Online Retailer Scam - Macy's Impostor Reports & Reviews (3)
Online Retailer Scam - Macy's Impostor Contacts
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If you know any contact information for Online Retailer Scam - Macy's Impostor, help other victims by adding it!
Country United States
Victim Location VA 22656, USA
Total money lost $55.18
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's website [email protected].
Scammer's address NY, USA
Country United States
Victim Location PA 18062, USA
Total money lost $49
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Victim Location VA 20148, USA
Total money lost $179
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Said Macys store closing (ours is) saying I was getting a Tiffany bracelet for my loyalty price was shipping $2.50 within minutes charges were hitting
My cc I am disputing the charges and getting new card I don’t know if I will recover the $