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Not Reportable

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Not Reportable Reports & Reviews (50)

I received 4 to 6 calls within 8 minutes because i was picking up the phone and would mute it. The person would hang up and would call again within 30 seconds and when i got annoyed i decided to call back and ask them to take my number of their list. I was recording everything on my phone. The guy had and accent and kept asking me if i was this other person he was trying to contact and i told him i dont have to tell him anything and what he is doing is illegal and he laughed then proceeded to hang up. He didnt seem very professional. I kept calling to make sure my phone was not contacted anymore and i could only hear background noise.

- Aurora, CO, USA

I received 2 calls from 844-599-9460 stating that this was the IRS and that there was a warrant out for my arrest and then I received 1 call from this number 844-599-9464 stating the same thing. It was a recording all 3 times. And they stated that I needed to call them back and God Bless.

These people constantly call stating that if I do not pay this IRS bill they will have me arrested?? I DO NOT OWE THE IRS AND IF THEY CALL ME AGAIN, I WILL TELL THEM THEY ARE GOING TO BE ARRESTED FOR FRAUD. I am sick and tired of the freaking scammers from all over the world, especially from INDIA.

Received call from someone claiming to be with the IRS, saying I owe back taxes.

Received call that I had won a $9000 grant and needed to send $250 as a deposit first.

- Arvada, CO, USA

Will not remove contact information from contact list at my request, belligerent when communicating, resistant, insists on further information to remove me from their contact list.

Was contacted twice by this number stating they were the IRS and they were going sue and needed to call back immediately. The voicemail left was a recorded message. Tried to call back. Refused to let me talk with the supervisors. Individual on the line when called back has a foreign accent. Claimed to be a man named Chris Webber.

I was contacted by 'Agent XXXX' from the US Department of Treasury (with an Indian accent....) It was to inform me I had a federal lawsuit against me in regards to my 2013 & 2014 tax filings as they were filed improperly and I had an outstanding readjusted tax liability of $5,236.

After I asked too many questions with ZERO satisfactory answers I demanded a manager/supervisor. I was hung up on several times. I called back to let them know I'd be reporting them to BBB/FTC/Police anyone who could come after them and they replied 'go-ahead'.

They have no fear of being caught or punished operating this highly aggressive and scary outbound tele-scam.

Was called by Amber and told that I had $7,000 in grants I had been awarded for being a good citizen. Was given a code and told to call this number back to redeem. Was told I had to pay a couple hundred dollars upfront to redeem my $7,000.

Threaten legal action.

Called with a computer generated voice saying IRS has a warrant for me and my property.

Called back and the individual that answered identified himself as "officer" so and so.

This individual had a strong south west Asian accent.

I did 3 tours to Iraq and Afghanistan so I was familiar with the accent.

I asked to be removed from the calling list and was aware that this was a scam.

I would report to BBB

They left the number 206 483 0100 to call immediately.

45 second voice mail left stating it's Heada Gray with the IRS and that I must call 415-528-6201 immediately before they take action against me.

I received a robocall claiming that it was from the IRS and that the IRS was filing lawsuit against me and to call 626-390-9614 for more information. I did not call them back. I was just informing you that I received this call if you need to keep track of it.

Caller left a voicemail stating they were with the IRS and I needed to call them immediately. The first person referred to himself as Rick Peterson (a male with a heavy East Indian accent), gave an ID number, and stated that b/c I wasn't home when a warrant for my arrest was being delivered, they were going to call the Sheriff to have me arrested immediately as soon as the call was over. He repeated this many times. They claimed I owed $5,260 to the IRS for tax years 2013 and 2014. I told them that couldn't be as I had regular mail communication with the IRS for the 2014 tax year and hence was certain no residual balance was possible. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was transferred to a Mark Black,, also a male with a heavy East Indian accent, who provided his ID number. He gave the same story and claimed they had been in contact with Turbo Tax, who refused to comply and hence the need for my arrest. I told him they must be a scam b/c the IRS would never go through Turbo Tax to settle a tax matter. He then stated a sherrif wouldn't be sent and hung up.

The number called and left a voicemail and then stated that I had owed taxes and the IRS had issued a warrant for my arrest, and I needed to pay right away to clear my name.

Callers indicating that they are calling from US treasury in the call threatening a grand jury.

Consumer receiving calls from company telling her she was approved to receive loan money, but they need access to her bank account to put the money in. She has not applied for a loan and doesn't know how they got her phone number. 

- Lafayette, CO, USA

The IRS was trying to get in contact with me and they were filing lawsuits against me. Important that I contact them right away.

- Brighton, CO, USA

2 calls to my cell, my name is never said. First call was a female very strong mid east, maybe, stating the IRS is trying to contact me due to a class action law suit against me. The second call sounded more like a recording with less of an accent. the phone number left was. 786-765-6665. I have not called it, there is no reason this would be happening to me.

- Broomfield, CO, USA

Scam phone call supposedly from United States Treasury by Mr. David Grey contact # 2065382578

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