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No name

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No name Reports & Reviews (114)

Daily I get a call from this business and they want to know the last 4 digits of my SS number to verify with me certain personal business information that I need to know. They will not identify if this is debt collection or something else and will not send me anything in the mail. AND THEY WILL NOT STOP CALLING ME.

A call was left on my messages from a company that says my computer license is expired. I called them back (I knew it was a scam) and they wanted me to turn my computer on so they could do work because my computer license was expired. Told them I knew this is a scam and I was going to report them and hung up.

- Downsville, LA, USA

we posted in the local newspaper a piece of farm equipment for sale with our cell phone as a contact number. we received a text from someone asking if livestock trailer was still for sale. we replied yes. They wanted pictures which we sent. Afterward they sent a text that they would "propose payment for the trailer and I will instruct my client to issue out payment to you with a cashiers check" Payment would be excess amount to cover shipping. Anyway the entire thing smelled like a scam. We responded that they should call us so we could talk to them. They responded that they were unable to call. The area code is in California.

- Evanston, IL, USA

Received a pre recorded message saying i was being served with legal documents and that if i did not call number back, i would be arrested.

They are saying that they are a Prelitigation firms Aras (or Eris, Eras, and Associates).


- Pittsburgh, PA, USA

A man called me and told me that my father was in a car accident. He was ok, but my father hit the man's little brother and he's in the hospital and not sure if he's going to make it. Then he said his older brother (who was a "dangerous man", in the mob) got into an altercation with my father and kidnapped him and they're going to kill my father if I don't pay them the money for the medical bills. I didn't believe him so I started asking questions about the location of the accident and when I did, the man yelled at me and cut me off. So I texted my dad to see where he was...sure enough, he was home watching TV.

Received tx call 6:13 pm from Travis stating that I had been entered into a sweepstakes and selected as a 25000 winner. He called from 844 954 3210 and asked me to call back at 877 406 0247 ex 747. I did not speak with him but these instructions were left on my answering machine.

On Tuesday, 9/12 I received a call with "No Caller ID", I picked up and did not say anything, they hung up. Yesterday, I was caught off guard with another call, same "No Caller ID" and when I picked up they used my name "G...." and impulsively I said "Yes" and they immediately hung up. I am usually so diligent about this and am unsure as to what this means or how they can use it. The scammers somehow got my name. I am putting a fraud alert on my credit and will be watching my statements.

Obviously, they are switching up their tactics if they have your name already.

- Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Saying that they were with government and its free money my phone number has been slated to recived 9.000. Dollars. They can put the money on in your checking account or on a credit card then i hung up the phone

I received a phone call today from (513-438-3376) the message stated that if you have not missed a payment on you utility bill in the last six months then press 1. They claim they can reduce your energy bill by 15%. I feel this is a scam and I wanted to warn others.

- Burlington, NC, USA

The call was a recording with a person named Jeremy asking if I recently had knee, shoulder or back pain and ends with, "Is that correct?"

- Trenton, MO, USA

Legal action if I don't contact them about 4 outstanding items. I may be arrested.

- Westminster, SC, USA

Receive a call stating my computer was messed up. We did not have our computer on. My computer is in storage. Ask to be taken off calling list and he cursed at me and hung up.

- Albany, OR, USA

I got a call earlier this morning around 10:20 and they said their name was my name and then asked if I could hear them. Of course as a natural response I said yes. They then continued to try to sell me a vacation package. I hung up immediately.

- Boiling Springs, SC, USA

Message on phone says we have not filed taxes. You have 24 hours to contact us or we will turn it over to our attorney. Did not say how much money is owed, just call numbers.

- Omaha, NE, USA

Male Voice. Asked if I was XX, exact words are "Hello Can I speak to *Name*", said yes this is XX and then line went dead.

- Price, UT, USA

Landline phone.. rarely use this phone, so no caller ID... a young man asked "is this (my name)"? I said "yes this is" ...He hung up. I have seen the news reports of them making these type of calls and not to say yes to anything, but I was distracted and it was automatic. I have placed a police report, had my accounts noted about this call, and reported to BBB.

- Jacksonville, FL, USA

Received call from an area code same as mine. caller asked "Is this------(my name). I responded yes. They began to state that they could save me money on utilities and then was disconnected.... When I tried to call number 904 531 3347 it was disconnected.

- Colby, KS, USA

I got a recorded phone call from a local phone number (for me) stating that my warranty was about to expire and that I needed to immediately respond to this phone call. I hung up and blocked the numbe.

- Las Vegas, NV, USA

I was half asleep, answered the phone. As soon as I said "yes" they hung up. I tried calling them back, but they said all our agents are busy on a recorded message.

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