their youtube videos show how quick money flows and what an easy job it is. It's too good to be true. But I was blinded by their videos and took the course which cost around $1500. That was a terrible mistake.

Each week is split into several short videos and to unlock the next week's video you have to watch the entire week. Then you have to submit your work and ideas to them. Why would you submit your ideas to them when they confirm you can do everything yourself? They are just idea grabbers and take your title ideas from you.

The worse part is to come. They talk so much in their pre-introduction video that you can make so much money and get a book is written for $500 then put it up on Amazon. That is BS as for getting a book written costs more than $1,000 from the same companies they recommend. I went ahead and choose their recommended companies to write me a book. The book was awful and had serious grammatical errors. It looked as if it was written by an inexperienced college student (no offense). I had to wait so many days to get a refund.

Each week of the course adds more expense to you as they keep telling you to buy software, use their book service, and get the cover designed. That all adds money which they never tell you in their videos.

Their FB group is a joke. No real advice and they keep telling you that you should refer to the course as everything is in there. Its like playing cat and mouse.

Think about it carefully. If it was that easy, why would they not be doing it themselves and write books, and eventually make a lot of money. Because their Amazon accounts have been suspended by Amazon for violation of their terms of service. It tells you a lot about what you are buying.

Secondly, they believe they can make more money by selling expensive course instead of couple of dollars for each book they sell on Amazon. They are FAKE "gurus" and I would highly stay away.

I'm now in process of getting my refund which I doubt they will issue. I would recommend anyone who is reading this to STAY AWAY!


Forbes doesn't know their background, and they don't care if they found a good story to attract readers. Trusting Forbes blindly is a bad idea. It's not the first time they've promoted con artists on their site.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that a 1500 dollar course is overpriced. Why are they selling the business instead of doing it? First, because they know they can make more money that way, so that tells you something about how lucrative DOING the business isn't. Second, because they lost their Amazon accounts. Even if they got it back, come on, man... they got all the information they're sharing from Big Luca's course, which they bought. And then added some YouTube info to it. I've taken their course. It's garbage. They tell you to waste thousands of dollars on outsourcing books and narrators, hoping that you'll make it back with some fake reviews or almost-impossible methods to get emails from readers and begging them for some reviews. There are better business models out there. Nobody should EVER pay that kind of money for a course, especially information you can all get for free online.

Dude, after 8 weeks of hard work, I voiced my frustration with the content and they cut me off, closed my account and refunded my money without any explanation other than that I don't fit into their culture.

Also, the fact that Forbes featured them in an article in December 28, 2020 makes them seem pretty legit. I don't think Forbes would promote scammers.

Hi Maria, thanks for posting. I am considering doing the AIA course. But I am doing my research. I have read really good reviews, and not so good reviews. So it's hard to know what to believe. I see your post was very recent, within the last month, so I would love to hear more feedback from you. Did you do the four one-on-one coaching sessions that they offer?

They make it seem like a lot of people who do the course earn a great income. And that their methods are ethical, etc. But I would love to hear more about your experience if you have actually signed up for the course. Most of the negative reviews I read are from people who have not done the course. Although I know there are people out there who claim they have done the course and claim it's a scam, but they are often just competitors trying to slander their competition.

I lost around $3000 before I realized that this is just scam. After each video you watch in course they tell you to purchase software, purchase book cover, get their recommended book company etc. That all adds cost until I realized this would cost a lot more than they state.

Hi very insightful can I ask you how much money you lost before you realised they were scammers your insight is very helpful it’s people like you that speak up for all the other people like me from getting conned,I’m sorry you were conned

These scammers claim they make so much money, but Amazon terminated their ACX account because they kept telling everyone to manipulate the system.

They make income claims to lure you into an overpriced course. The FTC shut down MOBE. How is this any different? Get rid of these con artists.


Sarah is telling the truth. They do mention in their course that they got banned from ACX and KDP. I've saved their recorded videos just in case they decide to remove them.

Sarah Bakersson - you are lying and there are a LOT of other false claims being bandied around this site! They have provided a 2hour long FREE video that explains what they do. Yes, they operate a paid service but there is no obligation to buy it and they have tons of videos that cover evrything to do with online publishing - it doesn't cost £200+ like most Udemy classes (£10-15 per course is only available in one of the tri-annual sales).

This is not true. Please provide proof of these claims.

I've seen books that were on there account and are gone now. Everyone who was in those FB groups knows that they were gaming the system with the reviews on Audible. All that stuff gets shoved under the rug. Maybe check out the full story in the book "Publishing Is a Insanity" on Google Play. I read it myself, and the guy is 100% right. Sarah is right too. There have been some serious complaints about them on the KDP forums, authors who went through the rabbit hole and found the things they were hiding.

There is a sucker born every day. All these get-rich-quick schemes are the same: "Find out how you can make 10,000 per month on YouTube!" Yeah, you know how difficult that is? "Make 5k/day with day trading?! Buy my course!" Maybe watch a bit more from Coffeezilla to understand how the game works. And the deceiving part is that all of those businesses are actually legit businesses that you CAN make money with. The lie is always the fact that they make it seem 100x easier than it actually is, and the course salesmen cash in on people's greed, making big promises and putting a little disclaimer at the bottom that results will vary.

Let me just say this: With ALL of these businesses, you don't need to buy a course. You need to figure it out. Anyone actually doing it the right way, isn't as likely to sell a course. They do it, and they don't want competitors. People selling courses, don't wanna do it. They want others to do it. That says something too.

The reason I am spending my time reacting to this, is because I can't stand people who scam, lie, or make people believe something that isn't true. What you do with your money, is up to you, of course.

Hi Sarah,

How do you know that Amazon terminated their ACX account? Is there a way to verify this?


Yeah, these people are scammers for sure. You can't make income claims, it's illegal and a tactic used by get-rich-quick scammers.


He says he also has a self publishing course so it seems like he's just trying to throw dirt on them to get an upper hand. He doesn't explain how they're a scam or anything haha.

- Manchester, NH, USA

These scammers sell a self publishing course and make very blatant unsubstantiated income claims as well as outrageous income claims both on Youtube and on their website, and are selling their course for $997 dollars. These scammers have stepped into my industry and are causing everyone to think that all self publishing courses are a scam, and therefore it affects and hurts my business, so I am concerned about it. Thus, I would like to do my best to expose these scammers and bring them to justice.


It's unbelievable and shameful to read some opinions defending these scammers...

Check out Reddit "Mikkelsen Twins Scam." There are tons of people calling these scammers out.

And uhm... even if only 1 person would claim they're scammers, that doesn't mean anything. That person could still be right and the gullible sheep falling for the get-rich-quick-scheme could still be wrong. How many worshippers does Dan Lok have? I rest my case.

But yeah, just to make you feel more comfortable to be part of a crowd that confirms your doubt: There are a lot of people who hate these twins and their lies. Check out Reddit and check out KDP forums. />

you will need to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission however in your case it will be ignored because you are not a customer but a competitor and because of that it may be best if you just moved on.

Are you the only person saying they are scammers? Because that's what I'm looking into but I see you are literally the only person complaining...?

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